Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Huang Shunyu

The Hong Kong Legislative Council Conference on May 23 debated and voted through the "Implementation of Organ Transplantation Cooperation with the Mainland" without binding parliament.During the period, officials and members pointed their finger to the unusual number of applicants for organ donation recently, criticizing them "shameful cold blood" and "anti -China -China chaos", which aroused contradictions between the two places.Inciting citizens to maliciously cancel the registration, of course, it is illegal and unreasonable, but it cannot be ruled out that some citizens still have doubts about the organizing and distribution mechanism of organ donation and transplantation medical care in the Mainland.In addition to the politics of "canceling donations", the governors should also be committed to explaining and removing public doubts.Hong Kong 01 interviewed Hong Kong public health experts Ming Weijie, who was familiar with the medical care of the Mainland, explained to readers to explain the development of organ transplantation in the Mainland and put forward feasible suggestions for cross -border organ transplantation.

Politician emotional expression helpless policy lobby

Since the successful acceptance of the Mainland Cardinoma transplantation in December last year, the Hong Kong government has actively promoted the cooperation mechanism of cross -border organ transplantation.However, on May 22, the Medical and Health Bureau revealed that among the 5785 application cases donated by organs in recent months, more than half (2905) cases have never been registered or repeatedly canceled, and February FebruaryThe registration rate of a single month is as high as 74%.The official questioned that someone intended to disrupt the representativeness of the central register and increase the government's administrative burden. The next day, Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao strongly condemned someone to "destroy the system" and asked the police to intervene in the investigation.

The Legislative Council Conference of the Legislative Council (May 25) just happened to debate the "Implementation of Cooperation with Organ Transplantation with the Mainland" without a binding proposal initiated by Lin Zhexuan, a member of the medical and health community, and urged the government to cooperate with the Mainland as soon as possible to implement cross -border cross -border cross -borderOrgan transplantation.The Office of the Council became the public opinion field of officials and parliamentarians.

The director of the Medical and Health Bureau Lu Chongmao repeatedly criticized someone to make rumors and fakes at the beginning and concluding speeches, discredited the development of organs from the state of organs, and intended to create contradictions.The insurance industry Chen Jianbo, the legal community Lin Xinqiang, the Democratic Construction Lian Ge Fan, and the New Democratic Party Li Zijing also scolded others to cancel the donation organs.Zhongxitang ".

Officials' group attacks seemed to take all the cancellation organ donors as "anti -China -China -chaos" molecules.Although inciting the citizens' malicious cancellation of registration is illegal and unreasonable, it cannot be ruled out that some citizens still have doubts about the organizing and distribution mechanism and transplant medical level in the Mainland.In addition to the organ transplantation system and development status, the statements of other Hong Kong governance seem to be emotional and helpless policies lobbying.Investigating the messages online discussions, it is not difficult to find that some netizens are more concerned about the fairness, justice and legality of organ distribution, and expressed the explanation of "donating organs to rich people and senior officials" and "donation organs will be used as trading".Lishecy of the border organ transplantation mechanism.This is obviously caused by the lack of understanding of the development of organ transplantation in the Mainland.

The mechanism is constantly improving the mechanism is quite mature

Ming Weijie, Assistant Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Public Health of City University of Hong Kong University, is familiar with the development of medical care in the Mainland.In an interview with Hong Kong 01, he mentioned that the State Council promulgated the first organ transplantation regulations for organ transplantation legal person in 2007 and continued to improve the relevant laws in the past 16 years.Organ transplantation mechanism.He explained the "Chinese human organs allocation and sharing computer system (COTRS)" and the state -of -human donation organ acquisition organs (trial) documents issued by the country in 2013.The data of the gift is scientifically allocated; the latter requires the provincial health administrative department to set up multiple personal organs acquisition organizations (OPO) under the leadership of the State Health and Health Commission.And supervise the identification, evaluation, maintenance, and transportation of organs.Since 2015, the Mainland government has stopped obtaining the organ of the criminals. Citizens' voluntary donation is the only legal source of organ transplantation.

Layers and mechanisms to ensure that the source of the organs is legal and distributed fairly and fairly. No institution or individual may allocate and buy or sell organs outside the system.Ming Weijie added that "the distribution system contains detailed information about donors and the recipients. Once the organ trading and private allocation occur, the relevant agencies and departments will be transferred to investigate and investigateThe operating mechanism is quite mature. For example, in 2016, the notice of the establishment of a green channel for the establishment of human donation organs, and the China National Health and Family Planning Commission with the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Transport, the Civil Aviation Administration, and the Railway Corporation established a set of organ transfer green channelsAssisting organs can operate quickly and orderly between different provinces and cities.

According to statistics from the Chinese human organ donation management center, as of the end of May this year, the cumulative number of organ donations and the number of physical donations registered in the Mainland were as many as 6.25 million and 45,000.In comparison, as of the end of April this year, there were only 357,000 registers in the central organ donation registration.Ming Weijie believes that on the huge number of donors in the Mainland, if Hong Kong is included in "Chinese human organs allocation and shared computer system (COTRS)", the waiting organ patients in Hong Kong have greater opportunities to match the right organs and continue to continuelife.

Integrated in the number of more than three tricks to release doubts

However, Ming Weijie also understood that some citizens had concerns about cross -border organ transplantation cooperation mechanisms. It is suggested that the government follows three aspects to remove public doubts.

In terms of system, the cooperation mechanism implemented by the Hong Kong Medical and Health Bureau follows the existing registered registers and distribution systems of the two places, and the second -level distribution mechanism is set up on this.After discovering that there are no suitable waiting patients, they will start cross -border organ assistance, but some citizens still have a lot of concerns.Ming Weijie suggested that the government can increase the transparency of donations of organs. "The current anonymous system adopted by organ donations can indeed avoid illegal acts such as organ trading and power transactions.Five or ten years later, meet and know each other, can better show the valuable human life, meet the spiritual needs of human beings, but can promote organ donation. "

Donating organs are always voluntary behaviors. To establish a long -term cooperation mechanism, the consent and knowledge of donors are essential.Ming Weijie said: "Can we add the willingness option to add donation areas to the organ donation card? Is willing to donate organ use in Hong Kong, nationwide or global? Because organ assistance can not only cooperate with the country, but also in the future may also be different from Asia.Organize mutual assistance with the region, and even add to the global distribution system. For waiting patients, there is greater possibility of transplantation. "

In addition, the government also needs to do public education.Ming Weijie believes that the current citizens participating in organ donations are purely out of good intentions, but Hong Kong has always been a Chinese society. The traditional Chinese culture concept of "staying the whole body" is deeply ingrained and requires more publicity and education.Meaning.Ming Weijie believes that the government can build a long -term cooperation mechanism to follow the transparency of the mechanism, donation card, and public education to remove public doubts.

"Beifeng and the Sun" who is more convincing

Hong Kong's return is about to move towards the 26th anniversary, but for various reasons, some citizens still don't know much about national development, and there are even some misunderstandings and prejudices, so it is also more likely to be incited into the French Open by others.However, whether the SAR Government is "pulling, locking, and investigating", should citizens treat citizens as "anti -China -China chaos" parts, should they also reflect in deeply? How can we improve their understanding of the current situation of the country?How should I really improve the cross -border organ donation and transplant cooperation mechanism, so that more citizens can help their compatriots, and how many citizens need to get the country's

Xie Weijun, a member of the Election Commission, mentioned the story of "North Wind and the Sun" in Isso's fables in the debate of this proposal: once, Beifeng and the Sun are arguing who is more capable.They just saw someone walking, and that person was wearing a cloak.They said, who can let that person take off the cloak, even if anyone is more capable.As a result, Beifeng was desperately blowing.Unexpectedly, the more he blows, the more he wrapped himself with a cloak.In the end, Beifeng couldn't help it, so he had to give up.Then, after the sun came out, the man immediately took off the cloak.As a result, Beifeng had to admit defeat.The story said that instead of controlling the other party, it is better to let go to make the other party feel happy.

Xie Weijun used this story metaphor, and some officials and members of the members of the excessive critical behavior -the wind alone will only be counterproductive.