Huang Chihua

The Beijing Summit of China -Africa Cooperation Forum opened on September 3 in the Great Hall of the People.Published a keynote speech entitled "Together with the Development of Fate and Fate and Promoting Development", emphasizing that China and Africa must join hands to jointly create responsibilities, win -win cooperation, happiness sharing, cultural co -building, safety coexistence, harmonious coexistence, and harmonious coexistence.Destiny community.

Such a large -scale concerto and symphony are clear themes and clear flags, but are there any sounds outside the string to the world?some.Yuyun: The drunkard's implication is not in the wine, but between the landscapes.

One of the voices outside the string, this is the meaning of Xiangzhuang dance sword, intending Pei Gong.

As we all know, the Western Chu overlord in the United States advocates "the United States first", the purpose is to "once again the greatness" of the United States and set off a global trade war, not even their own friends.This is a typical unilateralism, trapped in chaos and retrogression in the world.The Beijing Summit of the China -Africa Forum advocates the theme of peaceful development. It is the banner of building a community of human destiny.In contrast to the two phases, the way of helping, losing the way, the sound outside the string, not also sounding through the sky.

Second, China wants to "spit fed, and the world belongs to heart."In order to form a community of restaurants with Africa and the Communist Party, Chinese leaders announced the "eight major actions" of future aid and Africa ": 1. Implementing industrial promotion actions; 2. Implementation of facility Unicom operations; 3. Implementation of trade convenience actions; 4. Implementing green development actions5. Implementation capacity building operations; 6. Implementation of health actions; 7. Implementing humanistic exchanges; 8. Implementing peaceful and safe actions.In order to promote the "eight major actions", China is willing to provide US $ 60 billion in support.

These supports are under the premise of not interfered with the development path of African countries, do not interfere in the African internal affairs, do not impose their own will, do not attach any political conditions, and do not seek political private interests.No wonder the 53 heads of countries (only one small country left) in Africa gathered in Beijing.

The United States has also recently undertaken 280 million yuan in African countries visited. British Prime Minister also visited three small countries in Africa, but all with political conditions.Bill Gates recently wrote in the "People's Daily" of China to admire the Beijing Summit of the China -Africa Forum, praising "China is the real savior"!

Third, the Beijing Summit of the China -Africa Cooperation Forum is a tactical anti -surround and strategic counterattack.Someone believes that Africa, which is connected in China, has no power in the poor country.However, the Anti -Japanese War and Liberation War in modern Chinese history relied on the "People's War": On the vast battlefield, the Eighth Route Army and the PLA were in front of the poor people's public, shoulders, donkeys, cars, and caught in the food hall.EssenceToday, China has inherited such strategic tactics: China -Africa population 2.6 billion and Africa has three times China's land. It has infinite resources and consumption power, but also a broad market and depth of strategic zones.

China's true and sincere concept of sincerity and correct righteousness will definitely obtain the help of the African people's troubles and communities.Trump launched a trade war in China. One of the Chinese counterattacks was the World People's War and the "Rural Surrounding Cities".This is another voice outside the Beijing Summit of the China -Africa Cooperation Forum. Trump, who is standing up and shadowing?

The String Poetry Gong Drum Topon "Qi Tianle" of the Beijing Summit of the China -Africa Cooperation Forum has played, and the pipa concerto "Ambush" also played an election under the account of the troops.This is also the fourth string of the Beijing Summit of the China -Africa Cooperation Forum.

The author is Hong Kong current affairs commentator