Zhongshi Society

After two years of tossing, the DPP's "nuclear home" policy has begun to be questioned by the public, and the "nuclear -raising" referendum has exceeded the threshold of 300,000, and several polls have also supported new public opinions that support the use of nuclear power more than half;At the same time, Facebook announced that the first Asian data center, which invested more than $ 1 billion, transferred from Changhua to Singapore. Liu Yuping, director of the construction of the Changhua County Government, believes that the electronic price is the main reason for Changhua's competitive defeat.

The anti -nuclear nuclear anti -nuclear movement was driven by the anti -nuclear movement. The DPP has long anti -nuclear nuclear four. Chen Shui -bian was abandoned the nuclear fourth. However, it caused the opposition and the opposition, causing social anxiety. In addition, the economic decline had to be announced.

After the DPP returned to the opposition party's position, it was upgraded to a comprehensive waste nuclear, and the Green Electric Nuclear Power became the main axis of the DPP's energy policy.With the publicity of the anti -nuclear person and the support of the DPP, Taiwanese society has quite strong support for nuclear power. This power allows the Cai government to push new energy policies after governing.

After all, the noble new energy policy has not undergone in -depth professional assessment, and the danger of rashly launch is exposed."Incidents, too low reserve capacity leads to frequent power skipping, rising electricity prices, and insufficient power supply only have to restart the second unit of nuclear units.Full jump ticket.

The public opinion that supports nuclear power has gradually risen, and anti -nuclear support has declined like a slide. This is based on the "anti -nuclear parade" held in March each year. Before the Cai government ruling, it can attract more than 100,000 people to participate, but this year is deserted.Only 1,000 or 20,000 people participated. Professor Li Min, Professor Qing University, and the "Nuclear Rumor Terminator", which was launched by the "Nuclear Raise Green" referendum, also successfully surpassed the threshold to reach 310,000 copies.

From the perspective of the number of polls, the polls of the "vision" magazine in April this year show that under the premise of the lack of electricity and electricity restrictions in Taiwan, a total of 54.7%of the people agreed to restart the four nuclear factories.%, 70%of young people support nuclear power; August is a survey of "Taiwan indicator poll". The "non -nuclear home" policy of the Cai government has 49%of the people.36.6%, in terms of age, the highest proportion of non -nuclear homes in young adults does not support non -nuclear homes.

Compared with the polls made by the Taiwan indicators in the past, 58%of the public agreed to support the "non -nuclear home" survey in June 2016, and then fell all the way. It fell to 43%in May this year.To 36%.On the contrary, the ratio of "non -nuclear home targets" has gradually increased, from 28.8%to 42%, to 49%of this time, which is close to more than half.

After the Cai government came to power, he thought that he had "new public opinion", so he regarded his energy policies regardless of everything and cared for his professionalism.In the face of professional criticism and doubts, and even the problem, it is often used to cope with the phrase "non -nuclear homes", but the new public opinion is now supporting the increase in nuclear power people, and it has exceeded the proportion of non -nuclear homeland. Should the Cai government shouldBased on the real "new public opinion" adjustment of energy policy?

According to the expert evaluation, the possibilities that may cause the Cai government after comprehensively abolished the nuclear nuclear nuclear nuclear nuclear nuclear abolition: the risk of electricity shortage has also caused reduced investment, the deterioration of air pollution caused the health of the people to damage the health, and the rise in electricity prices affects people's livelihood and economy.In fact, these evil results have gradually appeared.

As for the deterioration of air pollution, in order to abolish the nuclear Democratic Progressive Party to push the Shenzhen -Australian coal -fired power plant, according to the newly released "Shenzhen -Australian Power Plant Health Risk Evaluation Report" released by the National Taiwan University Public Health College and ZTE University, the power plant will begin to operate for 15 years.576 people die, and Taiwan will be shrouded in higher concentrations of PM2.5.In addition to the Shenzhen -Australian power plant, all thermal power plants across Taiwan are increasing the new unit or building a new plant. The air pollution deteriorates, and it is difficult to avoid people's health damage.

We have repeatedly suggested that the Tsai government reviewed and revised the existing energy policy of "comprehensive abolition" based on professionalism. Unfortunately, the Democratic Progressive Party would rather embrace the main card of the anti -nuclear god and relieve the people's healthy and economic development.After many issues, after the formation of "new public opinion", we still expect the Cai government to review and revise energy policies for the health of the people in Taiwan.