Source: Bloomberg

Author: Mohammed Hatem, Sam Dagher

Saudi Arabia is trying to seek a long -lasting peace agreement with the Yemen rebellion organization supported by Iran.The war in Yemen has been stretching for many years. The poorest country on the Arabian Peninsula has been thoroughly scarred, and from time to time, it has disturbed the global oil market.

According to those who have been notified, Saudi officials have negotiated on the proposal on the proposal in recent days.Earlier, Saudi Arabia negotiated with the Husseam Group supported by Iran.Saudi Arabia and Oman officials are currently finalized in Sana, the capital of Yemen, and finally finalized the agreement.

According to the Saba News Agency under the control of Husserse, the chairman of the Hohdi Matste of the Supreme Political Commission of Hussean held a meeting with Oman and the Saudi delegation on Sunday to eventually determine permanent ceasefire and overall peace planEssence

The Saudi delegation is led by Mohammed Al Jaber, Ambassador of Yemen.This is the first time Sana has publicly received Saudi officials since the outbreak of the March 2015.

People familiar with the matter said that the new peace plan may be announced in the next two weeks that before the end of Muslims.Due to sensitive negotiations, people familiar with the matter demanded anonymous.

Fire and negotiations

Saudi Arabia has been trying to end the 9 -year conflict.The previous off -war agreement was basically maintained, although it expired in October.

People familiar with the matter said that according to the proposed plan, there will be a 6 -month off -war period. The main road will be reopened, and all restrictions on flights and ports will be canceled.

All parties in Yemen will then conduct peaceful negotiations, discuss disarmament, form a cabinet and a new presidential committee, and unify the central bank.The transition period is two years.

Saudi and Yemen officials do not comment.

According to the Saudi News Agency, Saudi Minister of Defense Herid Ben Salman met with the chairman of the Leading Committee of the Yemenmen Presidential Leadership Committee Lataid Army in Liade last week.

Saudi Arabia intervention in the Yemen war to support the country's international recognized government and fight against Iran's increasing influence in Yemen.

The United Nations describes the war of Yemen as one of the most serious humanitarian disasters in the world. It has killed hundreds of thousands of people, and Saudi Arabia was criticized by Western because of involving conflicts.