Britain's name at the UN Security Council accused two Russian intelligence officials who tried to poison the Russian spy and his daughter in the UK.

In the eyes of the British government, two Russian agents ran to Salzburi, Britain to launch a huge "Nevoch" neurotoxic agent, which was by no means a dare to shoot a Russian intelligence agency, but the highest -level decision -makingEssence

Middot, a British government's national security affairs adviser; Wallace sword refers to Putin.Wallace told the BBC that Russian President Putin was "taken for granted and eventually" to be responsible for this attack.The severity of this refers to be underestimated.Started on the United Kingdom with national behavior. The last time I did this was Hitler's Germany.

The relationship between Britain and Russia has fallen to a new low since the Cold War.

"Not Putin, Trump"

In this context, Wallace's predecessor, former British national security adviser to Middot; Sir Grant's words seemed amazing.

In an interview with the British "Times", Sir Grant said that the international political and economic order established after World War II, giving the world's 70 -year peace game rules, is being destroyed. "And the most dangerous threat, greater than a malicious country like Russia, is more threatened than terrorism and electronic warfare. "

In the eyesight of Sir Grant, the person who threatened this threat to the United Kingdom was very clear: "The drums and vowes of the international order based on the rules are traditionally the president of the United States. The current US president believes this set."/p>

Sir Grant said that the "international order based on the rules" refers to the free political and economic order that the allies have gradually established after the Second World War.This order is reflected in a variety of institutions and mechanisms, such as the United Nations, NATO, and a number of international conventions.

With the disintegration of the former Soviet Union and the eastward expansion of NATO, the country has been incorporated into this order significantly.

In the "U.S. preferred" Trump, which is "prioritized" in the White House, it has put forward fundamental challenges to the traditional international order that the United States has consistently advocated and maintained.British political commentator Simon Middot; Tistell wrote on the "Guardian" and pointed out that Trump was fierce with the dictators of the world, but he was facing traditional American allies.

The founder of multilateralism is the United States.Now to protect and rebuild MDASH; - Mdash; mdash; Macon, French President


At the political level, Trump's "U.S. priority" has led to unilateralism and isolationism, making traditional American allies feel abandoned or even betrayed.

Trump has only been in the station for more than a year, and has been tearled out of a number of international trade agreements and withdrew from many international institutions and agreements.The UN Human Rights Commission, the Paris Climate Agreement, and the Iranian nuclear agreement the hellip; hellip; this list is still becoming at an amazing speed.

French President Macoron talked to Trump the anxiety of traditional American allies: "The founder of multilateralism is the United States. Now it depends on you to protect and recreate".

British political commentator Simon Middot; Tistell wrote on the "Guardian" and pointed out that Trump was fierce with the dictators of the world, but he was facing traditional American allies.Tistel said in the article, whose side of Trump's United States is on the side?If you ask this question 18 months ago, it must be ridiculous.But now, the American allies have no bottom.

Tistel ridiculed: "Who still needs an enemy with such friends?" We have a sleepwalking to enter the danger of the next crisis.There should be a sober understanding of the danger, but we have entered a world without a leader -MDASH; - Mdash; Gordon Middot; Brown, former British Prime Minister

Trade barriers

Trump's "U.S. priority" is reflected in the economic level as trade protectionism.British political commentator Dijin Middot; Reichman wrote in the "Financial Times" that it made Britain after Brexit feel fragile.Richman said that the two pillars of British foreign policy over the past 40 years are members of the European Union and the other is the "special relationship" with the United States.Britain decided to withdraw from the European Union, making Britain more dependent on the United States.

It is precisely at this festival, the United States has selected a president who is unreliable with British diplomatic positioning.The fundamental relationship with the United States is still the basis of British security and foreign policy.It does not depend on the personal character of the person sitting in the presidential position or the relationship between the highest level mdash; - Mdash; mdash; Robert Middot; Han Ninggen, the former head of GCHQ

Reichman said that Britain thought he had abandoned the EU raft and boarded the big warship in the United States. "But unfortunately it was completely wrong.Disaster. "

Former British Prime Minister Brown also issued the same warning.Brown said Trump's protectionism is the biggest obstacle to international cooperation.The world has repeated the risk of the global financial crisis in 2008.

Image CaptionBBC Political Affairs Reporter Laura Middot; Quesberg said that since Trump was elected, he has been a friend who has embarrassed Terrysa Middot; Mei is embarrassed.

Brown wrote on the "Guardian": "We have a sleepwalking to the danger of the next crisis. Instead of danger, we should now have a sober understanding, but we have entered a world without a leader."

Robert Middot, the former head of GCHQ, headquarters of the British Intelligence Institutional Communication Headquarters; Han Ninggen expressed the same concerns about US President Trump's "lack of commitment to rules and order".However, Han Ninggen believes that under the highest level, the "almost close and unparalleled" cooperation between the security intelligence agencies of Britain and the United States has continued.

Han Ninggen said: "The fundamental relationship with the United States is still the basis of Britain's security and foreign policy. It does not rely on the personal character or the highest level between people sitting in the presidency."