Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou started the 12 -day mainland China in the name of ancestor worship from March 27.This is the historical record of Ma Ying -jeou's first meeting of the Singapore -Malaysia Store in 2015, and once again set a record for Taiwan's first landing in the president of Taiwan.What historical tasks have Ma Ying -jeou who always cares about the historical status?

Looking at Ma Ying -jeou's trip, it can be summarized into two major points: one is to try to convey the information about the peaceful peacekeeping war on both sides of the strait; second, he has completed a "journey of remembering the Republic of China".

It is understood that Ma Ying -jeou's trip was first invited in Beijing.Although Ma's staff did not respond to this problem positively, after admitting that Ma Ying -jeou stepped down as president, "the mainland has always invited him", but the tomb sweeping "should be raised by Ma Ying -jeou himself."Ma Ying -jeou's office said that the trip has been arranged before the lunar year, not deliberately selected at the same time with the leaders to visit the same time. However, as far as the visits are concerned, it is indeed not signs with Tsai Ing -wen, which has caused relationships between the two sides of the strait, China, and Taiwan.Line argument.

Starting from Ma Ying -jeou's first day of schedule, Beijing deliberately reduced the reception specifications: it is also the former chairman of the Kuomintang, and only the Lien Chan visitor of the Vice President was in the middle of the year.The carpet and the high -end gift vehicle left; in front of Ma Ying -jeou, Beijing will send Beijing to send Xi Jinping's faith and executive deputy prime minister Ding Xuexiang to pick up the plane.However, there was no red carpet reception. The group also left the small bus commonly known as the "van", and the specifications were far less than Lien Chan.

In the past, when the Kuomintang's leadership went to China to visit China, he did not want to make the mainland government embarrassed. When formal meeting, he avoided the words "Republic of China", but there must be an explanation of the inside of Taiwan, so as not to be criticized as "recruiting security."Therefore, he often borrows Nanjing to worship Zhongshan Mausoleum and worship the Era of the Republic of China.This time, Ma Ying -jeou gave a speech during the Sun Yat -sen Memorial Hall: "On March 28, 112, the former President of Ma Ying -jeou led Ma Ying -jeou's colleagues to give a speech with his classmates to respect Nanjing Zhongshan Mausoleum."Character.After receiving the media interview at the scene, the words "President of the Republic of China" were ambiguous several times, saying that Sun Yat -sen "became the temporary president of the Republic of China in 1912. I am this and 2008 in 2008, which is also worse.This ... uh ... 96 years ... "This talked talk like a mouthful, let him be ridiculed by netizens as" horse ".

However, when Changsha Hunan University communicated with students, Ma Ying -jeou deliberately told the words "Constitution of the Republic of China".At that time, when the discussion was about to end and the host was ending, Ma Ying -jeou suddenly raised his hand and said, "When it comes to the two sides of the strait, you may not know that our country revise the constitution around 1997. In our definition, our country is divided into two parts in two parts.One is Taiwan, the other is the mainland area, the Republic of China, both China, just two parts. "

Then talk about Taiwan's regulations for the formulation of cross -strait people's relations. "We are Taiwan and you are the mainland. I know that in the 1983 Constitution in the 1983 Constitution, Taiwan is also an inseparable part of China. This fact is clear."From this paragraph to another goal of his trip: the last lesson of the novel of French writer Alphonse Dawet, who talked about the fight on both sides of the strait, asked, "Can't reconcile in the same text? "

The speech of Ma Ying -jeou inspired Taiwan's blue camp to believe that it was a record place to publicize the "sovereignty of the Republic of China" in mainland China.After returning to Taiwan, he also claimed: "The 1992 consensus came again!" He said that as long as he respects each other with each other and has a common political foundation, he can restore communication and dialogue as soon as possible.

Can cross -strait relations return to the 1992 consensus?

Ma Ying -jeou deliberately highlights the image of "Republic of China", and it is clear from the visit: Nanjing is the capital of the Republic of China, and the tomb of the father of the Republic of China; Wuhan is the Kuomintang Wuchang Uprising; Chongqing is the Chiang Kai -shek government's anti -Japanese capital;He went to Shanghai and visited the four -way warehouse of the Kuomintang government forces against Japan.

But visiting these symbolic locations, in the eyes of Beijing, is just "the trip to the Republic of China."Beijing did not deny the "Past the Republic of China", as referred to in the Constitution of the People's Republic of China: "The 1911 Revolution led by Mr. Sun Yat -sen in 1911, abolished the feudal emperor system and founded the Republic of China. However, the Chinese peopleThe historical tasks against imperialism and feudalism have not yet been completed. "The People's Republic of China is the protagonist who has continued to complete this" historical task ".

"One China, different inside and outside" unchanged

Beijing denies "the current Republic of China". The members of the Blue Camp are criminals in the sacrifice of the Republic of China, the Epoch Epoch of the Republic of China, or the Constitution of the Republic of China like Ma Ying -jeou.

First of all, the era of the Republic of China in the sacrifice, all like a sneaky tape, and these words cannot appear in the formal talks of cross -strait dignitaries.Moreover, under the strictly spreading review of the mainland government, the words of the Republic of China / Republic of China, Taiwan / Taiwan, etc. will not appear on the media in China; even Xinhua News Agency said that Ma Ying has no titles in the juniority, but only calls its name.The "record" speeches of Ma Ying -jeou could only return to Taiwan from mainland China to shape his bravery to defend the image of the Republic of China in the mainland, so that he returned to Taiwan to shout, "1992 consensus is alive again!" But the 1992 consensus of the Kuomintang is the tables in the first China, that is, the people's Republic of China and the Republic of China exist equally.Ma Ying -jeou had previously discussed the 1922 consensus at the Singapore and Malaysia Society, which caused a rebound in Taiwan. This time, he deliberately mentioned the Constitution of the Republic of China on the mainland.The problem is that Beijing also has a basic criterion for Taiwan policy: one China, different inside and outside -Beijing tolerance to maintain some kind of mold on cross -strait relations, but limited to interaction between the two sides of the strait, just like Song Tao, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, Song TaoTo Ma Ying -jeou: "It is good to discuss the things at home"; once on the international stage, Beijing's position is clear: a China is the People's Republic of China, and Taiwan is just a local government.

One country, two systems advocated from Deng Xiaoping to Xi Jinping are the same: Beijing is the central government and Taiwan is a local government. This has not compromised.However, Hong Kong experience proves that one country, two systems cannot maintain autonomy, and the people of Taiwan do not accept Xi Jinping's "one country, two system Taiwan plan".Because of this, when Ma Ying -jeou returned to Taiwan, when the Kuomintang preached that he mentioned the Constitution of the Republic of China on the mainland, Tsai Ing -wen responded that his discussion was "a gap with the current environment."The former President Malaysia did not explain clearly. "Indeed, Ma Ying -jeou did not have a positive counterattack in Beijing" one China, different inside and outside. "

As for whether Ma Ying -jeou conveyed peace to Beijing?How to respond in Beijing?

When visiting the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall, Ma Ying -jeou conveyed information about peacefulness, but the words were vague.When asked how to avoid wars on both sides of the strait, he replied, "On the one hand, we should be self -reliant and let us be unable to be invaded by foreign ethnic groups ... But we must also pay attention to we must maintain a very kind heart.Go to invade others ... "I just don't know that this" foreign "in his mouth refers to the" American Emperor "who intervenes and interfere with the" China Unification Great ", or does it declare that he will not give up the Chinese People's Republic of the People's Republic of China that unifies the unification of Taiwan?

When Cai Yingwen passed the United States and returned to Taiwan with the US House President McCarthy, Beijing announced a new wave of military exercises against Taiwan, but Ma Ying -jeou closed his mouth without talking about it.This is indeed an embarrassing problem. He can neither oppose Cai Yingwen and McCarthy to meet, nor is it convenient to criticize Beijing as soon as he returned.The reaction of Beijing once again proved: "One China, different inside and outside" will not change.

The biggest effect of Ma Ying -jeou's trip is: the subsequent dispute between the Sino -US -Taiwan relations in Taiwan will continue to the Taiwan election next year.Beijing did not borrow Ma Ying -jeou's ancestral bank to release a profit -making policy against Taiwan, but instead announced the military exercise, and the effect of this line was reduced; but anotherOn the other hand, there are also some left -wing scholars in Taiwan who will launch anti -war declarations.These people stand on the position of "anti -American emperor" and advocate that "do not want the US -China war, Taiwan must be autonomous and maintain friendly relationship with the great powers"; they spread the "suspicious theory of the United States" and believe that the United States has died in Taiwan as a former horse.May give up Taiwan.Fu Da, one of the sponsor, voted for the media, and said that Xu Ma Ying -jeou's China had some "breakthroughs."

Dear middle or pro -beauty?Is it possible for Taiwan to maintain neutrality?These controversy continued to ferment with Ma Ying -jeou's return to Taiwan until next year's election.

The author is a senior media person in Taiwan

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