Zhongshi Society

The MAC believes that the people's residence permit from the mainland may affect national security. It does not rule out the amendment of the "Cross -Strait People's Relations Regulations", forced the leader to declare registration and restrict their position as a public organs.Audit legislative advocates "canceling the registration of household registration in Taiwan", deprived the people of Taiwan, and participated in politics in Taiwan, served as a military office in Taiwan, and has the right to set up a household registration.The development of this incident reflects several problems.

First, this is the tragedy and farce of Taiwan's democratic society.The consistent position of the DPP government is to highlight Beijing's hostility to Taiwan, so as to keep the people from the mainland and the mainland.In the past 10 years, countries have attached great importance to national security, and science and technology such as monitoring and face recognition are changing with each passing day. Personal privacy has become increasingly uncomfortable. Therefore, now entering other countries, do not say that applying for residence permits.Fingerprints, which makes the MAC the so -called "reminding the Chinese people" to become ridiculous.

The Democratic Progressive Party's government has the mainland residence permit as a possibility of being unfaithful to Taiwan and belongs to a group of people who are "non -ethnic and their hearts.The more radical members of the Democratic Progressive Party threatened to make this group of "non -ethnic people" lose the household registration in Taiwan.This kind of hunting without any democratic literacy is not the farce and tragedy of Taiwan's democratic society. What can it be?

Second, the possible changes in the identity level of Taiwanese businessmen.Residence permits can enjoy national treatment, but they are still two different things with ID cards.Because most countries do not allow dual nationality, obtaining foreign nationalities and getting foreign ID cards, that is, it means that they have taken the initiative to abandon their country's identity and choose new national identity.

Having a residence permit in other areas is not considered to change its national identity, but there are two meanings. One is the needs of life, the other is the beginning of the government's identity, and the two are the same as each other.If there is no need, or if you don't like a country or accept its system, you will not consider applying for a long -term residence permit from the government.Therefore, applying for a residence permit, it has been willing to accept the government's system. After a long time, the emotions of the land are getting deeper and deeper, especially when the family moves to the past and has a closer interpersonal relationship with the local area.The identity of the life system is likely to be transformed into national identity.Isn't this the process from taking the US green card to the citizenship in the United States?To put it simply, the ownership of the residence permit will accelerate or deepen the identity of the Taiwanese people to the mainland.This is of course the original intention of the mainland government.

Third, Beijing is using its own way to "do the real one."Beijing currently deal with cross -strait relations is already a one -way decision, and does not consider the idea and response of the DPP government at all.From the 31st measures at the beginning of this year to this residence permit, it shows that Beijing has completely handled cross -strait relations with the thinking of "doing real one".This is the response to the Tsai Ing -wen government's "Ninety -two Consensus" that "Nine2 Consensus" "negative" with the cultural Taiwan independence.

Beijing's current thinking is to directly seek Taiwanese people to use their own markets to absorb Taiwan's outstanding talents, and use various conveniences to promote Taiwanese residents who are already on the mainland.This is already a cross -strait system and life advantages and disadvantages.Beijing is confident that you can rely on your own power to "do the one in the same one."The residence permit is almost consistent with the appearance of the mainland ID card, and it is also 16 yards, which is the beginning of the mainland's "reunification".

If Taiwanese residents on the mainland are willing to apply for a residence permit; if the conditions of the residence permit will continue to relax and the benefits will increase again; how can the DPP government react when the mainland also proposes other "doing real -China" policies?Continue to intimidate and restrictions on the people?

"The accumulation of the country and the device of the people's heart", the direction of the people's heart is the best guarantee for national security.Middle school students in the 1950s and 1960s did not "come, come to Taiwan University; go to the Taiwan University; go, go to the United States!" Planning for life, "talent outflow" was a topic of anxiety at that time.In the 1970s, Taiwan's economy took off, and talents who were trained in the United States returned to Taiwan, which led to the development of high -tech industries.Talent outflow is not a problem. Whether it can attract talents to return is a problem.