The Taiwan election will be held on January 13 next year, about eight months at this moment; May 20 will be Taiwan's inauguration day, that is, the current leader, Cai Yingwen, will only have a term of one year.At this moment, the popularity of the presidential election has also increased with the Kuomintang's presidential nomination.

The DPP that ruling has long been scheduled to be in one. With no competitors, Lai Qingde, the current party chairman and vice president, has no suspense and will represent the DPP to fight this power defense war. He is also on April 12th.It was officially nominated by the party.Another party, led by the former Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe, who intends to compete, also passed Ke Wenzhe as the party's presidential candidate on May 15.The candidates of these two parties have long been determined, so nomination is just a process of ritual.Only the Kuomintang's election is more complicated. In early May, Guo Taiming, the first richest man in Taiwan and the founder of Hon Hai Group, actively ran for the election to make the election fierce. It was finally officially announced that it was officially announced by the mayor of New Taipei on May 17.

Four years ago Guo Taiming participated in the President of the Kuomintang Party and defeated South Korea Yu. He thought that he was unfairly designed, and then withdrew from the Kuomintang. He also scolded the Kuomintang."" ".By the beginning of this year, he also actively wanted to fight for the Kuomintang's nomination of the 2024 election. The 72 -year -old Guo Taiming also said cheeky and said that he retired from the party four years ago "maybe you were young and impulsive."However, according to the party regulations, he could re -apply for recovery of the party after retiring the party four years on September 27 this year. Even if the party member recovered, it would have to wait for another four months to qualify for the election. At that time, the presidential election was over.In order to unite and harmony within the party, the party chairman Zhu Lilun announced in March that he nominated the use of recruitment methods.

After that, Guo Taiming actively deployed the election. On April 5th, he publicly apologized to the Kuomintang and supporters four years ago.Considering one of the standards), then spend a lot of money from May 7 to 12, from South Taiwan to North Taiwan to organize four mass conferences.

He intentionally imitated the "Korean Wave" frenzy set off in Taiwan that year, forcing the Nationalist Party to nominate him.

Guo Taiming's series of actions have been carefully planned.The rich man with an estimated price of $ 7.4 billion (about 9.966 million yuan) is expected to be nominated at the nomination. For example, he made a momentum in Taichung on May 11 to find a well -known artist Hu Gua hosted.Hu Gua claims that he hosted the "only" "friendship price" of NT $ 2 million (about S $ 87,900).

In order to get closer to the distance from the grassroots, the staff helped Guo Taiming the nickname of "Taiwan Ame", but Cao Xingcheng, who was an old -fashioned and strong local color in recent years, publicly ridiculed: "Although you want everyone to call you 'A Ming', I am used to calling you "Lao Guo". "Although Guo Taiming's public relations manipulation is exquisite, it can't help but make people feel a little confusing.

Guo Taiming's large -scale development is mobilized to about 10,000 people at each scene, but the heavyweight politicians who show their support are limited.He also exposed in a live speech that he did not know enough about the actual issues of Taiwan, and talked about his own creatives.When talking about Kaohsiung's economy, on the one hand, he criticized the Cai Ying government to help Kaohsiung's development, but his imagination of Kaohsiung still stayed more than 20 years ago and was the top Hong Kong port in the top of the global container throughput.When Taiwan turned to the production of high -level precision components in international division of labor, these small and high -value -added products were no longer relying on container ships but air transportation to all over the world.In addition, he threw a small nuclear power plant in Kaohsiung Gai Nuclear Power Plant, each county and cities, and attracted attacks.Obviously, the development of Guo Taiming (or his staff) is not clear about the development of the "small nuclear power unit" (SMR) or nuclear -finished nuclear power generation.Earlier, Hon Hai vigorously developed robots to save labor. In early May, Guo Taiming also said in a symposium that if the PLA invaded Taiwan, "the other party came up with 80,000 soldiers, they could send 80,000 robots to fight."

These "imaginative" political opinions have not passed with local political leaders and public opinion representatives in the party, and also worry that the Kuomintang legislator and county mayor. In case of Guo Taiming, the coach of the election next year, I am afraid that they will not be controlled from time to time.Throwing out some of the unrestrained claims, dragging down the election of members of the parliament, and also allowed the Kuomintang to grasp the over half of the tribute of Congress.

In contrast, Hou Youyi, who is more calm, has won Guo Taiming on "people and". The Kuomintang competed in the party in some legislators. Hou Youyi successfully intervened and coordinated several times to avoid mutual fighting in the party.Hou Youyi's predictability also won the trust within the party.In the end, the Kuomintang's opinion on polls and the opinions of the party mayor, legislator and legislators' nominations decided to be out of the line by Hou or Guo.In terms of polls, Hou Youyi is just a Xiao Sheng Guo Taiming, but the county mayor and legislators are mostly up.So Hou Youyi finally won.

Hou Youyi's biggest weakness in cross -strait diplomacy. He maintains low -key and less mistakes in this area. For Beijing's 1992 consensus, Hou only expressed "respect" instead of "follow"; he said that he did not support Taiwan independence., But do not accept a system in China.What is the basic program of the US policy on Taiwan in the city council?Hou Youyi, who is unfamiliar with this issue, does not respond to responding to death, but repeatedly asked the other party "What do you say?"

In contrast, Guo Taiming's best performance was related to the two sides of the strait: he issued a peaceful declaration on Kinmen on May 13.The declaration was repeatedly changed by Guo Taiming himself, and he also remembered the content.He emphasized that based on the "one of the Chinese Chinese" (that is, the China referred to in Beijing refers to the People's Republic of China, and Taipei refers to the Republic of China), the cross -strait restart negotiations, that is, the cross -strait relations at the time of Ma Ying -jeou's administration.The problem is that Beijing has only talked about "one middle" for a long time and does not recognize the "tables", and it is even more important to block the Republic of China internationally internationally internationally.This is why each statement of the one -China table has been criticized and denied by the Green Camp.

It is worth noting that the Kuomintang announced on the afternoon of May 17th that he called Hou Youyi and happened to be a regular press conference on the morning of the morning of the morning, and the time was on the eve of the 7th anniversary of the president of 520 Cai Yingwen.The whole reporter will become a criticism of the DPP government "leaning on the independence", and at the same time, the reporters are arranged to ask the three candidates of Guo Taiming, Hou Youyi and Lai Qingde (leaked Ke Wenzhe alone).

State Taiwan Affairs A spokesman Ma Xiaoguang did not name Lai Qingde's Taiwan independence proposition at the press conference, but neither Guo Taiming and Hou Youyi were biased.When asked that when Hou Youyi did not accept a country, two systems, Ma Xiaoguang did not criticize, and only reiterated that Beijing insisted on "taking care of the reality of Taiwan."Beijing seems to be as determined with the Kuomintang, and should take the "removed DPP" as the first priority.

Ma Xiaoguang said an intriguing words at a press conference: "The Kuomintang leadership and related parties have repeatedly said: unite and cannot be split. We continue to pay attention to ..." With the change of election, Beijing except "follow" the Taiwan election in addition to the Taiwan election.In addition to, there will be actual "concerns", which is also an external variable worthy of attention in the next few months.

The author is a senior media person in Taiwan

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