Source: Taiwan Zhongshi News Network

Author: Zhao Lin

A few days ago, the US President Biden publicly stated in the G7 summit that "US -China relations quickly thawed", and he "talked soon" with Chinese President Xi Jinping.At the same time, the Chinese Minister of Commerce is visiting the United States, and the ambassador to the United States has just arrived in the United States.Although the relationship between the two countries will not turn around immediately, from the perspective of the United States or Biden, we should not want to deteriorate anymore, and the rest depends on China's reaction.

However, how does Taiwan respond?How to end the DPP government's "anti -China" policy?The three -party candidates of the Taiwan election have all been in place. No matter who is elected, it will definitely be the heritage of the inferiority of the "post -Cai era".One of the most criticisms is the policy and practices of the United States.

Any planner, like "2.0".However, during Tsai Ing -wen's ruling, Taiwan's serious result from the United States. No benefit was seen except for US politicians' mouthfuls, but it attracted the danger of the Taiwan Strait.If it was not to break the state and not to prosper the state and the people, the author would be "3.0".

In the 1990s, Taiwan was among the "Four Asian Dragons" period, and mainland China also launched reform and opening up.After the United States disintegrates the Soviet Union, it also wants to promote the non -communion of mainland China.Li Denghui, Taiwan, established the "National Uniform Council" and was assured of Beijing.Therefore, the United States assisted cross -strait APEC and WTO, and Taiwanese businessmen also entered the mainland.It was the most harmonious period of the United States and Lutai's relationship, because the three parties were consistent.

In the 21st century, the United States focused on anti -terrorism in the Middle East because of the 911 incident and had no time to take care of Asia.Especially after joining the WTO, the economy grew rapidly and finally jumped into the world's second largest economy in 2010.The United States felt that it was wrong. Obama decided to "return to Asia". Later, Trump "did not break" in Lu, and Biden "Anti -China Alliance" in the global group.In Taiwan's strong beauty and anti -resistance, it caused the mainland dissatisfaction and caused serious imbalances in the relationship between the United States and Lutai.On the surface, the interests of the three parties have changed.In fact, it is the game of the United States and China. Taiwan's blindly selection can cause today's Taiwan Strait difficulties.

In summary, the Cai government's policies and practices of the Cai government have made four major mistakes: improper self -positioning, self -derogation of the United States, focusing on proclaiming in the United States, and being a waste of talents.

First discuss self -positioning: In the last century, it was strong and weak, and the latter must rely on the United States to Taiwan.But today the United States and China are good at winning the field, and the world is more polar.Taiwan should be changed from the previous "anti -Communist outpost" to the "International Hub", which is widely concluded (including the United States and China).In the U.S. resistance, in addition to the DPP's box office (votes and banknotes), the tribes are used as a purse.

The secondary words are degraded by the country: The Democratic Progressive Party often requires "peering" for the mainland, but when encountering the United States, he has been in the palace.In particular, in the face of boasting the "bombing of TSMC" and "Taiwan's shot", the United States is not a small politician. The president and foreign minister not only refute the righteousness, but instead unloaded the gift of the gifts or enthusiasm.Senior Taiwanese officials who are inferior and dare not say no to the United States are rare.Even Cixi and Li Hongzhang, who cut land compensation in the late Qing Dynasty, sighed, because they were forced to serve the powers, but we were self -harm!

Talking about the proclaimed internal publicity: Taiwan's politics has become popular, but the profound and serious diplomatic and political affairs have also been reduced to mentally handicapped discs.For example: Presidential Twitter Hanging Bai Deng Dog's Destroyer, Secretary -General of the Internet Army besieged the Secretary of Health of the Health and the slanderous diplomat in Japan forced Mingzhi.Furthermore, a small number of American politicians such as "re -delivery with Taiwan" and "US military stationed in Taiwan" are often rendered by the green media, causing the readings to mistakenly use the "international situation" and collectively self -hypnotism.

Finally, talk about talents: Usually, talents are prone to talents, but talents need talents in troubled times.Or it is said that Taiwan ’s diplomatic barren soil is difficult to nourish the seeds of the male; but during the turbulence of China in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, there were still diplomatic sages such as Zeng Jize and Gu Weijun.There is no lack of talents in the current professional diplomats in Taiwan, and they regard the vision and sense of device of the master.That is, the political appointment should also establish a mechanism for strict trial and elimination.Those who must not abuse their ideology and obsessed with diplomatic intellectuals, the laughter of light diplomacy and internal publicity and the national flag as a tablecloth.

The above -mentioned one is only the big.The United States and China continue to confront each other, but when the United States hopes to reconcile with mainland China, it cannot exclude Taiwan will become a bargaining chip under the transactions of the two countries, because there is already a pre -intercourse of Taiwan and the United States.The new president of Taiwan should have new countermeasures. Otherwise, once Taiwan is reduced to the "mainland government management", what does it mean to be the president?

(the author is former Taiwan Ambassador and Associate Professor of Tsinghua University in Taiwan)