The Sino -US trade war has intensified, but the two sides still expressed their hope of negotiations. The US Minister of Commerce Ross said the day before yesterday when the negotiation depends on China; the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the United States shouted to contact the dialogue and waved sanctions."No effect on China".

"Wall Street Journal": China plans to surrender the level of consultation

Wilbur Ross said in an interview with the US CNBC TV on Tuesday (18th) that he hopes to conduct constructive negotiations with China, and when the negotiation "depends on China".Rose also believes that China exports to the United States 5 times that of imports, so China "has no ammunition (revenge the United States)."Larry Kudlow, chief consultant to the White House, also said on Monday that if China is willing to reduce tariffs and conscientiously negotiate non -tariff trade obstacles, the United States is willing to negotiate at any time.Steven Mnuchin was originally scheduled to hold a new round of negotiations at the end of this month, but the "Wall Street Journal" quoted the news that the Chinese side may be reduced to the level of consultation.Washington talks.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said at a routine press conference yesterday that the United States said that "the ball is on the side" is not the first time. "The United States shouted to contact the dialogue and waved sanctions, and it seemed to have become a routine."He emphasized that the United States' threat, frightening, and blackmails have not played a role in China.

Sensors of the US Congress proposed the "ZTE Law Enforcement Censo and Supervision Act" on Tuesday to ensure that ZTE has comprehensively complied with the commercial agreement reached with the United States.On the 25th of last month, Washington lawyer Rosco Middot; Roscoe C. Howard Jr. was appointed as a special compliance coordinator of ZTE.

"Anti -Correct weapon" Hua Shi's US Bonds See New Low this year

In addition, the latest data shows that the US debt held by China has fallen for two months, and in July to 1.17 trillion US dollars, a new low in January, but it is still the first credit country in the United States.U.S. debt is regarded as a small crown ace against the United States in China.