With the deterioration of Sino -US relations in the past two years, when English media reports news about China's foreign relations, the English saying "Drive A Wedge Between" (literally means "promoting wedge", which is obvious.Increased.French President Macron and the European Union Commission chairman Feng Delin visited China last week. In order to express that the interview may impact the relationship between Europe and the United States, this English saying appeared again in major English media reports.Whether China really has a relationship between Europe and the United States, and even the calculation of "Lian Europe to fight against the United States" is still unable to determine at this stage. Even if there is such a willingness, it will be extremely difficult to implement.

Macron and Feng Delin's trip, it is undeniable that France and the European Union are milder than the United States in terms of dealing with China.The House Speaker McCarthy's meeting was a clear comparison.Macron emphasized during this state visit that Europe must not be decoupled with China, and highly evaluates the important role that China can play a role in solving the Ukraine crisis in politics. It hopes to strengthen communication with China and make common efforts to peace.Feng Delin also held the same expectation of the Chinese side in the promotion of Ukraine's peace processes, and did not advocate the European Union's decoupling with each other.

As for China, President Xi Jinping does not forget to blame the United States in an occasion whether he meets with Macron or meets three people.When meeting Macron, Xi Jinping said that China "adheres to Sino -European relations is not targeted, not attached, and is not subject to third parties." The "third party" here obviously implies the United States.In the three -party talks, he referred to the United States again, reiterating China's opposition to the rendering so -called "democratic confrontation authority" and challenging the "New Cold War", which will only bring division and confrontation to the world.

In addition, China has given Macron's high specifications, and it is inevitable that it will not allow the outside world to attract France to "counter" the United States to "counter" the United States.Macron, together with a huge business delegation of about 60 people, went to Beijing, including Airbus, Alstom and Energy Giant EDF, etc. The results are indeed rich. For exampleThe two sides agreed to cooperate in many fields of the economy; while Macron went south to Guangzhou, he also obtained a special hospitality of drinking Chinese tea with Xi Jinping with Xi Jinping in the former residence of Xi Jinping's father.

Eastern Sino -European relations are still premature

If the reception last week can be seen as a foreign policy offensive in China and the United States, I believe that there will be no objections from all walks of life.However, it is necessary to say that China can make breakthroughs from France, prevent Europe and the United States from getting closer to the United States, or further achieve the goal of separation from Europe and the United States, and even "United Europe to resist the United States", and may be too optimistic.In fact, whether China can use this offensive to stabilize Sino -Europe relations that have become increasingly alienated in recent years, it is currently too early to say.

First of all, from the perspective of political, social culture, and even geographical levels, Europe and the United States will become partners more naturally than Europe than Europe. In the post -epidemic era, even European and American relations in the economic and trade field are more closely more close than European relations with China and China.It's right.Affected by the strict epidemic prevention and control measures last year, China has declined in the ranking of trade partners in France and the European Union from last year to February this year and lags behind the United States.For French exports, China ranks sixth and the United States ranks third.Last year, China was not the first or even second partner of EU commodity exports, accounting for 9%of the year, ranking third, and it was quite a distance from the top 19.8%of EU products exports to the top of the list.After Brexit, the economy has not fully recovered its vitality (12.8%).

In addition, the trade friction between China and the European Union also showed signs of heating up. Macron and von derine have not blindly held an optimistic attitude towards the prospect of trade relations with China.Some opinion believes that the reason why Feng Delin wants to visit China this time is to supervise Macron and ensure that France will not leave the EU's economic and trade policy after obtaining the results of unexpected economic and trade agreements.At the press conference before the visit and after the meeting, Feng Delin repeatedly mentioned the problem of extremely imbalanced Sino -European trade.Hua trade deficit has three times more, describing "this trend is unsustainable."

The EU depends on the risk of dependence on China

attracted attention from all walks of life but China avoided that Feng Delin also mentioned the economic policy of "de-Risking" before visiting China.She said that the European Union was not seeking decoupled with China, and proposed to reduce the import dependence on products in key areas of China. It must be faced with the Sino -European trade dialogue to deal with the economic and trade issues existing in bilateral sides, including the unfair competition facing European companies in China.For example, European enterprises are under pressure from transfer technology, insufficient protection of smart property rights in China, and discrimination with the policy of "buying Chinese goods".

As for Macron, he did not stand tough like Feng Delin, but when he talked about the French media about this visit to China, he also agreed that there were indeed risks and imbalances in the French world, so that the French worldThe newspaper commented that "Behind the beautiful opening white is very cautious. After all, China's economy is panting, and the Chinese market is closed and risky."

Finally, the future direction of Sino -European relations is whether China and the European Union can further find consensus on the Ukrainian crisis.Whether it is Macron or von derine, a major purpose of visiting China this time is to warn the other party not to associate with Russia and transport killing weapons to Russia.If you want to discuss the biggest gains made by Chinese from the interviews of the two, the progress of economic and trade relations is actually the second. More importantly, the Chinese side has played the role of Ukraine's peace, and finally won the affirmation of the French and EU leaders.It relieves the sharp contradictions of China and Europe since the epidemic, and strives to take a small step.

But at the same time, it is not too high to evaluate the diplomatic harvest around the Ukrainian crisis.Although this recognition shows what role in China and the United States in the Ukraine crisis in China, the European Union still has no unanimous views on the role of China within the European Union, especially in Central and Eastern Europe.The ceasefire has doubts, which has also led to a 12 -point statement on China's position that China had proposed in February about political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis. So far, it has not obtained a positive response from European countries.The statement called on Russia and Ukraine to stop fires, start peace talks, disable nuclear weapons, and cancel unilateral sanctions that have not been authorized by the UN Security Council.

In short, the visit of Macron and Feng Delin can not talk about the so -called separation of European and American relations and even the "United European anti -beauty".For the Chinese side, the two people's visit will help China to stabilize the relationship with Europe in recent years; to further improve this relationship, the parties will have a longer way to go in the future.

The author is a local freelance writer