Shaking hands with Premier Li Xianlong at the door of the cabin and farewell, facing his smiley eyes, congratulating "visits the successful success".Six days (March 27th to April 1st), the visit to the three places was concluded, and it was accompanied by a big smile on the face of each visitor.

Visiting is undoubtedly significant: this is the first batch of foreign leaders received by the new government in China.Strategic communication and painting in regional cooperation.The results of the visit are heavy: President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Xianlong jointly announced that Sino -new relations have been promoted into a comprehensive and high -quality forward -looking partnership, which pointed out the direction for the relationship between the two countries; Premier Li Qiang and Premier Li Xianlong jointly witnessed the signing of the bilateral free trade agreement upgrade upgradeDouble -sided cooperation documents with many fields such as culture, science and technology, and justice; the two Premier Li also delivered important speeches at the Boao Asia Forum Annual Meeting to jointly inject stability and confidence into Asia's peace and prosperity.

Is this all the purpose and effectiveness of the access?Behind the visible results, what are the feelings and consensus that are invisible but deeply perceived with each other?Throughout the way, thinking all the way, I realize that it is important to have at least triple connections.

First of all, an emotional connection.Everyone said that the friendship between China and Singapore has a long history, but after three years of the epidemic, after all, it has caused objective obstruction.The world has been changing in the past three years. Is that familiar country, those familiar scenery and people, or is it the same?From the moment you see the gangsters, see the welcome crowd and sincere smile, visit the old shops in Yongqingfang, Guangzhou, and say hello to the people on the street with the rural sound of the people on the street.Following the fleet at the moment when the team was flying in Chang'an Street, the magnificent Tiananmen Square, and seeing the moment when the new national flags along the street greeted the wind, they all directly activated the memory of the past: yes, everything is so kind and familiar!At the same time, set foot on Guangzhou Biological Island, which looks like Greenland Park, take a try to take the driverless electric buses, transfer to the high -rise buildings and dense innovation enterprises in Guangzhou Knowledge City, introduce the latest cooperation results of China and new researchers, understand Hainan Free TradeHong Kong's leapfrog development ... It is clearly passed on to fresh feelings: different, so much change!

This connection is diverse: listening to the Cantonese people talk about feelings, reunite with old friends, reunite with old friends, watch the flow of traffic on the street, and the kind of urgent running forwardThe strength has confirmed the strengthening of cognition from different angles; the connection is also two -way: the sincere look at the eyes when meeting with President Xi Jinping, and Premier Li Qiang remembered the topic that the last talked about, and clenched it closely with the chairman of the National People's Congress.His hands, the old photos of the chairman of the CPPCC National Committee 30 years ago ... all spread the goodwill, trust, and enthusiasm after waves.This is the unique charm of field visits, face -to -face communication, and immersive visits?Every moment I see what I see, and the feelings and feelings are continuously and diverse.

The mind is connected, it is a deed.In the eyes of leaders, the spirit of the people, the vitality of the enterprise, and the harmony of society are all reflecting the concepts and development ideas of governing.Visiting the three places, all the way to discuss the development concept of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area, Chinese -style modern Guangdong characteristic practice, Yongqingfang and other old urban areas to repair and transform ideas, the development path of modern free trade ports, refined governance of large cities, Aging and fertility encouragement policies, etc.

Entering the Great Hall of the People, one after another is the intensive ideological exchange: how the legislature provides a more complete guarantee of the rule of law for the development of the country, and explores the democratic form that is more suitable for national conditions to unite the major decision -making of the society to the party and the government.The deployment of consensus, how to promote the modernization of their own characteristics and further integration and mutual promotion.The climax is naturally the meeting with President Xi: Talking about and laughing, we have died in regional strategy, great power, and a century -old change.If it is said that "high -quality" is the core word of this visit. What lays the foundation is high -quality friendship and mutual trust. What determines the direction is high -quality ideological exchanges and concept docking.From this perspective, this conversation is meaningful.

With emotional blending and ideas, I believe that the docking of the future of the future is natural.At present, both countries have developed the post -development layout after the epidemic.China will comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in accordance with the strategic deployment of the 20th National Congress of the mainland government.Singapore is also based on the long -term, and through the "move forward movement", the shop will develop blueprints in the next stage.As Premier Li emphasized in Boao, in the uncertain world, China -Singapore and more countries that are willing to cooperate will work together to provide certainty.From 3+1 intergovernmental projects to digital and green transformation and cooperation, from this year's cooperation focus to future medium and long -term planning coordination, from accelerating regional economic integration to firm maintenance of multilateralism and openness and tolerance ...Sino -new relations that wins the future will enter the record high.

Looking back after the visit, what to use to evaluate a visit is of historical significance?Dazzling results, dense high -level meetings, world public opinion attention?The development strategy and regional cooperation in the era of epidemic in the epidemic situation?Strengthen each other's hearts, deeds, and roads?They are all important indicators, but more importantly, the visit to establish a model of mutual understanding, mutual benefit, mutual benefit, common deposit existence, and win -win cooperation between neighboring countries.Even in the increasingly higher and higher suspicion, coercion, decoupling, selection, and closed sound waves, you can still choose independence, trust, cooperation, coordination, and opening up from the fundamental and long -term interests of the country and the people.The world is becoming more turbulent, and the road ahead is challenging.More fate and co -consensus, more mutually beneficial and win -win cooperation, and more partners with each other will give the people a peaceful and peaceful peace, give the country a firmness and calmness, and give the world a peace and light.This is what China and Singapore believe in and pursue together, which can be demonstrated and promoted together, and it will be a higher orientation of this visit beyond bilateral and present, leading the avenue and the general trend.

The author is the Ambassador to Singapore in Singapore