Author: Qiu Shiyi

Yesterday, Trump presided over the United Nations Security Council. On the round table, French President Macron, British Prime Minister Mey, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and other countries A Cafe representatives.

Trump preferentially speaks and named China, throwing out a surprising new statement: China tries to interfere with the next US mid -term elections. They do not want me, or we win, because I am the first in history to challenge China to challenge China in the United Statespresident.Wang Yi heard that Trump accused the moment he just shrugged, but later emphasized that the mainland did not interfere with other domestic politics.

In recent years, the outside world has talked about Trump has been in the wind and catching the wind. The academic community hopes to accurately catch Trump's thoughts, but what is its connotation?

Maybe you can read it from Trump, but everyone knows that Trump almost does not read it. What he wants to say, he once mentioned a copy of the source of the novel (The Fountainhead), the author is the Russian American actress AiYin Middot; Ayn Rand.

Before Rand's immigration to the United States, it experienced the first Russian revolution in 1905. This was aimply anti -government revolution. At that time, Rand and his father were tortured by famine in St. Petersburg.

Usually, people may stimulate the heart of conceal after disaster, but the opposite of Rand, as a writer who loves writing but often hungry in his early years, he preached his selfishness after arriving in the United States. Rand believes that people only live for themselves and pursue happiness.It is moral, and no one should sacrifice their own interests for others.Lan

Germany's thought was welcomed by free releases, which means that the government is minimalized, the market is maximized and trade liberalization, and it should even support globalization.

Theoretically, Trump, who loves the source, should also include various market -oriented arguments including globalization, but Trump has been in office for two years, it is not the case at all.Doctrine, such as Trump's intervention in multinational Torlas, including forcing Ford and air -conditioning manufacturers, to leave the factory in the United States.In terms of diplomacy, Trump's thought can be divided into two points to analyze:

First, Kim Jong -un could not explain the nuclearization plan of the Korean Peninsula, but this is not what Trump cares.In the eyes of Trump, the outside world's attack is tantamount to attacking Russia's intervention in the US presidential election in 2016, which is the indiscriminate of the American Liberal Media.

Second, the US -China trade war has deepened the friction between Trump and China, and there is a signs of follow -up.All the chess pieces that can be used to block or even anger the CCP, Trump has attracted two one by one, and there are two points worth explaining: the first is the Korean Peninsula, although South Korean President Moon Jae -in often depends on the United States according to Trump's confrontation with the tone of China.

However, Wen Zaiyin hopes to deepen Trump MDASH; the harmonious relationship between Kim Jong -un has initially established, and Trump is also happy to see this relationship continue to deepen. At this point, Trump and Wen Zaiyin overlap.

Followed by Taiwan. Since Trump and President Tsai have called, although Trump's relationship with China has not had no recovery record, in the past two years, the United States has passed the Taiwan Travel Law and National Defense Authorization Law in the past two years.The Taiwan Army's sales aircraft parts were US $ 3.3 billion. In fact, the United States continued to increase the weight of Taiwan's big chips and strengthened from the two directions of legalization and military sales.

Of course, is Taiwan suitable for voluntary standing on the line to conflict with the other side?It is worth discussing seriously, but at least the current Tsai government placed all the eggs in Trump's pockets. Instead of saying that it may encounter the mainland force attack, it is better to say that the Cai government cannot use cross -strait economic and trade exchanges.Cracking the Democratic Progressive Party's governance that is always unable to revitalize the economy, and therefore raised the Democratic Progressive Party's pattern.

To put it simply, Trump talks from the UN General Assembly to the Security Council, and can put together the relationship between Trump's strategic enemy (liberal media and China) (North Korea, Russia, Taiwan)., But what can be determined is authoritarianism, but with another internationally authoritarian China.

(The author is an associate professor at the Department of Political Department of Donghai University)