(Beijing Comprehensive News) As the Sino -US trade war intensified and the outside world has increased questions about the Chinese economy, Chinese official media announced yesterday.The bond provides a large space.

The People's Daily published a signature article by Pan Jiancheng, deputy director of the China Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Economic Standard.According to the article, China ’s economic growth in the first half of the year was 6.8%, which occurred in a domestic economic background with a complicated international environment, labor and resource and environmental costs that continued to rise, and the production capacity was serious.toughness.

This article also pointed out that in the first half of the year, industrial enterprises above designated size achieved a year -on -year growth rate, indicating that the toughness was effective and the support of corporate confidence behind.

The series of row -to -sentence answers to how the economic growth toughness produces

The article uses a series of row sentences to answer "how the toughness of China's economic growth is Andrdquo;The virtuous cycle of improvement and enhancement of confidence also comes from the conversion of new and old kinetic energy promoted by Volkswagen entrepreneurship and innovation, as well as the "Belt and Road and the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the coordinated development of Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei, the construction of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area, etc.The continuous promotion of the economy, etc.

The article said that using this tough space is related to the establishment of a modern economic system, and even the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The article also emphasizes that using this tough space is to maintain strategic determination in the World Change Bureau, unswervingly promote reform and opening up, unswervingly adhere to the concept of new development, and continuously promote the conversion of new and old kinetic energy.

Secondly, China should follow the general trend of the upgrading of consumer structure, and make a good job in domestic consumption scale expansion and improvement of quality; China also needs to improve the quality and coordination of macro -control, and more accurately to play the "three major attacks of Andrdquo; and, and and, and, and,, toContinuously improve the environment of entrepreneur growth and expand its development space.