Ming Pao News Agency

Sino -US relations have changed sharply. After the United States imposed tariffs on China and sanctioned the Chinese military, President Trump also threatened that China tried to interfere with the US midterm elections. The leader of the President of the State President may no longer be friends.The United States media described Trump's accusation of accusations without evidence. However, the president of the Dangtang country made such malicious allegations that the hostility between China and the United States is likely to heat up.

Sino -US frictions have overflowed the scope of trade and spread to diplomatic and military. If they are not cautious, they may slip into the trap of Xiuqi in step by step.

Intervention election allegations to Trump's lack of credentials

Trump has accused China attempted to intervene in the next month's midterm elections. Many evidences show that China wants to see him and the Republican Party defeat. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi criticized Trump to say eight.Intervention elections are very serious allegations, which can trigger diplomatic storms. Russia was suspected of intervening in the US election in 2016 and was sanctioned by the United States.

Trump.In contrast, Trump's allegations of China have nothing to do with it, and even the Washington Post also says that Trump has not mentioned evidence.

The report also stated that last month's White House national security consultant mentioned that this mid -term election, except Russia, did not see other countries trying to intervene.

Trump publishes a special type of advertisement on the China Daily on the Eva Newspaper as an example. He claims that the Chinese side uses the advertisement of similar news reports to talk about the post -war Chinese merchants abandon imported soybean from the United States and interfere with the election.Other countries publish such album advertisements in the US newspapers, which can be described as commonplace.

The China Daily published an advertisement in the US News to explain the Chinese point of view. It clearly states that it is sponsorship content. It does not involve misleading or illegal acts. People who have insight know that the example of Trump is a joke.

Since the start of the trade war, Trump often claims to be a victory in the United States, but this allegations have made people feel that the Chinese trade counterattack measures really hit his pain.Aiwa is an important agricultural state in the United States. The trade war caused local farmers to be the first, and the loss was US $ 2.2 billion, and it was likely to crack down on the Republican election.

Recently, Trump has promoted that a survey of Gallop shows that Americans have a favorability of the Republican Party 45%, the highest in 7 years, an increase of 9 percentage points.However, according to Gallop's explanation, the overall ratio of favorability has risen, because the supporters of the Republican Party have jumped on the party's favorability. Gallop's investigation only reflects Trump's consolidation of the Republican basic market.

Instead, Gallop mentioned that a number of polls showed that the Democratic Party could be elected in mid -November.The United States RealclearPolitics combines all recent polls, and the Democratic Party leads about 7 percentage points.

If the Republican Party loses the control of the House of Representatives, many people must blame Trump.Now Trump has accused China that it has a good taste of the trend. If the voters are successfully transferred to the voters to stimulate the supporters of patriotism and the enemy, this will help him and the Republican Party to support it. Once the Republican party loses,Shirk responsibility.

After Trump accused China, senior officials in Huafu urged the media to solve the painting.

Xiu Xidde trap is worrying about China and Hong Kong need to be cautious

Sino -US relations have deteriorated, and intervention of diplomatic storms in the election is only one of the latest situation.

In terms of the trade war, it is reported that Beijing refused to invite the US trade negotiations. Chinese leaders also said that China's development needs to be self -reliant; the US trade representatives finally recognized that the tariffs may not force China to yield, and people pay attention to whether Washington will block China's rise from other levels.

In terms of military, Washington announced that China ’s purchase of Russia’ s advanced military preparations announced that it was the Ministry of Equipment Development of the Central Military Commission. In addition, it was approved to sell 330 million U.S. dollars in Taiwan without packing procurement methods.Two measures are very provocative. After all, after the June 4th incident, Washington did not sanction the Chinese military. As for the sale of Wuxin arrangements, it also reflects that Washington intends to sell martial arts in Taiwan.

China ’s pressure on the United States is not weak, indicating that it will not stop buying Russian arms and rejected an amphibious attack ship Hornet to visit Hong Kong.

In just more than 3 months, China and the United States have overflowed the scope of trade war and expanded to the level of diplomacy and military.So far, China has responded mild restraint, but Washington has a clear hostility, and Beijing may be forced to harden.

American scholar Graham Allison pointed out that historical experience shows that the existing hegemony faces the challenges of emerging countries, and the former is easily afraid, and the latter may be dissatisfied with unsatisfactory respect.It is possible to go to war, that is, Xiu Xidid's trap.The trade war alone is not enough to cause military conflicts in China and the United States, but if it evolves into a comprehensive confrontation, risks will increase.

To avoid the trap of Xunxid, the first is to avoid inciting hostile fear. This is what Trump is doing. China must be more careful to deal with it.

In the past few decades, Hong Kong has flourished and benefited from the roughly stable international environment of Sino -US relations. If the relationship between the two countries has changed and Hong Kong will be implicated, the SAR government needs to keep a closer to the situation of the Treaty situation.The impact of the trading war on the export of Hong Kong.