Source: Taiwan Zhongshi News Network

Author: Gui Hongcheng

Although former Taiwan President Chen Shui -bian threatened to "die", the Legislative Yuan was still under the leadership of the DPP on the 26th, and completed the three reading of the law of the law for the removal of the law.Lieutenant General Chen Zhi was not allowed to run for life.Whether Chen Shui -bian will take a more intense rebound in the future, it has attracted much attention at the stage where the situation is increasingly warmed.

A number of political figures in the DPP have recently involved in linked to the fraud group. In order to eliminate the image of the DPP being deepened, the image of the DPP has been deepened.The 88 shooting and the bribery election case of Zheng and Deputy Speaker, so Lai Qingde recently actively led the draft amendments to the "Black Gold" in the Public official election and dismissal law to implement his will to "whitewash" the DPP.However, those who have been sentenced to the crime of money laundering have been deprived of the right to run for life.

Chen Shui -bian's daughter Chen Xingyu has publicly questioned, including the DPP who later became the elders of the dean. "Who did not get my dad’s money during the election?" As a result, the DPP this time the revision of the law this timeWith money laundering, Chen Shui -bian felt that the DPP was "unrequited and unjust", and after the hot face had not been attached to Qingde's cold buttocks, he could only "die" to Lai Qingde on Facebook.Chen Shui -bian said on Facebook that the "18th Anniversary of the Kaiga Foundation's 18th Anniversary Gala, the last gratitude farewell in life!" Because "death" will be a helpless shout of mourning.

Although the physician of the medical team believes that Chen Shui -bian freely participate in various social and political activities during the medical treatment period, all help to improve the condition.However, for Chen Shui -bian's public "death" and reported to the Democratic Progressive Party public officials, hoping to let Chen Zhizhong a way of life, otherwise he would happen after he had no hope of life, including supporters during the campaign.At this moment, even if the medical group's physician and prison administrative organs do not consider the Democratic Progressive Party's election, they should take care of the prisoners who may die when they seek medical treatment abroad, and "please" Chen Shui -bian back to the prison for treatment.

In fact, Chen Shui -bian's political path for his son is not unreasonable.The appointment method of civil servants in Taiwan stipulates that civil servants must not serve as civil servants for life. This is the strictest legal consequences to borrow government criminals in the choice of work right.However, "money laundering" is not a "duty criminal" that may be violated as an election.Moreover, the law can also stipulate that those who have committed money laundering after the amendment is implemented will not be restricted by the life.

When Taiwanese voters vote for public opinion representatives, the more elections in the non -metropolitan area or the grassroots level are usually the "representative of interests".Therefore, as long as candidates can do a good job of "voters' services", they can often be re -elected and re -elected, so that the "hereditary election system" of family forces has been formed, or even developed into a "black gold structure".Therefore, although the society calls for "election and ability" during the election, it has no institutional design.However, even though the amendment of the law stipulates that it is not allowed to run for 10 years in the first instance. It seems that the candidate qualifications are filtered by the law for the sake of virtuousness and ability.

Chen Zhi -bian's "bitter life" Chen Zhizhong will have no right to run for election after being released from prison.Will Chen Shui -bian's supporters really revenge on Lai Qingde?This is not unlikely to be the storm in the DPP teapot.

(the author is a associate professor of Taiwan Shixin University)