Recently, Taiwan's politics is very lively, but it has a lot of money.In November, the local election will be in power. The Cai Yingwen government is inadequate. The election that was not optimistic has been a series of "decaying things".Relevant units have strictly investigated the policy tools of heavy punishment and good use of legal authorization.

Following the promotion of the former deputy chairman of the transformation and justice committee, Zhang Tianqin and others planned to "operate" "cracking down on Hou Youyi, the candidate for the New Taipei Mayor of the Kuomintang, and Wu Peirong, an associate researcher before the transfer, provided the recording document to the media.The official officials of the Dongxian government also provided the county spokesman Huang Jianjia to help the civil servants to help the recording tapes that were assisted to the Kuomintang.

At the same time, Su Qicheng, the director of the Osaka Office in Japan, did not commit suicide on the 14th due to the handling of the people's stay in Kansai Airport. In order to remove the responsibility, the representatives in Japan and the green camps blamed the incident on the fake news hegemony between mainland Chinese cars and Blue Camp people.Ling, which led to Su Qingsheng, unexpectedly the media also disclosed that Su Qicheng submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 10th to "deeply feel ashamed, willing to be confidently affected" review report.The Ministry denied that he had done a punishment and "no comments" for the document.

These parts of the content provided by different "deep throats" have document and document numbers with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Obviously, internal civil servants are not used to the high officials of the top officials, and the Tsai government cannot depend on it.

Promoting the transfer of the investigation report yesterday, accusing Zhang Tianqin and others from saying seriously and incorrectly, and violated the value of transitional justice. However, it also emphasized that promoting the transfer is a "East Factory" because of one person.

The Cai government knows the seriousness of this matter, cuts the hemostasis as soon as possible, and sets the matter into a case.The Democratic Progressive Party should be fortunate that there is still a person of justice Wu Peirong in the party, so as to prevent the party from the party and the ideal of democracy and justice that have been adhered to in the past. Unfortunately, the Chinese judges Zhan Jinjian's flow actually advocated that Wu Peirong must be punished.

Furthermore, after Su Qicheng was born lightly, Su Hongda, a professor of political departments from the National Taiwan University of Taiwan, wrote "Who killed our diplomats?" For the old friend Su Qicheng, accusing the Cai government in power, the professional diplomat in the foreign ambassador was greatly replaced.Let the political figures or children of the Democratic Progressive Party or their children who have not undergone foreign special examinations enjoy high salaries in comfortable cities such as Tokyo and Paris. Once they encounter difficulties, they call themselves (such as representative Xie Changting in Japan).Professional diplomats have inexplicably become sinful lambs.

He said that an ambassador said to him: "Now don't ask young people to take a special exam for diplomats. No matter how good the test is, it is better to go to the DPP assistant and follow the right people."

This article focuses on reminding the diplomatic civilian system to be severely damaged. Su Qicheng, who has a diplomatic qualifications for 27 years, has at most to the position of the director, but he has to bear the charges of the lack of weakness and even hanging suicide.Foreign exams and long -term foreign official training diplomats have a lot of morale, and must be faced.

Foreign Minister Wu Zhaozheng retorted that as long as it is a democratic country, political parties, policies and personnel will rotate with public opinion every other time.Wu Zhaozheng's words are only halfway. Of course, political parties rotate in democratic countries, but they are limited to government officials who are appointed by politics. They must also respect the civilian system below to maintain national stability.

In the past, the Kuomintang was in power for a long time. Most civilian systems were established during the administration of the Kuomintang, and the Kuomintang also had a non -political appointment or awarded personnel order during his tenure, but the civilian system was basically complete and orderly.

Different from other democratic countries, Taiwan has serious national identity issues. Therefore, former President Chen Shui -bian has launched a "greening" action since the first party rotation of political parties in 2000.These people are politically correct, but they do not necessarily have sufficient political ability. President Ma Ying -jeou came to power before 2008, and he did not focus on appeasement. He did not even learn Chen Shui -bian's "governing the country" as a staff member and caused controversy.

With the rise of the DPP and the expansion of the governing territory, the DPP's legislators have gradually participated in the election or entered the government department. Among these people, some of these people can be unique after the baptism of the election, but it does not have the qualifications of civil servants.There are many people who eat fragrant and spicy.

Lin Ziyang, the son -in -law of Xie Changting's children and the son -in -law of legislator Guan Biling, was not qualified for foreign special examinations, but was able to serve as a representative office in Thailand, which caused many discussions in the past few days.Assistant back to the legislative.

Former Vice President Lu Xiulian, who had worked for democracy, pointed out with emotion that these incidents have recently caused her inner bleeding. Now, "How many people have sacrificed for democracy for Taiwan? Who has given them so big?Power? Such arrogant and abuse, (governing) splurked in less than two years. "

Or if you can't get used to the act of chickens and dogs, or "deep throat" for self -protection, those who have warned those who have destroyed democracy, administrative irregularities, and even the collapse of the civilian system.Cherish.