Author: Wei Qitao/Engineering Consultant (Taipei City)

At that time, the Chinese trade market that was robbed by guns in Europe and the United States was so easily lost, stupid!

In the beginning, in the beginning, Europe and the United States first industrialized and developed the market everywhere. China was one of the open trade markets and the biggest one.Later, European and American entrepreneurs demanded COST DOWN to pursue the maximum profits, so they moved production to China so that they can use the low original materials and manpower in China to get close to the market and reduce the cost of production and operation management.Industrial is empty.

The United States is a superpower, but China, which has a population of 1.4 billion and attempts to be strong, is not the same.Although the United States has made up the world in currency, trade, and economic systems, it is still not satisfied; it also prevents the opportunities of other countries in the country, actively emphasizes the United States priority, and launched a trade war on the world.Generally, the country's pretty demands on the United States can only cut meat and feed the eagles and cooperate with concessions, but for China, this is an opportunity and challenge for being forced to face early, whether it can become a superpower.

At the beginning of the trade war, China emphasized that they would lose both defeats. There was no one of China and the United States to retreat all over the body. However, in order to prevent China be transcendence, the United States must destroy it in the trade economy before becoming a superpower in China.China was forced to fight along the way. In fact, although the trade war would hurt China, the United States would also be injured. As long as China can support it, it will be won.

The United States ignores China as the only country in the world in the industry that can be developed, designed and manufactured in the industry. Although the quality of the products is different, the forging chain of China based on the attempt and the years of the world's factories can produce the full product industry.Products (hardware and hardware), will not really be caught in the neck. In addition to the depth of technology, it also has the depth of population, region, domestic demand, etc. It is also developing the Belt and Road Initiative.

China is like a huge and thick and elastic sponge, and it is even covered with steel nails at the bottom of the sponge. The heavier the strength of the United States, the greater the rebound, and even the fist will be injured by steel nails.Time will be scarred in China, but the United States may never come back if it is lost in the United States. This trade war is short and long for the United States.

The current situation is changing, and the new era cannot be cope with old thinking. China has in new technology (quantum applications, laser, radar, electromagnetic, battery, 5G, AI, nuclear energy application, supercomputer, semiconductor, etc.) and new materials (graphene, rare earth, etc.) The control walking at the forefront of the world is also actively allowing the RMB towards internationalization to get rid of the US dollar hegemony.If the Sino -US trade negotiations cannot be achieved in the short term, I judge that after March 2019, China can gradually get rid of the trouble of the trade war.