Source: "Tech Planet" WeChat public account

Author: Xi Rui

As a tourism replacement, the camping undoubtedly became the C position last year.As a rare hot track, camping has also attracted countless people into gold rush.

Each track was almost easy to make money when it was just rising.Last year's camping was one of the few tracks.

Data statistics, six years of the New Year, the Chinese camping market has maintained a steady growth, from hundreds of millions to billions of yuan (the same below).In the whole year of 2021, the camping market increased by more than 10 billion yuan.

The camping site only requires a single investment, renting land, buying camping equipment, and providing barbecue ingredients to collect thousands of nights.The cost is far lower than operating a star hotel.

But in fact, camping is a hard work that requires heavy operations, and the operating threshold is no less than operating a homestay.Camping is still outdoors, and accidents often come unexpectedly.The first batch of entrepreneurs who entered the venue had begun to leave.

The same phenomenon also appears on the flying plate.They were all outdoor tracks for traffic dividends last year.

The opening threshold for the opening of the Flying Plate Club is lower, and there are countless new clubs.But this often brings disorderly competition.When turning hobbies into business, it is often not just love.

The Qingming short holiday has just passed, and short -distance self -driving tour has become a popular option for young people.During the coming May Day holiday, young people have stared at their eyes abroad, not forest parks in the suburbs.

01 Not unexpectedly cold

"The proportion of small white users is less and less", and Zhou Li, the owner of the camping, admits.

After the camping last year, young people fell in love with this way of returning to nature.As the epidemic is liberalized, camping is no longer the only choice for young people on weekends.

Zhou Li's camp opened in a second -tier city in Guangdong, focusing on the form of night camping.He hopes that his camping place can become a city bar.However, he also had to admit that new users are now declining, and all old users are repurchasing, and many people will also reserve camping equipment themselves.

The same phenomenon also appears on the flying tray.

Guangzhou's Litchi Flying Disk Club, Solo, clearly feels that the flying tray is cold this year.

In Guangzhou, the club of SOLO is the head.Last year, SOLO established 30 WeChat communities with more than 500 people.20,000 people came to Zhang Xiang to learn the flying disk, or participated in the flying market organized by him.

A novice who has not been exposed to the flying plate at all, can complete the basic entry after two flying disks.With the decline in the heat this year, the new range of Solo has also dropped significantly.Even in April, SOLO's flying tray teaching business has declined by 70 % and 80 %.

"There are fewer newcomers, all people in the community are playing, everyone will have a tired period, coupled with the injury period, the weather is not particularly warm, and the group will become less." Solo told that Solo told thatTech Planet.

Flying Drive enthusiast, Xia Xin, has organized a flying disk in the group this year, which is much less than last year."A large part of the reason is that after everyone is in the sun, the enthusiasm has decreased significantly, which directly destroys the exercise habits." Xia Xin told Tech Planet.

78 yuan in teaching lessons is enough to cover daily salary costs.Fortunately, the main revenue of the club is brand cooperation, and even if anxiety can maintain the operation of the club.

Lin Chen, the director of the Beijing Flying Plate Club, was not so lucky.After the establishment of the offline flying club, Lin Chen can organize one or two activities every week.But this year, "the throat was shouted", and no one came to participate.This year, he does not intend to operate offline clubs.

Similarly, the camping place began to close.

"The closure of camping is really not an individual phenomenon, it is quite common." Mao Mao, the owner of the camps under the hot wilderness, told Tech the planet.But the wave of closure has already begun since 2022.Many emerging companies join, and there are also large and small camping locations."Many friends around me, everyone talked very well this month, visiting each other. I won't do it next month."

During the "Eleventh" holiday last year, the camps with about 20 camps were full two to three days in advance.Now open about 10 camps can be booked one day in advance."It's not yet on the peak season, and there will be more people in late May," Mao Mao said.

02 It is difficult to operate and camper than expected

In the past year, Mao Mao has been questioned by many people: "What is the return on investment in camping?"

Since 2014, the domestic camping market has maintained a steady growth.According to statistics, in 2021, the market growth of camping camps exceeded 10 billion yuan.

Camping heat has attracted countless people who want to gold.Last year, there were more than 500 camping sites alone.There may be a new camping place every day to open the door to welcome guests.Industry insiders told the TECH planet that the number of camping sites is far more than thinking. Many individual camps do not need to be reported and cannot be counted.

When the limelight is flourishing, you can make money when you enter the venue.The owner of the camp told the TECH Planet that in June of last year, it opened more than 100,000, and he could almost return to the book in two months.The farmhouse and the outdoor barbecue garden are renovated to repair the lawn and put on a few tents, which are also scheduled to be empty.

When you are at the wind, you can get a bucket of gold.However, every industry can lie down and make fast money.After the heat, camping entrepreneurship really returned to reality.

"In 2021, everyone is watching. After 2022, many people will invest in money, most of which are hundreds of thousands, and some are millions. HoweverNo, it started to shut down the camp, "Mao Mao told Tech Planet.

Chen Jian's camping place has closed down.

Ranch, cafes, tea fields, Chen Jian spent nearly eight months and made a piece of land in the suburbs as a camping place you want.After the "Eleventh" holiday trial industry last year, Chen Jian actively improved the camp services, posted videos on major social platforms, and took as much as possible.

In less than a month of trial business, the traffic of the camping land was so large that Chen Jian needed to suspend for a few days.But what made Chen Jian unexpected was that the nature of the land in camping changed in the trial industry.He had to dismantle and withdraw.Chen Jian invested millions of camps for the camp before and after eight months. It only took a few days to remove the camp.

Chen Jian is not an example.There are many pits that camping entrepreneurs stepping on land.The camping dream of many entrepreneurs is often crushed on the issue of land use.And more, after entering the game last year, it was found that camping was not a relaxed business.

In April, a heavy rain allowed the landlord of the Fujian to be rescued on the scene for three consecutive days.After finishing the fiber of fiber, the manager began to trim trees non -stop."A demon wind may lose 30,000 in half an hour."

Outdoor entrepreneurship, there are always more accidents than thinking.The principal is one of the few localities and persisted.

Camping land as outdoor activities, the overall operation is not easy.If no service is in place, it may bring customer complaints."The daily work is really trivial. Without experience, Xiaobaiguang's investment in daily operations is very energetic, let alone brand building." Zhou Li told Tech the planet.

Sun Jiandong, Chairman of the Sunshine Group GroupIt means that camping is not made by heavy assets and light investment. It takes time and energy to provide camping products to make it.

Mao Mao's operating costs per month are about 70,000 to 80,000.In 2021, before entering the camping industry, Mao Mao started a business in the homestay industry.The experience accumulated in operating the homestay makes it easy to adapt to the camping industry. "Camping is not an industry that can make money quickly, and it needs to be continuously operated."

But for camping entrepreneurs who have not made money, emphasizing that operation is too far away.What they want to do now is to decide whether to sell the equipment in their hands and exit the camping circle.

03 Industry shuffle: It can no longer exist by making money by relying on circle land

Mao Mao does not think it is a wave of closure caused by the liberalization of the epidemic."The user does not come, or there is a problem with its own products, not because the epidemic is over. The company's company is still there."

Nikko Group Group has a number of camps such as Beijing Miyun Nikko Valley, Hunan Yiyang Sunlight Lake, and Wulanchabu Sunlight Grassland.Sun Jiandong said that after the epidemic, the scheduled quantity of the camping site continued to increase, and the market was still emerging in the market."There is no time to shuffle, and there are still a large number of supply demand in the market that has not been met. It may be some of the surplus surplus process, and a large number of practitioners will come in."

Sun Jiandong found that this year's obvious changes are that local governments and platform companies are pouring in camping."They regard the camp as a technical support for the new stage of tourism." In addition, many cross -border practitioners are also entering the industry.These two types of entrants are improving the infrastructure of the camping industry.

However, whether it is a flying disk or camping, the attractiveness of the small white users has decreased, while the attractiveness of the enthusiasts who have developed habits also become stronger because of the release of the epidemic.

Xia Xin's professional flying disk player, the frequency of participating in offline competitions this year has increased significantly. "After letting go, it is more conducive to them to play."

Zhou Li also found that more and more camping enthusiasts now have their own camping equipment, and everyone is no longer a small white user.This year, the search volume of keywords such as "camping car", "with baby camping", and "lightweight camping" on social platforms also increased significantly.

Now, camping is not just a role as social currency, young people have begun to pay more attention to camping itself.Some people in the industry said that young people are now pursuing a lighter and simple camping method, bringing lighter equipment to camping in the suburbs of the city, and major equipment brands are also promoting some lightweight new products.Camping enthusiasts do not pursue high -priced equipment brands, but also look at cheap equipment with high cost performance.

The change of user portraits also allows entrepreneurs in camping. The entrepreneurs in camping are no longer the stage of spelling the price alone.

"From 2021-2022, 70%of our users are women who take photos and punch cards", Zhou Li told Tech the planet.In the past, the owners of the camp only needed to consider how the camp layout was released, and good -looking pictures and videos could naturally attract users.

Mao Mao also feels that users now have more and more detailed requirements for camps.The camp is no longer looking for a seaside and forest. It is better to look good, and users will not consume this scene."Like doing the hostel industry, it is difficult to make money if there are no innovative people."

The current camp, in addition to providing basic camping equipment and catering, began to superimposed the forest farm and pasture, and even stacked the art museum, museum and even concerts in the camps in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai.

Continuously superimposed content and products of products to test the capital and operation capabilities of the principles.The days when you can make money by circulating land no longer exist.

(Zhou Li, Xia Xin, Chen Jian, Lin Chen in the text are all pseudonyms.)