U.S. Concerns Over Chinese Enterprises' Participation in Philippine Sea Reclamation Project

The United States has raised concerns about a Chinese state-owned company's participation in a Philippine reclamation project. The company was earlier blacklisted by the United States for being involved in the Chinese military's artificial island construction and militarization projects in the South China Sea.

Reuters quoted Kanishka Gangopadhyay, a spokeswoman for the U.S. embassy in the Philippines, as saying on Wednesday (August 2) that the U.S. had also expressed concern to the Philippine government about the possible negative environmental impacts of this project and other land reclamation activities. worry.

Gango Padya pointed out that the United States is concerned about both the environmental impact of this project and the participation of China Communications Construction Company Limited (CCCC), saying that these are two different issues.

The United States blacklisted dozens of Chinese companies in 2020, including China Communications Construction. Luo Xin, the Philippine foreign minister at the time, said at the time that he would advise the Philippine government to terminate transactions with companies on the blacklist.

The Philippine Reclamation Authority said that two of the six reclamation projects approved in Manila Bay were undertaken by China Harbor Engineering, a subsidiary of China Communications Construction Co., Ltd. The company (China First Highway Engineering) works with Philippine companies and municipal governments.

There are many historical sites and government offices along Manila Bay, including the US Embassy.

Philippine Environment Secretary Loyzaga said at a media briefing Wednesday that the Department of Environment will evaluate approved projects.