When entering the journalism around 2010, it happened to meet the rise of platforms such as Google, Twitter, Facebook.The budget of advertisers began to follow the traffic, and gradually turned to digital advertisements, especially in the West. The new digital media that met the new model came into being, and it was once regarded as a subverter of traditional media.

For the 20s, when I am about to start my career, I chose to join the traditional news office. For me, how much is holding a trembling mentality, while observing the various developments and trends of the international news media industry, and from time to time, I will envyNew media institutions that are involved in their fame and traffic, and even when discussing news presentation, they will deliberately imitate them.At that time, I believed that as long as the traditional media did not pay attention, the institutions were bloated, the concept lag, and the lag of technology, etc., was easily surpassed by the opponent, and the entire rice bowl may be snatched.

However, the media industry is too difficult.RecentAfter layoffs, it was announced to shut down the news business last month.

The former media's newly -known scenery is no longer, which makes people feel very booing.Among them, when VICE sought financing in December last year, the valuation has shrunk significantly, mainly due to the fact that the annual income has not been expected, and the media platform has quickly lost its core competitiveness. However, in recent yearsYoung audience.

Buzzfeed and VICE and many new media institutions at the time have a common thing, that is, choosing to rely on some platforms like Facebook to bring them huge traffic.However, these platforms were also abducted by the model and did not accumulate their own user bases. Therefore, when digital advertisements no longer rose their ships, they were easier to sink.

BuzzFeed's model of paid walls and subscription business is often discussed by the industry.However, some examples have proved that the adopting paid walls by digital media is not Van Lingdan. Like another American media Quartz, after implementing the three -year paid wall, it has also recently canceledWhile the content is for free reading, it will launch high -quality news that must be paid.

How many proofs have proved that in the media survival war, no one has real answers, and the road of success of others may not be suitable for every media.Observing this series of media dynamics, if I want to summarize my learning experience, it may still be said that the media must make good content and establish the ability of influence and independent judgment to be favored by readers and advertising customers.But even this simple truth is hidden in many details that must be taken care of.

Now I work in a niche and smaller news room in a news room. I often pay attention to how the niche media explores the way of survival.Looking at Southeast Asia, many independent news websites must face the challenges of pioneering new operating capital, but also to ensure that they can continue to operate independently in a difficult political and social environment.Give full play to some unique advantages.

For example, Frontier Myanmar, the largest independent news website in Myanmar, has launched a layered subscription model in recent years. Through the news and communication released by email, the subscribers have increased rapidly to 20,000 in the past three years.Although the large -scale platform, the number and traffic of the subscribers are not amazing, but the income obtained supports Frontier Myanmar reporters to continue to conduct a survey report with in -depth and multiple news awards.Especially after the Myanmar military launched a coup in 2021, in the environment of high -level news review in China, some media observers pointed out that readers are more willing to pay to obtain the most accurate and official positions.

Recently read the new book of the new book of the Nobel Peace Prize and the founder of the Philippine independent news agency, the founder of the Philippine independent news agency Maria RESSA, how to fight to stand up to a dictator: The Fight for Our Future).Through her throughout her career, she learned that many media people are still trying to find a way out.From the beginning, there were more space for journalists to give journalists to Facebook and other platforms, with full hope, and finally found that the community network speech will also hurt the democratic process without controlling it.Disappointed.She has suffered from politics, although she did not prescribe medicine for the media's survival in today's society in the book, but she called on news practitioners to adhere to the bottom line of value and defend the core news values.

Local, since Singapore Newspaper Holdings reorganized the media business last year, the two major media companies, including the new media, have received government funding and attracted the attention of media observers and the public.Independence with decision -making.It can be seen that even if the media solves the problem of funding, it is still necessary to continue to work hard in terms of management and operations and improvement of product credibility.In addition to the mainstream media, the Singapore news website with the Internet as the main platform is also subject to the Internet media license regulations. There are not many people who really find sustainable profit.

The disappearance of

Buzzfeed and VICE should be an alarm clock for all media practitioners. Even the traditional press room should not think that the failure of these emerging media means that they have won.The diverse media ecology and certain competition can make the journalist industry more vigorous, and the passing of news communication and influence is not good news for everyone.

The author is the assistant director of the editorial department of Eco-Business, an editorial department of regional environmental media and consulting companies