Social Theory September 28, 2018

When President Trump spoke at the UN General Assembly recently, US President Trump stated that the United States opposed the concept of globalism and advocated that the United States prioritized. It also said that countries around the world must fight against global governance, new form of oppression and domination of sovereignty on national sovereignty.

The international order, principles, and multilateral organizations that the United States leads the international community after World War II has become a threat of independence in the United States in Trump's mouth.Announcement.

This is the second time Trump speaks at the United University as a national leader.Last year, he criticized the United Nations lack of management efficiency and serious bureaucracy, and believed that the United Nations did not play the results of the United Nations investment with the United Nations.With his slogan when he was running for the president, he shouted to let the United Nations great again and encouraged member states to advance the United Nations reform.

This year, he seemed to be completely disappointed with the reform of the United Nations, and directly declared that international multilateral organizations eroded the national sovereignty.

He attacked the United Nations Human Rights Council and the International Criminal Court, criticizing the former as shame, and the latter violated all principles such as justice, fairness and established procedures, and said that the US sovereign would not be transferred to an international criminal that uniquely elected and irresponsible.The court also explicitly stated that the United States rejected globalism and embraced patriotism.

The United States's rejection of globalism has revealed the predicament facing the international community. In the next period of relatively long period of time, international order is likely to fall into turbulence.The United Nations Secretary -General Gutres said: Today, the world has suffering from trust missing, and multilateralism has been criticized.Trust of state agencies, trust between the country, and the trust of rules -based global order are at a critical point.

Since the establishment of the United States, it has pursued isolationism. It was not until Japan's attack on Hawaii Pearl Harbor in the later period of World War II that it joined the war.In 1942, U.S. President Roosevelt first called the United Nations Anti -Fascist Alliance;

After the end of World War II, the United Nations was established, and US President Truman announced in 1945 that the United States was not isolated during the war, and he would not adopt isolation in the peacetime period in the future.The United States has pursued interferenceism in the past 70 years, playing the role of the world police, and exported American democracy and liberal values and market economic concepts to the outside world.

The Western world led by the United States has established today's international principles and international order, and countries around the world have benefited from this set of international order.Under the governance of the United States, most parts of the world have been roughly maintained, the global economy has continued to develop, the poor people around the world have continued to decrease, developing countries have gradually accumulated wealth, and the well -being of the people has improved.

The United Nations has 193 sovereign members, which is the highest symbol of internationalism and global governance.Although there are institutional defects, this is the most effective international mechanism that humans can achieve so far, and contributions to international peace and development cannot be wiped out.Trump has blatantly opposed globalism in the United Nations, regarding the United Nations in nothing, will weaken its symbolicness and leadership, and will be relatively difficult to resolve the world in the world in the future.

Trump's abandonment of globalism and multilateralism actually has certain public support in the United States.Trump believes that this set of international order has made the global rich, including the rise of China to become the world's second largest economy that can challenge the global leadership of the United States.It is impossible to safeguard the interests of the United States and threatened the sovereignty of the United States.

Some of the decisions of Trump's last past two years seemed to be free to do whatever he wanted, but there was no rules, but the rules of international game rules were the same as one, and the context was clear.His definition of national interests does not follow traditional political schools, but has a narrower short -term interest.

It must be pointed out that the United States under the rule of Trump is not returning to history of isolation, but tending to unilateralism, which means that it will move globally based on non -traditional principles.You can do it.This will disrupt the existing international order. The beauty of revenge, the hatred of the West, and the terrorism may be intensified, which is a threat to all countries.

U.S. politics has moved towards unilateralism today, which can be said to be the pendulum effect of liberalism and democracy to the extreme.The globalism constructed by the United States has enriched the world, but many Americans think that they have eaten a lot of secret losses and forced the conservative Trump group to embark on the American political stage.

From the perspective of the United States, multilateralism is a product of the old era. Now it is going to retreat. If other countries want to maintain the existing international order and confront unilateralism, they cannot be too selfish.To avoid the world's further slippery and disorderly and turbulent abyss.