The two -day EU leader informal summit came to an end on the 20th of the Mozart's hometown -Austria's Salsburg, but the European Union and Brexit negotiations have not been drawn.The EU leader said that the Bei Ai Free Trade Zone mentioned by the United Kingdom "failed to do" and pointed out that Brexit was simply some "scammers" idea.

Trysa Brexit Plan was retired from the British pound

The United States CNN reported that the luxury dinner on the 19th did not help the negotiations goes smoothly.On the 20th, there was only "resentment and hostility" between EU leaders and British Prime Minister Trysa.

At this summit, the EU and Britain's main disputes were still the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland after Brexit.The "Guardian" pointed out that Trysa rejected the European Union's initiative and insisted on the "Chex Plan" proposed in July, that is, the establishment of a free trade zone in Northern Ireland after Brexit, retaining consistent trade rules and products with the EUStandards to ensure the free circulation of goods in Britain and the European Union, including agricultural products, while avoiding Northern Ireland, which belongs to the United Kingdom, and "hard borders" such as inspection whistle between EU members of Ireland.

Task, chairman of the European Council, said, "Although the Kicks programs proposed by the UK have some advantages, everyone thinks that this hypothetical structure is in fact, and it may even destroy the (Europe) single market."

Other European leaders expressed deep frustration on the deadlock.French President Macron pointed out that Brexit is the decision of the British people, but it is some of them that "think it is easy to do so."Macron said, "They say: It is simple to leave the European Union, everything will be successful, and they can make the country make a lot of money. They sprinkle the lies in the sky, and then pat the ass to walk around hell; this is the lesson of Brexit."

After the summit, Trysa reiterated that the second Brexit referendum would not be held.If an agreement is not reached, Britain is preparing to go out of Brexit without an agreement.She said, "The British people should believe that the government has done necessary to ensure that we have succeeded in Brexit."

According to Brexit procedures, regardless of whether there is an agreement, Britain will leave the European Union on March 29 next year.However, in practice, it is necessary to be approved by each other, which means that the agreement must be reached in the next few months.EU leaders will hold an informal summit again in Brussels in October.Tusk said that it would be the moment of "seeing the true chapter" of Brexit.