Source: China Reviews Agency Quick Comment

The China Evaluation Think Tank Foundation and the Taiwan New Hometown Think Tank Association recently invited Taiwanese experts and scholars to hold a forum at the Taipei Conference of China Evaluation Agency to conduct in -depth and analyze the development and challenges of Taiwan's third forces.Many of these important views are worth observing and studying Taiwanese political development person reference, including:

First, the third forces in Taiwan mainly refer to the part between the two major blue -green sectors on the political spectrum.The sector can be said to have a considerable social support foundation, and young people account for a considerable proportion.

Second, Taiwan's third forces are complicated and there are many mountains. At present, the people's party is the most representative and influence, and the political influence is getting greater and bigger.

Third, the third forces represented by the people's party are bound to play an important role in the election early next year, and it is an important force affecting the trend of the election next year.

Fourth, the development of the third forces in Taiwan also faces many constraints, including external constraints, such as the injustice and restrictions of the system, the blue -green pinch and competition;The hill, not organic as a whole, limited resources, lack of discussion, lack of talents, limited organizational mobilization capabilities, etc., and development has great instability.

In short, in the process of political ecology in Taiwan, in the political atmosphere of blue -green long -term fighting, the proportion of non -blue and non -green may increase, including the so -called white power, and the political influence is getting greater and greaterIt has attracted great attention from political observations and researchers. Of course, it has also aroused the vigilance or attention of the major political parties in blue and green, and has continuously released signals seeking cooperation.