On the occasion of the Sino -US trade war, military exchanges between the two countries were severely damaged.Shen Jinlong, commander of the Chinese Navy, was urgently recalled by the Chinese navy in the United States. The second meeting of the Sino -US Joint Staff of the Sino -U.S. The Joint Staff of the Sino -US Army, which was scheduled to be held from September 25th to 27th from September 25th to 27th.

The cause of the incident was that the U.S. State Department announced on September 20 that the Chinese Central Military Commission's Equipment Development Department and Minister Li Shangfu had sanctions on the grounds that the Ministry of Equipment Development of the Central Military Commission recently purchased 10 Su-35 fighters and fighters and fighters exported to Russia.The S-400 missile violated the US sanctions on the export of Russian weapons.

The US announcement of sanctions includes: the Central Military Commission's Equipment Development Department and Minister Li Shangfu will include the blacklist of sanctions, freezing all their assets in the United States, and prohibiting any American citizens and American companies from selling business with them.In addition, the Equipment Development Department of the Central Military Commission shall not use any US financial institutions to conduct export trade.In other words, the export weapons and equipment exported by the Central Military Commission's equipment development of the Central Military Commission cannot be settled with US dollars.

The U.S. sanction of the Chinese military is based on the "counterattack against the U.S. enemies with sanctions" passed in 2017.The bill intends to punish Russia's intervention in the US presidential election in 2016, asking for sanctions to sanction any third parties to be engaged in "major transactions" with the Russian defense industry.

As the Western countries led by the United States have been undergoing military embargo on China, China has imported from Russia for many years.With the rapid jumper of China's military equipment in recent years, the amount of military trade between China and Russia has declined, but Russia is still the largest source of Chinese military equipment imports. Russian equipment has played a significant role in the leapfrog development of Chinese military industry.

Today, in accordance with its domestic laws, the United States has suddenly announced that it has not announced that the important direct institutions and senior generals of the Central Military Commission have not appeared in Sino -US relations for many years.For China, the United States's move is equivalent to creating a bad precedent. It is to introduce its domestic law into the hegemony of Sino -US relations. If it does not counterattack, such incidents will continue to be staged.

As a result, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of National Defense came out of the horse. By summoning the US ambassador to China and the US military officials in China, the United States requested the United States to immediately revoke relevant sanctions. OtherwiseChina also reserves the right to further take countermeasures.

However, the United States has always applied its domestic law to international relations for many years, and it is unlikely that it is due to China's protest.If the United States does not revoke sanctions, the already fragile Sino -US military exchanges will be worse and re -fall into the bottom.

At present, the Chinese military does not have much trade connection with Western countries such as the United States. Li Shangfu is unlikely to have any assets in the United States. The symbolic significance of the US's sanctions on the Equipment Development Department of the Central Military Commission and the person in charge of the United States is far greater than the actual significance.

However, if the United States will be upgraded and upgraded, using the US dollar settlement system controlled by it limits all Chinese military companies' imports and export military equipment, and even extend the strike surface to other trading fields, it will set off a greater wave in Sino -US relations, China, China, China, China, China, China, China and the United States.There may be risk of comprehensive confrontation between beauty.

Fortunately, the United States has not intended to do that.US officials emphasized that the goal of this sanctions against China was not China, but Russia.This shows that the United States is trying to differentiate the relationship between Russia and China on the one hand, and on the other hand, it does not want to treat China and Russia as a hit object at the same time.

However, the US move inevitably exacerbates the sense of crisis between China and Russia, prompting China and Russia to accelerate the pace of "de -US dollar" in the military industry and other trading fields, and use the Sino -Russian national currency settlement.At the same time, the pressure of the United States is unlikely that China and Russia are alienated to each other. Only when China and Russia rely on tighter can there be chips and the United States.

In fact, in recent years, China has also tried to break the passive situation of being completely controlled by the US dollar.For example, China has opened a crude oil futures market for RMB.Although the current transaction volume of this market is not large, in the context of the Sino -US trade war, the United States may use more US dollar weapons sanctions in China, China's willingness to promote the internationalization of the RMB will only become moreThe stronger, the internationalization of the renminbi may also come faster than external expectations.