Author: Xipo

Recently, several meals have entered the public's vision. Some fragrant and extravagant, some of them have become alcohols on other meals.As the so -called you stand on the bridge to see the scenery, the people who watch the scenery look at you upstairs.

Over the years, there are endless storms in the dinner.However, the ecology of the meal ecology of all walks of life and circles does not seem to have been fundamentally changed.No matter how dangerous the meal is, it can't stop people's footsteps.

Dinner and meals, meals serve the bureau.It is well known that the Chinese love to talk about things in the meal.On August 5, 2016, South Korea's "Central Daily" specially published an article to analyze the culture of Chinese meal. The article stated that the performance on the dinner was enough to determine the success or failure of doing business in China.

Is the dinner or a private domain and a private domain and a highly controversial issue.Those who regard the meal as a private domain have severely condemned sneak shots and exposure, and they believe that it is the corruption of private morality.The opponents believe that treating the Chinese -style dinner as a pure private domain is too naive, because the staggered stalemate is also time to exchange.

The controversy is difficult to rest for a while, maybe the meal in everyone's eyes is different.Some people enjoy it, some people reject it, and some people dare not quit although they are disgusted.But no one should deny that the other meaning of "people are here, everyone toast" is: Please start your performance.

The meal is an open stage. Everyone is an audience, and everyone is an actor.The performance effect depends not only on acting, but also on identity.When is a person most humorous?The answer is to become a leader.

Some people are uncomfortable as soon as they encounter a meal, and some people can only wake up the vibrant green giant in the body only in the dinner.It is not only alcohol to be intoxicating, although alcohol must be essential.

There are a lot of attention to the meal, such as the colorful persuasion, "I do you randomly" is the most common sentence.Others say that the sincerity of the Chinese invitation is reflected in the price of dinner.At this time, it is not a meal, but a brain cell.

People always need to be social, and there is no need to have the cleanliness of Taoism for the meal.However, some dinner has become the disease of the social body, and the material in materialism is wasteful. It is a big problem for kidnapping interpersonal relationships, polluting industry atmosphere, and destroying social mutual trust.

Some people say that people are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves.But the accumulation is not corrected.As we all know, after the eight regulations are normalized, the dinner on the officialdom has changed a lot.I ask a civil servant friend, will everyone not get used to it?Friends say that most of the young civil servants feel easy, and they can't drink big wine at first. Now there are just reasons for not drinking.

The dinner will not disappear, but "successful people do not go home for dinner" are a kind of deformity.I hope that more and more people can realize that the performance ability on the dinner is not the core competitiveness of a person.There is no need to sing in the night and night, and go home to accompany his wife and children to eat before you can find the long -lost authenticity.