Zhou Xiaochuan, president of the China Finance Society and consultant of the China International Economic Exchange Center, visited the Brussels think tank in Belgium yesterday (17th) to express his views on China -Europe and the United States economic and trade relations.

According to the China News Agency, the Brugar Research Institute of Belgium in Belgium and the China International Economic Exchange Center jointly hosted the "Sino -European and American Economic and Trade Relations: Challenge and Prospects" seminar, and Zhou Xiaochuan was invited to attend and delivered speeches.He said that the current trade conflict has intensified, protectionism has risen, multilateral mechanism has been impacted, and the global economy is facing huge uncertainty.

Talking about the economic and trade relations between China and the United States, Zhou Xiaochuan pointed out that after the United States provoked the trade war against China, the two sides entered the game of "the United States first, China is following".Essence

Zhou Xiaochuan said that the goal of the US game may be domestic politics, not a real economic and trade relationship. In any case, I hope that this game can return to rationality, focus on the overall situation, and focus on global interests.

At the same time, he emphasized that although the current situation is in an unsatisfactory state, "it is just a few steps to start in the next game, far from the end", and for the "final" of the United States, he made two assumptions. One is to change the multilateral rules.The second is to establish a free trade system that is beneficial to it, and the second is to abandon multilateralism and choose to choose trade protectionism.

Zhou Xiaochuan pointed out that this is true, the United States has chosen to distort the market, and its resource allocation efficiency will be reduced. The United States may also use tariffs to make up for the recently growing fiscal deficit.Pity".

Speaking of China -Europe economic and trade relations, Zhou Xiaochuan said that China -Europe has a good basis for supporting the multilateral free trade system, improving trade investment liberalization and facilitation, resisting protectionism and unilateralism.Multilateral organization rules and advocate further reform on this basis.

He also pointed out that the economic and trade game is not a bilateral game, but everyone is involved; for the current Sino -US economic and trade game, China hopes to communicate and coordinate with the European side to achieve the results of the common expectations of both parties.Promote the liberalization and facilitation of trade investment in order to make up for the lack of market and consider the WTO reform plan of "gap"; if the United States eventually chooses a free trade system, communication and coordination between China and the European Europe will help the United States return to the game as soon as possible to return to the game as soon as possible., As much as possible to avoid the global economy that has suffered a lot of losses in uncertainty.

"South morning": The US New Tariffs will be negotiated with the US delegation

An anonymous Chinese government sources said that the Trump administration announced that it plans to impose tariffs on Chinese goods worth $ 200 billion (about S $ 274.3 billion), and China may not send trade delegations to Washington.

According to the "South China Morning Post" report from the Internet media Hong Kong 01, China is examining its delegation led by Liu He, a deputy prime minister of the State Council next week to go to the United States for a new round of negotiations.Sources pointed out that Beijing has not made the final decision, but believes that (the United States) shows that "sufficient goodwill" is a prerequisite for talks.

It is understood that the new tariff measures in the United States will be officially effective on the 24th, imposing a 10%tariff on US $ 200 billion in imports of imports, and planning to increase the tax rate at the end of this year.

The US "Wall Street Journal" quoted sources on the 15th that Sino -US senior management plans to hold a new round of trade negotiations in Washington from September 27th to 28th.China will send Vice Premier Liu He to the United States to meet with US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin.If the negotiations are progressing smoothly, Liu He may meet with US President Trump.

However, "Bloomberg" quoted people familiar with the matter and said that Liu He will hold a meeting in Beijing today (18th) to discuss a response to tariffs on the United States.