Author: Qinqin

Recently, Tsai Laihe has launched the auxiliary machines in Taiwan. Everywhere he goes, he will scold the Kuomintang's unsuccessful achievements. At the same time, he boasted that under the Democratic Progressive Party's administration, various reforms have come successfully.

However, the truth is: the Cai Yingwen government has almost falsely changed the name since taking office.The professional administration of the second -generation party and government green second -generation replacing the official system not only destroys the high -efficiency civilian system established under the long -term governance of the Kuomintang, but also lost its key policies that affect the future development of the people's livelihood.

From fiscal and tax finance to industrial energy, social welfare workers, judicial justice, cross -strait relations, or even national defense diplomacy, which field is not allowing layman leaders to conduct internal travel, consciousness dominance major?The result is naturally to continue to launch a variety of departure policies for deserted cavities. Baiye is withered, and the people's grievances are boiling, but the Cai government has no sense of illness, and continues to indulge in the arrogance of continuous expansion.

What is even more terrible is that the Cai government regards the people's attitude as a mustard.A director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was forced to do his own, and he was completely covered with the cause of death.Huang Shixiu was rejected in order to legally make up the case with the nuclear raising green public investment. He sat still for 2 weeks in a hunger strike.What can you do if you can get right?

Without the face of opposite the people, it is possible to go back to Taiwan under the rule of various dynasties, and there will be no right right!

Once upon a time, Taiwan had fallen into such a fascist country, and it actually made a candidate president and his political party who had been in office for two years to ruin the country?From Chen Shui -bian to Tsai Ing -wen, Taiwanese voters made wrong choices because they trusted the Democratic Progressive Party's campaign.As a result, the former president became a criminal of corruption, and the latter became a dictator of Taiwan's democratic rule of law.

In addition to being deceived in a row, everyone realized that the key is the slogan of the Democratic Progressive Party. The more it is necessary for the people to interpret it correctly, so that they will not fall into its cheap words.

Today's Democratic Progressive Party has long been the biggest source of chaos in China. In particular, political appointment has sent some laymen to replace majors, which is full of departments, and hurts the civilian system.As netizens said that if all green officials can suspend governing, and the stable civilian system operates according to the system, the development of the country will definitely be much smoother than the current.

The Guyun State rises and falls, and the husband is responsible to prove that today's democratic society that pursues the equality of the rule of law and one person is one by one.By the reason that the Chinese people hate the blue and green fighting, they often play fifty big boards on the governance and the opponents of governance and the wild.The tumor makes the sophistry and lies full of lies.

The democratic practice of Taiwan can be said to have been near the end of the cancer. How can we mess around and let our democracy be returned to life, and we can only see the quality and awakening of all citizens!

(The author is a former administrative member of the Executive Yuan)