Source: Nikkei Chinese Network

Author: Eighty Island Hiping, Nishino apricot dishes

Overseas investment related to the "Belt and Road" concept of "Belt and Road" in China ’s wide -range economic circle is changing.Large infrastructure decreases, and soft investment in the cutting -edge fields and numbers is increasing.

Drive to the east of Dakar, the capital of Senegal, about 30 minutes of driving east, and there is a building like a military base in a red earth.This is the government data center managed by the Senegal Digital Bureau and the army is responsible for the guard.

It was completed in 2021 as a cooperative project with China, and the server was provided by Huawei Technology of China Communication Equipment Giant Huawei.

The person in charge of the agency, Shif Bagu (transliteration), said that "the data stored on the European and American corporate servers stored overseas overseas will restore the 'digital sovereignty' while cutting costs."

Senegal also used China's funds to build street cameras and submarine cables.The information of the camera is "analyzed by special software" (Bagu) in the data center.

The British Financial Times "FDI Markets", which provides foreign direct investment related data, analyzes the content of "green land investment" of Chinese companies in local establishment of legal persons, establishment of factories and sales channels locally.

The growth is obviously the digital field.Compared with the "Belt and Road" in 2013, the investment scale of IT (information technology) communications and electronic parts in 2022 increased to US $ 17.6 billion.

Professor of the Professor of Japan's Zhipu University of Technology, Huan Yongda pointed out, "China has been exported to the country's perfect digital infrastructure in the country since the second half of the 2000s", and said that "with Huawei expand overseas investment, since 2013, this trend has become this trend since 2013, this trend has become this trend.Have strengthened. "

The greater growth is the biological field.It reached 1.8 billion US dollars in 2022, an increase of 29 times compared to 2013.The symbol of biological investment is the development of coronary vaccine.

China's vaccine exported to the world by the end of 2022 has reached about 2 billion doses.As the European priority of the vaccine manufacturer's inoculation, China has reached a helping hand to emerging market countries.

ETANA BIOTECHNOLOGIES in ETANA BIOTECHNOLOGIA in Indonesia has obtained the development technology provided by the messenger RNA (MRNA) vaccine provided by Abo Biotechnology, Suzhou, China.The vaccine factory was completed in 2022, with the goal of producing 100 million doses.

Andreas Donny, the person in charge of the public relations of

Etana, said, "To catch up with the world level, technology provides a shortcut. China's response is the fastest."

China is committed to promoting overseas investment in the growth field, while reducing investment in large -scale infrastructure.

The development of fossil fuels such as coal and other fossils has been reduced to 1 in the past 10 years.China has proposed a carbonization target by 2060, and said in 2021 that it stopped building a new coal -fired power plant overseas.

Investment in the metal fields such as aluminum manufacturing also decreased after reaching its peak in 2018.There is a reality that investing less investment than hard infrastructure in the field of soft fields.

From the perspective of the investment in each project, the fossil fuel field is US $ 760 million, and the mineral field is 160 million US dollars, a large scale.In contrast, each project in the biological field is US $ 60 million, IT services are US $ 200 million, the investment is low, and the cost -effectiveness of diplomacy is higher.

Overseas investment around China also has the problem of unable to repay debts in emerging market countries.From the perspective of emerging market countries, if the investment is small, it is easy to reduce risk.

The total amount of funds flowing between China and overseas also show signs of changes.

From October to December 2022, China ’s funds have flowed for the first time in two years.This is the result of a decrease in export and sluggish investment in overseas bonds.It also has a soft investment with a small and high efficiency under the context of worrying about the gradual reduction of hand funds.

China's leading Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is increasing the sense of presence in Asia.How to show that the differences with the Asian Bank have also attracted much attention.