Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Author: Zhang Yazhong

Ma Ying -jeou and Tsai Ing -wen took a trip to mainland China respectively. Both camps questioned and criticized each other, but the dawn of peace on both sides of the strait was not appeared.

The two sides of the strait are still the civil war structure, that is, the sovereignty of both sides advocates its sovereignty is the only one, and the political relationship is hostile.The "1992 Consensus" is a political foundation for mutual trust to date on both sides of the strait.The so -called "1992 Consensus" should actually be called "92 understanding" more clear, because the "92 understanding" has two consensus and one without consensus.The two consensus are "adhere to one China" and "seeking national unity"; a non -consensus, that is, Taipei advocates the connotation of "one middle" to "each table", but Beijing believes that the cross -strait conduction in 1992 is transactional negotiation, and and alsoThere is no need to determine the connotation of "One Middle School". As long as both aspects you can adhere to one China, you only respect Taipei's expression and do not agree.

"Ninety -two understanding" has made great contributions to the transaction exchange on both sides of the strait. The two sides signed 23 agreements during the Ma Ying -jeou period, but the two sides of the strait are still in a state of civil war.Rehabilitation, but there is absolutely no peace, but there is no conflict.

The core of cross -strait relations is political issues.Ma Ying -jeou's governance "only goes without politics" and does not want to solve the political hostility and problems of cross -strait sides of the strait. The result of the policy of "maintaining the status quo" is equivalent to maintaining the status quo of cross -strait hostility relations. Simply put, it is a "drag".

In the later period of Ma Ying -jeou's administration, the perception of the "1992 Consensus" also began to change, and the "92 Consensus" was equivalent to the "Table of One Middle School".After 2016, the Kuomintang's cognition of the 1992 consensus in the wild has shaken, and some chairman advocates re -reviewing the 1992 consensus, or changing the consensus;Beauty.Based on the election considerations, they take a "flash" position on cross -strait political problems.election.

After Cai Yingwen's administration in 2016, he did not accept the 1992 consensus. Therefore, the political foundation of cross -strait affairs exchanges was gone, and political hostility was deeper.Since then, cross -strait relations have since moved from Ma Ying -jeou's "dragging" to Tsai Ing -wen's "fighting". Taiwan has completely fallen to the United States. Under the large structure of confrontation between the United States and China, Tsai Ing -wen has become a cutting -edge chess piece in the United States and China.

The biggest result of Ma Ying -jeou's trip is to express the "one in one middle" on the mainland. Although Beijing has given Ma Ying -jeou a large position to express room for speech, the "one of the one in one middle" is not the official position recognized by BeijingIt is not enough to solve cross -strait political problems. Only with the "one of the middle of the middle", the two sides of the strait cannot have political "harmony".

Ma Ying -jeou's trip, the challenge to the Kuomintang is whether to return to the "one of the middle and each table", that is, the "flash" back to "drag"."Dou" is a better choice.For the United States, Taipei's "drag, flash, fighting" in Beijing is in line with the strategic interests of the United States, and it is also regarded as "pro -beauty".Therefore, the United States will be satisfied with Ma Ying -jeou and Tsai Ing -wen.

The journey of Lu Mei and Cai Yingwen's trip to Lu Mei is very news, but there is almost no impact on the current structure of the US Land and Taiwan relations, and there are no signs of peace on both sides of the strait.The DPP will not worry that Ma Ying -jeou will challenge the DPP ’s“ pro -American preparation and fight against China ”, because“ drag ”and“ flash ”also need to prepare for the United States.Essence

If the cross -strait is going to "harmony", the only way is to communicate and dialogue into the deep -water area, solve the political difficulties on both sides of the strait, and end cross -strait hostile relations in order to have peace."He" is the strength of the Kuomintang, and it should also be the choice of the Kuomintang, and it will also be that the Kuomintang can win the weapon of the 2024 election.

The author is the president of Sun Wen School