Source: United News Network

Author: Wu Jianguo

This time, the 12 -day mainland visit of former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou, the itinerary can be said to be carefully designed. In addition to going to Changsha (Xiangtan), Hunan, it is to return to the tomb to worship the ancestors to chase the far away.It is a heavy town that is closely related to the Republic of China.For example: Nanjing is the national capital stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic of China. Wuhan is the first capital of the founding of the Republic of China. Chongqing is the accompanying capital of leaders of the Republic of China, and Shanghai is the economic center of China since modern times.

The former president of Malaysia deliberately arranged these four places that are closely related to the fate of the Republic of China, and could not help but inspire the common nostalgic memories of the two sides of the strait, especially for the mainland compatriots, and also produced a strong "Republic of China feelings".

In fact, since the reform and opening up of the mainland more than 40 years ago, in order to inspire cadres and people at all levels to have new thinking and style, "emancipating the mind" has become the most important job of educating the masses.The slogans are everywhere, and then there was a suggestion of "free and open -minded thoughts during the Republic of China".Even 20 years ago, the Shanghai Municipal Government also proposed the construction goal of "restoration of Shanghai's glorious and prosperity in the 1930s".

Since the Opium War in modern times, in Europe, America, and Japan, the powers invaded the Chinese territory and killed the Chinese people. Therefore, it has inspired the Chinese history."The rise of ideology.It's just that the "Zhuzi Hundred Family" is a stir around the national nation's rescue map, the rich and strong soldiers, and the core of anti -feudal and modernization.The annihilation of Manqing and the establishment of the Republic of China are an important milestone.

The free thought of thinking during the Republic of China can "Hai Naibaichuan", which has always been recognized by the mainland intellectual circles; I feel that we must take a new route of reform and opening up.The results.

The former President of Malaysia visited the mainland after the completion of the 20th National Congress of the Mainland Government and the government. On the one hand, when cross -strait relations fell into a seven -year deadlock, because of his visit, he could break through.Because of his elaborate arrangement of nostalgic itineraries, he set off the wave of "feelings of the Republic of China". I believe that this is an unexpected harvest that the President of Malaysia may not have thought beforehand.

The visit of the former President of Malaysia, the reason why the mainland people are generally supported by the people of the mainland is to send the great cause of the Chinese nation to the people of Taiwan. Do not do the US hegemonic behavior and unreasonably target China's rise.On the basis of the "one China" on the two sides of the strait, equal negotiation and discussions are the right way and the avenue; the reproduction of the style of the Republic of China is the common wish of the people on both sides of the strait.

The author is the former principal of the National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology