U.S. tariffs on China and Canada will only allow China to stand up and retaliate without surrender. The latter seems to be the result of Trump's wanting and thinking.

Before Donald Trump announced on Monday, Donald Trump announced on Monday that it would be considered that this moment would never come for a long time.

In the two years after Trump became the power that could not be ignored in the 2016 US presidential campaign, he insisted on seeking comfort MDASH; mdash; although the US presidential candidate often criticized China during the campaign, once the White House entered the White House, once he entered the White HouseThey will dilute the differences between this geopolitical opponent.

As I met Trump in the spring of 2017: "We have a thousand reasons to make Sino -US relations well, and there is no reason to break Sino -US relations." This year, I started to realize that Trump intends to be as a president this year.Practicing his commitment as a candidate.

However, when he met with Wall Street Financial House and International Advisor last weekend, Chinese vice chairman Wang Qishan and other senior officials of China were still issuing soothing theory.

A briefing who heard the above meeting said: "Wang Qishan said that although there are ideological differences between China and the United States, this does not mean that one system needs to defeat another system."

The other part of the people is much pessimistic. They do not believe that the tension between the two largest economies in the world at present is just a short storm.

When attending the investor meeting on Tuesday, Jack MA, the founder of Alibaba, who operated from e -commerce to finance and other businesses, said: "It will last for a long time and may be 20 years.It will become a mess. This is not a trade war, but a competition between the two countries. "

Originally misunderstandings about Trump have led to some officials and intellectuals this summer.However, it did not show any signs of concessions, and when facing increasing internal problems, the attack of external enemies was likely to benefit him politically.

Zhu Feng, Dean of Nanjing University, said: The latest tariff is "a clear signal mdash; mdash; Trump tries to use tariffs as a tool to suppress China. This will angered the Chinese government."

When meeting with the CEO of various multinational companies in June this year, it had stated that China could not stretch the other face and let others fight.

Cornell University professor of trade policy and former International Monetary Fund (IMF) head of the Chinese Ministry of China Eswal Bull; ESWAR PRASAD said: "In addition, tariffs will only let China stand back and carry outRevenge, instead of having a humble requirement for the United States, the latter seems to be the result that Trump wants and thinks it will inevitably appear. "

When the United States introduced new tariffs, China is experiencing the slowdown in domestic demand, and the trade war is putting greater pressure on domestic demand.According to the official data released last week, the growth rate of investment in housing, factories and other fixed assets across the country in the first eight months of this year touched the lowest level in history.

However, the direct opening of the Chinese economy to US tariffs is limited.

Last year, China ’s total exports to all countries were equivalent to 18%MDash; MDash; higher than other large economies, but less than 35%of other economies, but higher than other large economies.Exports to the United States are only 4%of China's GDP.

The biggest affected by this wave of tariffs will be foreign companies and private enterprises, not state -owned enterprises.Last year, companies that participated in foreign investment accounted for 43%of the total exports of Chinese goods, although a large part was a Sino -foreign joint venture.Local private enterprises contributed 44%of exports, while state -owned enterprises accounted for only 10%.

Chinese companies in the private sector are worried that they will be the first in the trade war. This trade war is likely to think that they have the ability to continue to fight.

"Contrary to Washington's views, China can (and will) hold its position." Bill Zarit, chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in ChinaReality. "

Cai Ruide also warned that increasing tariffs may trigger further retaliation of American companies operating in China, so that Washington has eaten its fruit.

"More than half of our members said that they have encountered more non -tariff barriers in recent months.6%of member companies said that the current US -China trade dispute will allow them to consider relocating the business back to the United States. "

Some Chinese entrepreneurs said privately that the trade war will further trigger political tightening and make them the target of the Communist Party.

Economic consultants, CEO representatives, and Vice Premier of the State Council, Liu He has been difficult to promote relevant reforms to solve the structural discrimination of the private sector's structural discrimination (such as state -owned enterprises is more likely to obtain credit from state -owned banks) in the Chinese economy.

However, Trump's trade negotiation representatives put forward the requirements of China to carry out similar reforms, making it difficult for Liu He's own agenda to be politically advanced.As Professor Tu Xinquan of the University of Economic and Trade (UIBE) said: "We cannot rely on Trump's request."

Han Biru (Lucy Hornby) Tianjin, Liu Xinning Beijing, Louis Bull; Louise Lucas Hangzhou Supplementary Report

Translator/He Li