Around the Qingming Festival in 2005, the then Kuomintang chairman Lien Chan was invited to the invitation of Hu Jintao, then the Central Secretary of the Mainland Government, to realize the ice -breaking journey to the mainland., Exchanged extensively and in -depth opinions.The journey of Lien Chan opened the curtain of large -scale exchanges between the two sides of the strait and the two parties since 1949.Soon after that, the then President of the Democratic Party, Song Chuyu, the chairman of the New Party, Yu Muming, and the mayor of Kaohsiung and the DPP member, Chen Ju, landed.In 2008 and 2012, Ma Ying -jeou led the Kuomintang to win the Taiwan election, deepening the results of cross -strait exchanges since 2005.Among them, from 2008 to 2016 is the eight years with the highest trust in cross -strait history and the flattest cross -strait relations.

18 years later, the former Chairman of the Kuomintang and former president of Taiwan Ma Ying -jeou, on the eve of Qingming, appeared on the mainland and carried out a series of sacrifice, visits and exchange activities.Compared with Lien Chan, Ma Ying -jeou's political "section" is higher: he has served as Taiwan for eight years, and as the President and Kuomintang Chairman of the Republic of China, Xi Jinpingmeeting.Based on this, we have reasonable expectations for Ma Ying -jeou's mainland.

However, the changes in Sino -US relations and the political ecology of Taiwan have determined that Ma Ying -jeou's results have limited results.Around 2005, the situation in the Taiwan Strait was extremely nervous because Chen Shui -bian strongly promoted the "referendum in the Alliance".At that time, the United States was at the critical stage of the war on terrorism. It needed China to support it. It did not want to disperse energy and have extraordinary branches due to Taiwan problems.Within Taiwan, the public opinion foundation of Green Camp was not dominant.All major political parties such as the Kuomintang and the Democratic Party are relatively united and the leaders have higher prestige.In this context, cross -strait relations finally ushered in a big turn in 2005.

18 years later, both Sino -US relations and Taiwan's political ecology have undergone major changes.In terms of Sino -US relations, the Bayeng government determined that China comprehensively challenged the US hegemony.Although the Biden government stated that he did not seek confrontation with China, it clearly advocated that it was necessary to "coexist with China".Sino -US strategic competition is unprecedentedly fierce.Taiwan is one of the most important chips in China in the United States.Taiwan has always been the forefront of Sino -US confrontation during the Trump and Biden government.Political figures such as the United States and allies have visited Taiwan and tried to empty the principle of "one China".In August last year, Perosi, Speaker of the Federal House of Representatives, visited Taiwan, which triggered the worst crisis in the Taiwan Strait since 1996.At the same time, in the U.S. scientific and technological war against China, Taiwan was included in the chip Four Kingdoms Alliance (Chip 4) due to TSMC.

18 years later, Taiwan's political ecology is also very different.The Democratic Party has been thin, and the Kuomintang is four -quarter and the party chairman lacks prestige within the party.The DPP has almost a unique family; the people's development momentum is rapid; the forces that support the unity of cross -strait are almost withered; the basic market for maintaining the status quo has gradually been advocated by independent public opinion.The Kuomintang is pan -greening, while the DPP is deep green.

Eric Hobsbawm, a famous British scholar, states that the deliberate guidance and propaganda of politicians to build nationalism in the book of nationalityThe key of national state.Since 1996, the adaptation of Taiwan ’s historical textbooks under the leadership of the DPP has completely changed the public opinion ecosystem.Although the people of Taiwan do not deny the same roots and the same pulse of the two sides of the strait, and do not deny the special relationship between the two sides in terms of blood, culture, history, etc., they also agree with the identity of Taiwanese.In recent years, the diplomatic behavior of the United States and allies has hollowed out the "one -China principle" and strengthened the identity of Taiwanese status.

As the former chairman of the Kuomintang and the former President of the Republic of China, Ma Ying -jeou worshiped a series of sites that are significant in the history of the Kuomintang and the Republic of China."" ".In addition, Ma Ying -jeou also pays great attention to the exchange between cross -strait youths and cultivates successors for the healthy development of cross -strait relations.In a word, Ma Ying -jeou's mainland trip not only demonstrated the same source of blood and culture on both sides of the strait, but also realized the seamless connection between the history of cross -strait political relations, reality and future.The mainland recognized Ma Ying -jeou's above -mentioned words and deeds. Song Tao, the Central Taiwan Office of the Mainland Government and the director of the State Council, met with Ma Ying -jeou in Wuhan, and took the high -speed rail to accompany Ma Ying -jeou to Hunan to worship ancestors.

However, after a few years, after a few years, Ma Ying -jeou's mainland trip will leave traces in addition to the history of cross -strait relations in the history of cross -strait relations, and it is difficult to have a substantial impact on the development of the current and future cross -strait relations.Judging from Ma Ying -jeou's speech in front of his grandfather's grave, emotional revealing, and the arrangement of the mainland's itinerary, Ma Ying -jeou's willingness to "leave the leaves to return to the far away" is very strong.Other more magnificent goals are only accessories, and it can be achieved. Even if it cannot be achieved or just a small part, it will not become Ma Ying -jeou's lifelong regret. After all, it is not that Ma Ying -jeou can be left or right.

The author is an associate professor at the University of Sichuan Foreign Studies