Author: 九 鸣 p

When public opinion focused on the Sino -US trade war, Beijing also released the good news of the open economy at the policy level the day before. Prime Minister Li Keqiang hosted the executive meeting of the State Council on the same day to determine the implementation of major foreign investment projects, reducing the import tariffs on some commodities, and accelerating customs clearance.Convenient measures.While China, China has been recruited with the US government in the field of economy and trade, and is stepping up to deepen reform and expand opening up.

Earlier, China selected the tariff on the US $ 200 billion of goods in the United States, and announced the facts of Sino -US economic and trade frictions and the Chinese position white paper.Immediately afterwards, the senior officials of multiple economic and trade departments appeared together to interpret the white paper.

The People's Daily has also published comments over the past few days, emphasizing that cooperation is the only correct choice to deal with Sino -US economic and trade frictions. It should objectively and accurately understand the fact that Sino -US economic and trade relations.

Sources said that the Chinese government's white paper dance swords may be in Peigong.Since the outbreak of trade between China and the United States, China has repeatedly emphasized that cooperation is the only way out.

After being negotiated many times and being trusted, Zhongnanhai now does not expect the White House to recognize this white paper. One of its deep intentions is to show the world's confidence in the Chinese government's confidence in its own economic development and economic globalization.

White Paper Show Reform Confidence is not looking forward to beauty recognition

Mei Xinyu, a researcher at the International Trade Economic Cooperation Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce, described the white paper for Anmin.He told the author that the senior officials of China hoped to tell the world through the white paper. On the one hand, the Chinese government will strive to avoid allowing the trade war into a new cold war. On the other hand, China's continuous advancement of economic reform is enough to cope with the trade war.

People close to the senior management also told the author that since this year, the rhythm of deepening reforms and expanding opening up has become tightened, which also means stabilizing the public.

Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued a few opinions on improving the consumption system and mechanism to further stimulate the potential of residents' consumption, emphasizing the efforts from both ends of supply and demand to promote consumption upgrades, implement supply -side structural reforms, to more extent the matching and demand matching, exert consumption consumptionFor the pillar role of economic development.In the past, the central government has set up a macroeconomic policy in the second half of the year. It can be seen that this economic reform that is mainly expanding domestic demand is accelerating.

Those familiar with economic policy pointed out that the expansion of domestic demand and steady growth, which has been promoted to the main focus of policies.On the other hand, this reform can also cope with or move towards an extreme trade war.

According to Yu Yongding, a well -known Mainland economist, the government wants to expand consumer demand and promote income distribution synthesis.Adjusting monetary policy, solving the difficulty of financing of small and medium -sized enterprises, and increasing investment in public products such as medical care and education may become the direction of the recent policy.