A week review

Next Monday is the Mid -Autumn Festival, but the United States and China, the first and second largest economies in the world, will send a big gift mdash; MDash; the Sino -US trade war will be upgraded again on September 24, but it will celebrate this.A festival of Asian markets cannot be happy.

Of course, for China, this Mid -Autumn Festival gift is passive.China announced that on September 24, US President Trump announced on September 24 to impose a 10%tariff on Chinese goods on the total value of US $ 200 billion (S $ 274 billion). After the increase in tariffs will be increased to 25%from January 1 next year, it will be done.A counterattack imposed tariffs on US $ 60 billion in US goods.

What is most discouraged the market is that at present, the Sino -US trade war in the Mid -Autumn Festival will further deteriorate, because Trump has warned that if China has made a counterattack on this additional tariffs, he will still have the rest of all the rest.US $ 267 billion China has imposed punitive tariffs on US export goods.

The latest release of China's financial new manufacturing procurement manager index in August has shown that due to the upgrading of the trade war, the new export orders in China's manufacturing industry have contracted for the fifth consecutive month.

If the end of this year, China and the United States have not reached any agreement on the end of the trade war. Once the United States starts a 25%tariff on US $ 200 billion in Chinese goods, the impact on China's export field will be even more obvious.If the Trump administration will further impose tariffs on all Chinese goods, the negative impacts will further intensify.

The performance of the financial market is not as good as expected

Although the U.S. tariffs on Chinese export goods will promote more US importers to other exporters in Asia and benefit these countries, considering that of about one -third of export products produced in China, about one -third of imported raw materials and semi -finished productsMost of them are from many East Asia economies. Therefore, it will also suffer chain damage to other Asian economies as part of the supply chain.

However, after all, the performance of the financial market, especially the emerging market exchange market, is not as bad as expected.This may first be because after a few rounds of Sino -US trade tariffs, after you come and me, the market is already a bit "numb".

Coupled with the announcement of this announcement more than a week later, this decision by the Trump administration has basically been digested, and China's countermeasures are lower than the previous level MDash; MDASH; this round of tax increases 5%of 5%of taxes 5%.Although the goods are small, the total amount is significantly higher than the 10%increase in taxes.

In addition, Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang made a statement that China would not engage in competitive depreciation at the Summer Davos Forum on September 19, which also played a stable role in the market.

In response to Trump's upcoming tariffs, Chinese officials have stated that if the United States has issued any new tariff measures to China, it will refuse to participate in new trade negotiations.

Ma Yun gives up commitment to the United States

On the other hand, China has also introduced some new policies against the impact of the trade war this week.

When Li Keqiang held a executive meeting of the State Council on September 18, he required to implement the measured tax reduction measures in place to ensure that the existing policies for social insurance premiums were stable and further stimulated the vitality of the Chinese market;In order to expand domestic demand to promote the improvement of people's livelihood; determine measures to promote foreign trade growth and customs clearance.

Li Keqiang also mentioned at the Davos Forum that China has to further reduce the tariffs on some imported goods recently, and the total tariff level should be further reduced.In July this year, China has announced the reduction of import tariffs on nearly 15,000 consumer goods.

From last week to this week, the MLF (interim borrowing facilities) operations of 595 billion yuan (S $ 118.6 billion) were carried out to operate the operation of the market funds with a lot of money.

The Sino -US trade war continued to intensify, and the Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce rolled up. On the 18th, the "EU Enterprise Proposal 2018/2019" was released on the 18th, and the Chinese government urged the Chinese governmentHonggou, in terms of market access, supervision, state -owned enterprise reform and other aspects of reform.

He Mochi, chairman of the Chinese EU Chamber of Commerce, is worried that if the trade war is forced to China to the corner, China will further slow down the pace of reform and opening up.

The response to public opinion fried pots is the public letter just on the day of Teacher's Day just on September 10th, and announced that one year later, on September 10 next year, Jack Ma will no longer be the chairman of the board of directors of Alibaba Group.

He first stated at an investor conference held in Hangzhou on Tuesday that the Sino -US trade war may last 20 years and cannot be resolved in the short term. "It will become a mess."He also said that if the United States continues to impose tariffs on Chinese goods, China should transfer to business with other countries in the world.

Then, Ma Yun revealed in an exclusive interview issued by Xinhua News Agency on Wednesday that the commitment to create 1 million jobs in the United States has abandoned the premise of the rationality and objective of bilateral trade based on the friendly cooperation between China and the United States.The situation has destroyed the original premise, and there is no way to complete it. "

Ali will set up an enterprise independent research and development chip

Ma Yun's commitment was made early last year.At that time, Ma Yun said that in five years, products that sold products to Chinese companies through Alibaba's online platform can create 1 million jobs.

In an interview on Wednesday, Ma Yun said: "Trade is not a weapon and cannot be used for war. It should be a peaceful propeller." He also said that Alibaba "will not stop working hard and will strive to promote the healthy development of Sino -US trade."

On the same day, Zhang Jianfeng, chief technology officer of Alibaba Group and Dean of the Dharma Academy, announced at the 2018 Yunqi Conference that Ali will establish an independent chip company "Pingtou Ge Semiconductor Co., Ltd.".

Next year, all kinds of indicators will be the world's most leading Alibaba's first neural network chip MDASH; MDash; Dharma Institute CK902 series embedded chips.Autonomous chip.Brother Pingtou also plans to build a real quantum chip within two or three years.

As for the origin of the name "Pingtou", it originated from Jack Ma's recent African trip.

"Brother Pingtou" is the other name of honey.Milk is the only animal in Itachi family. It is inhabited in tropical rain forests and open grassland areas. It is the "most fearless animal in the world".

Jack Ma's actions at the time of the upgrade of the Sino -US trade war were frequent. Public opinion questioned the motivation behind him, but it was more praise.One of the netizens described Ma Yun's measures "a businessman has done a politician". What is the view of the readers?