Zhou Xiaochuan also believes that it is possible for countries to reach consensus on reforming the WTO, including increasing the transparency of WTO and building a more powerful dispute resolution mechanism.

Zhou Xiaochuan, the former president of the People's Bank of China, the vice chairman of the Boao Forum for Asia, and the chief representative of the Chinese side, said that China has no mandatory technical transfer policy at the national level; at present, China is reinstalizing the rules of the rules of technical transfer and government subsidies at the local level.In response to external concerns.

On September 19, local time, Zhou Xiaochuan made the above statement at a seminar at the Switzerland Trade and Economic Integrated Center.

Zhou Xiaochuan said that in the 1980s, China did have the business considerations of "replacing the market with technology" for foreign companies, but China listened to the views from the European Union and other aspects. Now the situation has changed.Sometimes, there are still vulnerabilities at the local level and are being repaired."But what I want to emphasize is that at the national level, we have no compulsory technical transfer policy."

As for the issue of government subsidies, Zhou Xiaochuan said that China's public expenditure level is low, and most of them have entered the infrastructure field and are not used for subsidy enterprises.However, "the competent authorities in each industry in China have their own budgets and can allocate some funds. Therefore, we should change our way of thinking and we should better learn the World Trade Organization (WTO) Rules".Zhou Xiaochuan said that in China, sometimes there are some inappropriate behaviors, "But we are improved."

Zhou Xiaochuan also believes that it is possible for countries to reach consensus on reforming the WTO, including increasing the transparency of WTO and building a more powerful dispute resolution mechanism.

Industry subsidies and "forced technology transfer" is one of the main issues raised by the Trump administration's implementation of several rounds of tariffs on China; MDASH; MDASH; 301 Investigation Report.The White House announced on the evening of September 17, Eastern Time that it will impose tariffs on nearly 6,000 tax items native to China and about $ 200 billion in Chinese products from September 24, with a tax rate of 10%.From January 1st to 25%from January 1.

In response, 12 hours later, on the evening of September 18, Beijing time, the Customs Tariff Committee of the State Council of the State Council announced that it decided to impose a 10%or 5%tariffs on 5207 tax items native to the United States.Started from 12:01 on September 24, 2018.If the United States insists on further increasing the tariff rate, China will respond accordingly.At present, the total tariffs that have taken effect in each other in China and the United States are 50 billion US dollars.

Zhou Xiaochuan said that although Trump is constantly increasing tariffs on China, China still hopes to reduce trade friction with the United States.China is reforming corporate governance according to the "Competition Neutrality" standards based on OECD (OECD)."At present, we have not done enough reforms, but we are changing to this." Competitive neutrality "refers to the level of creating a fair competitive environment for state -owned enterprises and private enterprises.

Zhou Xiaochuan also said in an exclusive interview with Reuters on September 19 that the Sino-US trade war has a limited impact on China's direct economic impact and believes that this may slow down China's economic growth by 0.2%-0.8%.However, he expects that China's economic growth in 2018 will be generally the same as 6.5%in 2017.

In response to the impact of the trade war on China, Zhou Xiaochuan said that if the trade war causes Chinese companies to retreat from the US market, it will be a great regret.However, this will also prompt Chinese exporters to seek other markets, and the speed of diversification of exports may exceed people's expectations.Therefore, this is not necessarily a good thing for the United States.

On the occasion of judging the direct impact of the trade war on the Chinese economy, Zhou Xiaochuan also said that if the trade war harms business confidence, its impact will be deeper.Zhou Xiaochuan also told CNBC to CNBC in early September in Italy in early September that the Yinyun of the trade war cracked down on the emotions of Chinese investors to a certain extent."They are very disgusted with risks and uncertainty." ■