The National Games is like a chess game, and life is like a chess game.There are two major factors that are important: first of all, the extensive layout and improvement pattern, and then the time of trial, finding effective paths, and making wise choices.Only in this way can we lay the final victory.After many people went to the age, they suddenly found that they seemed to be small all the way, and they were passive.One of the main reasons, I am afraid that the pattern set at the beginning is trivial or paranoid, and the layout lacks courage and vision.Then there is too much mistakes and faint tricks when playing chess, resulting in the last defeat.The space is limited. Here we mainly talk about the National Games such as chess.

More than a year ago, the world was gradually recovering from the major disasters of the crown disease, but Russia and Putin suddenly launched a full -scale war of aggression against neighbor Ukraine.Those who are familiar with history may expand from the Dorodian and the Soviet Empire, especially the perspective of the territory of other countries to look at Russia's motivation to launch war.However, Russia and their blind followers have created a grand excuse for their brutal aggression: saying that they are to defend national security and resist the so -called "NATO eastward expansion."

Now, Russia not only does not win in Ukraine, it is already on the eve of the major battles facing the entire counterattack of Ukraine.It is only time for another neighboring Sweden to join NATO.It is not difficult to find out that Finland is close to St. Petersburg, Russia, and once the Finnish Bay is blocked, the Russian Navy is basically no sea in Europe.

On land borders, in addition to the rule of the strong man Lukashenko, in addition to the Bloss country, he is also willing to go with Russia and Putin.Tongtong gathered to NATO and the European Union, which jointly responded to Russia's threats and decoupled with Russia's rule.This has made Russia's dream of "connecting and leading to Europe" since the Great of the Great.After some tossing through Putin, the national interests advance unprecedented predicament, and will be held accountable by Russia's history in the future.

The ability to correct errors in the autocracy

Russia's authoritarian politics also has a major feature, that is, the self -reflection ability is extremely low, and the national strategy has a big problem. It is helpless.Third -party and bystanders (many of them are out of goodwill) have been warning: don't move stones to smash their feet.Unfortunately, no one couldn't persuade, Russia continued to build lies and quibbles while continuing to move stones to smash their feet.It seems that it has to let it go, and the consequences are at their own risk.

About Putin and Russia's specific chess errors and defeats have been mentioned above.From the perspective of layout and pattern, there are three major mistakes and lessons. First, how should we plan for the development of their country and the happiness of the people in the world of the 21st century?Is it through a big fight, siege the city, and take the neighbors as a mirror?Still relying on the development of civilization, innovation in science and technology, market economy trade, and freedom of democracy and rule of law to continuously enhance your competitiveness and attractiveness?Putin and Russia have obviously made the previous outdated choice.

Secondly, from the perspective of geopolitical structure, Russia is a world country that spans Eurasia, but it is not safe to feel that it is not safe.Come to disaster.Starting from a narrow concept of self -safety, Russia does not review the inferiority of ingeniously to plunder other countries.Is there an undefeated reason for such a ridiculous layout?NATO eastward expansion, logical.

Third, although Russian civilization has a long history and culture, it is not the birthplace of modern civilization.Such a classical civilized society is facing a major topic of how to communicate with modern civilization and integrate transformation.To this end, Russia is also a generation of generations of people and sings.However, there is a key problem that has not been resolved so far, resulting in the development layout and pattern that seriously lack the advanced nature and values of modern civilization.This is the issue of political system, that is, it is impossible to truly realize the power to return to the people, and to return politics to the people, so that the Russian people can truly decide and choose the future destiny of the nation.At a critical moment, the country's great cause is still monopolized by the oligopoly of the only husband, and the layout and pattern are paranoid.This is difficult to compete and match with other modern countries.

The topic turns to the current situation of Sino -US relations.Some people may have a deep historical complex. When it comes to the conflict between China and the West, they think of the Eight -Power Allied Forces of that year.Today, China should basically do not have the invasion of other countries; the major challenges facing now are the disputes between the decoustal and curb -type camp.For example, why don't high -end chips sell to Chinese companies?West worried that China would put the chip on advanced weapons and in turn with Western war.Why is Tiktok's controversy in Western countries and is frequently banned or warned?Western believes that Chinese companies should not be able to stop the requirements of the Chinese government from submitting data, so the data security of Western users is not guaranteed.

In these problems and disputes, it is not difficult to find the key background. There is a strong distrust or even hostility between the two parties.For example, the U.S. Congress made a hearing on Tiktok's data security security. For reference, 13 years ago, because of the frequent safety accidents of the US Congress for a period of time, the US Congress had invited the chairman of Toyota to the Congress hearing.The sharp problem is particularly uncomfortable with the oriental cultural crowd who is gentle and gentle. Some people even suspect that the US Congress will take the opportunity to target the status and competitiveness of Japanese cars in the US market.

There are still space for Chinese and Western relations

Later results proved that some excessive suspicion was not basically.After correcting the improvement of driving safety, Toyota Motors, as always, has the advantage of occupying the front -line brands in the US market, and is still widely welcomed by users.The main difference here is that there is no hostility between countries and systems between the United States and Japan, so the hearing can talk about things.TIKTOK's hearing is obviously in a state of political expansion. Many sharp problems are not Tiktok as a company and their senior management personnel.As a result, Tiktok's problem is not solved.In view of the overall landscape, even if the specific steps can take a few steps of smart chess, it will not help.

Regarding the relationship between China and the United States and the West, the author believes that as long as there is no deterioration to the point of hot war, there should be room for rotation and diplomatic space, as well as economic and trade benefits.Western culture and society do not have ancient people in terms of businessism. As long as the ideology should not be too extreme, everyone is still focusing on harmony.The huge success of China's reform and opening up is the best example.Strictly speaking, during the reform and opening up, neither China and the West had never really abandoned their ideology, but at the same time did not go into the demon, so they created a broad space for both parties to communicate, trade, cooperation and development.

Now the situation is different. Recently, the strategic community of the United States, Japan, and the European Union has publicly judged that the era of China's reform and opening up has officially ended. At present, China's focus is on political coaches and safe stability. Therefore, all problems in China are currently.The first is political issues.For example, if you want to grasp the economy in China, you must first grasp politics.The economic adjustment is appropriate, so that the economy can develop.The same is true in the world. It is not enough to reverse the overall international passive and gap.To truly solve the problem, it is still necessary to rely on the reorganization of layout and surpass the pattern.

The author is an expert in international cultural strategy research and consultation in the United States