Guo Yuhua: In the case of repeated reduction in domestic graduate students, the tutor is chasing money, and the difficulties of children in the mountains, why are we still generously giving foreign students so many scholarships?
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In recent years, I have often received an email from applicants from Pakistan and other countries, named Muhammad.Reading the reception letter so that applicants can receive the Chinese government scholarship.For example: "I Want to Apply to your university for Chinese government school schoolship for PHD Degree and I would to work unered supervision as I am very interseted in. Your reSearch filed.Are Ready to Supervise Me. I want to apply for Ms Studies in Session 2019 Under Chinese Government Scholarship. "

I checked the website of the Ministry of Education and learned: "The Chinese government scholarship is an educational exchange agreement or reached by the Chinese Ministry of Education in accordance with the relevant national governments, institutions, schools, and relevant international organizations."Related application websites show that the amount of Chinese government scholarships is as follows:

"Study in China" website: Chinese Government Scholarship Guide


From the perspective of amounts, scholarships from different degrees, types, and disciplines ranging from nearly 60,000 yuan to nearly 100,000 yuan.This means that foreign students who have received the Chinese government scholarship can be funded by nearly 6,000 to nearly 10,000 yuan per month.

On the application website of foreign students who teach Tsinghua University, there is also a specific description of the status of accommodation: "(The room of the Chinese government's full scholarship winner is reserved in advance by the school, and the students themselves do not need to book).Single people (independent bathrooms), AB rooms (two people share a bathroom) and double rooms (there are public bathrooms on each floor). There are bedding, color TV, air conditioning, telephone, network socket, furniture, etc. in the room. " In order to know in my heart, I asked domestic graduate students to ask their funding.The students told me that the student aid for foreign students was significantly higher than that of their students, and some could almost reach double.The amount of domestic graduate funding is as follows:

Domestic graduate student aid situation

In the face of the application letter of foreign students, if you do not understand the situation of the applicant, nor the award -winning of the Ministry of Education, especially if it has nothing to do with student training and academic research, of course, it is impossible to recruit thisStudent students.But the question is, in the case of repeated reduction in domestic graduate students and doctoral students, why are there so many foreign students applying for scholarships?What is the purpose of government funding specifically for foreign students?What is the source of such a large amount of cost?What is the basis for its legitimacy and rationality?What does it have to do with education and academics?In the situation where students' education funds are still insufficient, is it suitable to use so much money to fund overseas students?

What's more, starting from the fall of 2017, Tsinghua University has begun to fully implement the reform of the graduate awards system.In accordance with the mandatory provisions of the "Implementation Measures for the Graduate Awards": The college (mentor) enrolling academic degree graduate students should provide "three aid" positions or awards for all qualified and unable to obtain school assistant and support funding standards are as follows: The standard for support for teaching assistants and assistance in management is: doctoral students are 13,000 yuan per semester, and master students are 8,000 yuan per semester;: Doctoral students are not less than 9,000 yuan per semester, and master students do not be less than 3,000 yuan per semester.

On the basis of the school's "measures", the "three -assistance" notice of “graduate students” of the Academy of Social Sciences further stipulates that in addition to solving the award of each mentor and a graduate student in the college, all the qualifications of doctoral graduate and master's graduate tutor qualificationsTeachers need to set up assistance to research, and the number of jobs is matched with the number of graduate students they are directed. It stipulates that in full -time academic degree graduate students (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan students, but excluding international students and graduate students with fixed salary income), they need to be employed.Within the scope of the school and college policies, all the mentors are reasonably formulated by the planning for research assistance, including the list of students who assist research in the instructor, the list of non -funded students, and the list of graduate students who apply for special funding for the college.After being summarized by the department, I went to the college.hellip; hellip; For mentors who can help graduate students who are unable to guide them due to the lack of scientific research conditions, the instructor will be suspended in the next year's enrollment plan.Pay.

When it comes to the funding of graduate students, outsiders may not know much.Generally speaking, the awards of graduate students (including doctoral students) are divided into three parts: the basic award aid is issued by the Ministry of Education and the school (the schools are relatively large); the subsidy part is the living subsidy issued by Beijing; Cultivating funding funds is a remuneration from graduate students as teaching assistants, research aids, and positions.Prior to the reform of the graduate award award system, the training funding fund was usually distributed according to the work that the graduate school was actually undertaken.For example, the scientific research project of science and engineering instructor requires graduate students to participate in actual work such as experiments (therefore, some students jokingly joked that the mentor was "boss"), and the tutor's course did require teaching assistant and the school did not have unsuccessful taught positions.The tutor of the discipline of humanities and social sciences usually does not require students to "work" for their own research projects.Taking our sociology as an example, if the subject selection of the student's dissertation is related to the subject of the mentor, the mentor naturally helps the study of student research. If it is not related, the mentor still pays the students' field work expenses (travel expenses, investigation fees, etc.) andThe review of Shuo, Bo's arguments, defense costs, etc.These costs come from various types of funding funds applied for by the instructor, which means that while funding the graduate students complete their degree thesis, the instructor must also complete the research tasks. In this regard, the mentor is actually a "migrant worker".


When it comes to the funding of graduate students, outsiders may not know much.Generally speaking, the awards of graduate students (including doctoral students) are divided into three parts: the basic award aid is issued by the Ministry of Education and the school (the schools are relatively large); the subsidy part is the living subsidy issued by Beijing; Cultivating funding funds is a remuneration from graduate students as teaching assistants, research aids, and positions.Prior to the reform of the graduate award award system, the training funding fund was usually distributed according to the work that the graduate school was actually undertaken.For example, the scientific research project of science and engineering instructor requires graduate students to participate in actual work such as experiments (therefore, some students jokingly joked that the mentor was "boss"), and the tutor's course did require teaching assistant and the school did not have unsuccessful taught positions.The tutor of the discipline of humanities and social sciences usually does not require students to "work" for their own research projects.Taking our sociology as an example, if the subject selection of the student's dissertation is related to the subject of the mentor, the mentor naturally helps the study of student research. If it is not related, the mentor still pays the students' field work expenses (travel expenses, investigation fees, etc.) andThe review of Shuo, Bo's arguments, defense costs, etc.These costs come from various types of funding funds applied for by the instructor, which means that while funding the graduate students complete their degree thesis, the instructor must also complete the research tasks. In this regard, the mentor is actually a "migrant worker".

The reform of the graduate award system that started in 2017 has greatly increased the amount of funding, and made a hard rule for the expenses issued by the mentor, that is, regardless of whether the graduate students bear the actual teaching assistant or research work, they must be in accordance with the prescribed standards in accordance with the prescribed standards.Issuing money.The above -mentioned "methods" and "notifications" put the additional part of the graduate award, almost put on the tutor's head.For the discipline of humanities and social sciences, this is absurd and difficult to operate.Taking the Department of Sociology as an example, the instructor needs to apply for all costs of field investigations, travel, degree thesis reviews and defense for graduate students.It is completely different: It is not that graduate students work for mentors, but just the opposite.In this case, why should the mentor give the head fee for thousands of dollars or even nearly 10,000 yuan per semester?Where can the mentor go to find this money?

I stated in the objections to the department, college, and school level:

1. What is the procedure for the reform of the "Comprehensive Implementation of the Reform of the Graduate Award System"?Have you sought opinions from various disciplines and professional mentors and the process of fully discussing negotiation?Obviously not.Therefore, it has no procedure legitimacy.

Second, what is the basis for this new rules?He Dian?What is it?What is it?There is no basis for law and reason, it is entirely the practice of rudeness of administrative power and the will of the chief of the chief.Moreover, there is no such agreement during enrollment.Changing the funding method at any time and at will obviously lacks a sense of contract.

3. For graduate training in social sciences, this provision is not operable.For the specific implementation, who does the mentor give?Who don't give?Who is more?Who is less?Isn't this artificially creating contradictions between students and teachers and students?Does the mentor have the possibility of long -term continuous funding?Every semester to apply, report, and approval for such a semester is a great waste of teaching resources.

Fourth, what are the decision makers what is education, academic, teachers, and students?In violation of the laws and characteristics of different disciplines, do a unified knife and cutting; treat teachers as contractors and students to become migrant workers. They are all tools and objects that do not have independent spiritual freedom.Where does dignity be?

At the beginning of the new semester, teachers and students were busy again for the awards.All kinds of tangles are really puzzling, helpless and aggrieved.


At the Beijing Summit of the China -Africa Cooperation Forum recently held, after the announcement of another $ 60 billion aid plan, the Chinese government once again announced to the world that it provides Africa with 50,000 Chinese government scholarship places.Everything is no better than not to know, it ’s scared: given that we are experiencing the trouble of being chased as a mentor, and there is a difficult dilemma of children in rural and mountainous areas, I want to ask:Money, or no money?

(Note: This article only represents the author's personal point of view. Editor Wang Yan [email protected])