The two cabinet ministers rented the black and white houses left by the colonial period and wrinkled a pond of spring water on the social media platform.

This kind of houses belong to state -owned, and only rent or not, and want to rent bids through the Land Administration Bureau.The main doubts of netizens include, what is the gap between the rents of the minister to rent a house compared with the market price?Is the bidding process open and transparent?Is it a conflict of interest?

Because the Turkish Administration is affiliated to the Ministry of the Interior, the interview caused by the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Justice, Shang Mogan, is more hot than the Foreign Minister Wei Wen.

The concern of netizens is reasonable. After all, the state -owned real estate is rented, and the parties are both government decision makers and the people of the people.This also shows that from the political sensitivity of politicians, it cannot be relaxed at all times, otherwise private affairs will become incidents spreading under the sun.

Only talents are the governance models such as using and high -paying integrity. The reason why they pass the test again and again in the election is because it creates a integrity and efficient system that benefits the people.Once the institutional integrity is questioned, the prestige of the ruling party will be eaten.

Prime Minister Li Xianlong has assigned Zhang Zhixian, the Minister of State's Government and Minister of State Security to verify whether the incident follows normal procedures and whether it is involved in improper behavior.The Prime Minister requested that the results of the review will be announced before the Congress recovery.At that time, the members of the Ruling Party will ask at that time.The Civil Affairs Bureau will provide more details.

Before the details have not been made public, various discussions can only be based on assumptions.The questioning of netizens can be summarized as three aspects: procedure, conflict of interests, and social perception.These questions can be divided into two levels. One is to rent a house for ministers, and the other is the system operation of renting black and white houses.

The more detailed the information published by the

The more detailed information, the more doubts can be.What should be the rent for the minister?Is there a guarantee that the bidding process is fair?Is there a lot of old trees in the site where the house is located?

The people in the system are generally cautious. I believe that the two ministers' rental behavior is believed to have procedural legitimacy, and everything goes according to regulations.However, even if all legal compliances, the practice of renting black and white houses for the Turkish Management Bureau has been doing it for many years. The incident still arouses the ripples of public opinion, which is enough to show that the social perception is not good.

Politics is a large extent.The perception is often emotional thinking but irrational thinking.At the moment when the price of prices remains high and the consumption tax is increased, the people of the people are easily provoked.Even if the behavior of the minister's rent is legal and compliant, the ripples will become a huge wave once the rent pays is lower than the market price.

To dismantle the bomb, it should be explained in detail the rental rules and bidding processes of the entire black and white house.One possible result is that the minister's rental behavior is not illegal, but the system operation of renting black and white houses should be adjusted.

If the rent of black and white houses is lower than the market price of other houses, the official should explain the reason for the difference.In the past, I heard that although these houses are large, the facilities are old, so the rent is relatively cheap.

Furthermore, if there are no regulations, the industry owner cannot be rented, and if the proper calculation, can it be rented in black and white houses at a low price, and rent a property in the name of themselves or family members at high prices?

The above practices are not illegal, and it is also common for people.However, if most of the black and white houses can be rented at home and abroad, can it be understood that the existing rental system allows rich people to legally find a convenient door to earn "easy money"?In other words, the existing system is actually providing housing allowances to rich people?If so, the charter of the black and white houses should be adjusted to remove the ash between the black and white.

Rich father, the author of the poor dad, Robert Kiyoshi, said: "The poor work for money, and the rich let money work for themselves."In the world of rich people, it is normal to make "easy money" in cleverness, but in the eyes of the low and middle -class that are overwhelmed by life, it lacks moral legitimacy.

Black and white houses have been in Singapore for many years, forming a unique scenery full of historical sense, but it is far away from the lives of ordinary people.The established impression of ordinary people only stays in high -end restaurants and rich people's houses, and I know little about the management behind them.

Officials may take this opportunity to enhance the public's knowledge, let the rumors stop in the wise, and let the relevant discussion go in a more constructive direction.Intellectuals should not be allowed to push the incident to the dung, discredit war, or even the coming presidential election if there is competition, and will be operated into a disguised referendum.