Wangbao Society Review

On the 17th anniversary of the 911 incident, the Washington Post published a comment article entitled "China's rise, the United States is destined to be second?"; Morrer, he witnessed the United States surpassed by China, and he was unwilling to be blocked. Although he was unwilling, he was unreasonable. He advocated that the United States should transfer some of his power in exchange for China's support existing international order.He also mentioned another voice in the United States Guoan think tanks: China's rise is unstoppable, and the United Kingdom after World War II in the United States, how to learn how to be the second child in the world.

Based on history, Britain is indeed unique in the dazzling history of the rise and fall of great powers.It is not worthwhile to create a brilliant "sun -free empire", but to be keenly aware of the general trend at the time of the day, thus ahead of the trend.Accept the status of the second child in the world.British politicians' vision and exceptions and adventure have slowed down the impact of the disintegration of the British Empire to the greatest extent, ensuring the peaceful transfer between the Western camps in Britain and the United States, and through the special relationship between Britain and the United States, continue from the international order led by the United States.Benefit.Although Britain has long lost the halo of the world's boss, it is still the elegant nobles in Europe and the middle power that cannot be ignored on the international political stage.

According to the research of historians, as early as the late 19th century, the beginning of the rise of the United States, experienced Britain aware of its weaknesses and the potential of opponents.Faced with the trend of strength, Britain did not choose to suppress the United States. Instead, the time -conscious person was Junjie, decisively retreated from the glorious western hemisphere, and sought a strategic connection with the future boss of the future.The outbreak of the United States and Western War broke out in 1898. Britain became the only European country standing on the side of the United States. In the subsequent Bollinger War, the United States also voted for Li to support Britain.

After World War II, the United Kingdom, which was severely damaged from history or a practical perspective, was determined that the United States was the successor of the United Kingdom.In March 1946, the former British Prime Minister Churchill published the famous "Iron Curse speech" and told American officials accompanied, "your country is the future of the world. You have natural resources, courage, youth, and determination to steadily enhance you.Global influence. Britain has passed the peak ".

With such a strategic judgment, the Boss Empire no longer entangled the face of the former hegemon, and Xinyue Cheng gave the center of the world stage to the United States.When Britain was unable to resist the power of the Soviet Union to get involved in its sphere of influence, he chose to take the initiative to ask the United States for help.The latter also pushed the boat smoothly, throwing "Trumanism" high -profile, providing Greece and Turkey with a huge economic and military assistance of up to $ 4 billion, successfully took over the British territory, and became the iconic incident of hegemony of the Western camp after World War II.Of course, the peaceful transfer of power cannot rely on the strategic wisdom of the British thinking only. In the process, the United States actually learns how to be the boss of the world from the lessons of British experience.

It is true that the British and American relations that year cannot be compared with the US -China relations today, but the latter is increasingly closer to the critical point of the reversal of Britain and the United States in the end of the 19th century.Considering the special links of Britain and the United States in race, culture, ideology, etc., and the current objective reality of American strength is only a relatively declining objective reality, it is obviously much more difficult for China to take over.

Compared to the so -called "Xiu Xidide Trap" between Shoucheng and Rise Power, and the "peaceful transfer" of international power is a topic that few people pay attention to and research.However, with the strengths of the two strengths of the United States and China, how the United States, who used to be overwhelmingly retired to the second child, and how China, who once hugged, learned how to be the boss of the world.

In order to achieve the transfer of power more smoothly, so that when China has one day, it has better assumed the responsibility of leadership after one day, and the second child of China should plan ahead and be prepared to be the boss of the world from now on.The so -called preparation is both materially, psychological, and institutional.Including continuing to adhere to the development orientation and implementing the new development concept, gradually cultivating the mentality of the great country of Chinese people, providing more and more high -quality international public products, and striving for more countries to recognize China's international strategy.More importantly, China should learn lessons from the United States, and at the same time strive to meet the conflict with the existing international order in the institutional rules, so as to strive for a peaceful transition of the world's boss and the smooth transition of two order.

For the United States, it is not to be a strategy to block China. The correct choice should be to imitate Britain. In the interaction with the boss of the future world, seeking coexistence and even win -win.EssenceFor China, it is not advisable to continue to tangled the "Xiu Xidide Trap", but should choose to look forward to be prepared to be the boss of the world.