Professor William Theodore de Bary of Columbia University (1919 to 2017) has profound accomplishments and works on Asian civilization; especially for Chinese Confucian philosophy, more profound understanding and uniquenessopinion.In addition to publishing academic monographs, he also organized a team of experts to systematically translate the classics of East and South Asia into English to Columbia University.This set of books with the title of int designation to Oriental Civilizations (Oriental Civilization), including: Sources of Chinese Tradition (Source of Chinese Tradition) Sources of Japanese TRADITION and SOUR CES of Indian TRADITIONTo.Since the publication of the middle of the last century and the renewal of the re -procurement, it has become an important entry reading book for the world's people (especially college students) to understand Asian history and culture, which has a profound influence.

In 1982, Professor Diberrui was invited by "Mr. Qian Bin Si Academic and Cultural Lecture" and became the lecturer of the lecture.This lecture named by contemporary Chinese master Qian Mu (1895 to 1990) was founded by Xinya College in 1978. Every year, an outstanding scholar is invited to give a series of public speeches to the Chinese University of Hong Kong.As the first lecturer, Professor Qian Mu, the founder of the Academy.After that, Professor Li Joseph of Cambridge University in the UK and Professor Ogawa Huanshu of Kyoto University in Japan; Professor Diberrui was the fourth speaker.

It can be seen that Qian Mu's academic lecture is a lofty academic activity in the Chinese world. Professor Diber Rui is of course honored to be invited, and humblely stated that Mr. Qian is actually in the process of studying Chinese thoughts., A Teacher of Mine, the earliest and most influential teacher.It can be seen that Professor Diber Rui carefully looked at this invitation, and he must have made a thoughtful thinking about his speech content.He gave a series of speeches with the theme of "The Liberal Trading in China" (Chinese liberalism).It really contains the content that is in line with it.

"Liberalism" is a pillar of ideas for its own European and advanced civilizations for the Eurasian nation. In Europe in the 17th to 18th centuries, it has become one of the iconic trends of enlightenment.It starts from extending personal consciousness, maintaining talent human rights, checking the balance of teaching power and imperial power for a long time, and liberating people from the old and solid authorities.Therefore, it is the same as the development of democratic ideas and civil rights and political system.Why is this western democracy also used to "Liberal Democracy".

Oriental countries with different development paths with modern material civilization and political systems in Europe and the United States, such as ancient China, why is there a abundant "Liberal Tradition"?It is naturally puzzling at first glance.This is where Professor Diberi is.He is not targeted, but he is persistent.He explained that he is actually a colleague who has cited colleagues and has a profound understanding of the American philosophy of liberalism and humanities in the United States (1917 to 1979).Published in 1976 Liberalism and Liberal Education (Intellectual Foundations of Liberalism "in the book of Liberalism and Boya Education.

Professor Diber Rui pointed out that according to the Views of Franco, the so -called "liberalism" is to be understood from several levels.That is: culture, politics, economy, philosophy, temperament (mean, restraint, compromise) and the freedom of education.He then proves the entry point of the free education (focusing on the "learning for yourself" by Zhu Xi (focusing on the "learning for yourself" explained by the Song Ru, and the science and Huang Zongxi's freedom of the Ming Dynasty.It shows the spirit of liberalism that the Western world values, and it is also seen in the tradition of adhering to the ancient Chinese knowledge class.

In 1983, the Chinese University of Hong Kong Publishing Publishing His English lectures from Professor Di Birui was published into The Liberal Tradition in China.Free tradition.This book is widely circulated in the Chinese intellectual industry. Later, there were versions of Guizhou People's (2009), Lianjing (2016), and Zhonghua Book Company (2016).This year is the 40th anniversary of the book.

The opinion of the meaning of the times

Professor Diber Rui's combing of the free tradition in Chinese civilization is solidified as a family's words, but insights can be remarkable; and the starting point of the reason is that there is even more meaning of the times.We must be able to understand its significance more perspective, and we need to look back at the Chinese and foreign current situations about half a century ago, especially the dynamics of the American knowledge and cultural circles.

From the "knocking on the Kongjiadian" of the "May 4th" to the "Forests and Forests" of the Cultural Revolution, anti -traditional and anti -old culture, in the wake -up movement of the knowledge class in the land of Shenzhou, became a noisy mass movement.EssenceAfter the years, the traditional culture must go and then shout quickly, and it has become aware of consciousness.Fortunately, there were several pure land that can make professional, objective, and rational Confucian research on the development of the Chinese world at that time.The reason why Professor Diberrui chose to give a speech at the Chinese University of Hong Kong with this question, because I was in love with Mr. Qian Mu and Xinya Academy's "warmth and respect" of the traditional Chinese college.Qi seeking.In fact, Professor Di Rui also visited Singapore at the invitation of the East Asian Philosophy of Singapore in 1985, 1987 and 1989 to visit Singapore.

The "post -Mao Zedong era" after the end of the Cultural Revolution, because of criticizing the "Gang of Four", Fang Fang was exposed to many dark noodles in front of the world, which shocked and uproar many people.As a result, American knowledge and cultural circles are not good for Chinese society. Professor Diberi has Karl August Wittfogel (1896 to 1988), Harvin Harris (1927 to 2001) and 2001, and 2001, andArthur Miller (1915 to 2005) is shown.

Marx and Engels in the middle of the 19th century, the "Asiatic Mode of Production" based on China and India, and the theory of "Oriental Despotism", accompanied by, is accompanied byThe West's understanding of China has become increasingly deepened, and it has gradually gone abandoned by people of insight.However, German American historian Weitf followed in 1957 and 1962 to follow special books and papers, and then said "Oriental Autocracy", especially the latter ("The Marxist View of China" MarxistView of China) is particularly targeted.Of course, its saying that Frederick Mote (1922 to 2005), Frederick Mote, and Fei Zhengqing (John Fairbank (1907 to 1991, that is, Professor Fei Zhengqing), Maurice Meisner (1931,Criticism to 2012).

But Professor Diberi also pointed out sharply that anthropologist Harris in his 1977 book Cannibals and Kings: The Origins of CulturesAmong them, the "A State Communism in Mao's CHINA" is "a new and more Highly Developed FORM OFManagerial Despotism).

Drama writer Miller (the author of a salesman's death), instead of the photography as a professional lady, Inge Moraz (1923 to 2002), also published Chinese Encounters in 1979 (逅 China).This book.The book is mainly Morart (First Author )'s photography with Miller's writing, and interprets the Chinese tour in the post -Cultural Revolution in the post -Cultural Revolution with the camera and text.The impression of the Chinese impression in the conversation; especially Miller's conversation with colleagues in the Chinese theater and the literary and art circles.Professor Diber Rui pointed out the finishing touch that it was the "frostration" that Miller was due to the silence and inaction that Miller had suffered by the suffering and inaction that he had suffered.

By the time of the 1970s and 1980s, the official was also pushing the reform and opening up, and it also pushed the objection and criticism, which naturally could not help improving the perception of American knowledge and cultural circles for China.However, although the American folk still has emotional resistance to Chinese society, Washington has tried to draw Beijing to make the Soviet Union of China, and then achieved peaceful development in China.

If this is the general perception of the general knowledge of the United States and cultural circles at that time, Professor Diberi is still committed to clarifying that Chinese culture traditions are not unprecedented, but may be rich in contemporary liberalism.True meaning.It is clear that we can understand it more, and our adversity is respectable.

It is said that Professor Diber Rui's original Chinese name was Di Pei, and he studied at Yanjing University when he was young. Mr. Qian Mu took him.But later, "Diberi" was used by a Chinese translation of Li Hongqi, and was used in the Chinese world.In 2016, when the Tang Awards awarded the second Chinese award to Professor Diberi, he asked the Tang Award Foundation as his name through his friend to show his memory of Mr. Qian Mu.One of the aesthetics of the former Chinese aesthetics.Based on this, Professor Diber Rui's appreciation and understanding of the tradition of Huaxia is largely benefited from the friendship of the Chinese teachers and friends.

U.S. national strength is proud of the world, and politicians often have huge voices.However, the influence of American knowledge and cultural circles is deep in water.In particular, experts and scholars who have awarded colleges and universities should not be underestimated on the influence of American social elites.People often say that they operate Sino -US relations, and they do not know that sinologists are the so -called "Chinese Hands" who have been shaped or cultivated in the future.

Professor Di Pei Li is this generation of people, but is it now?

The author is the Dean of the Confucius Institute of Nanyang University of Science and Technology