Early Andnbsp; Andnbsp; Northern Remember

It can be called the highest academic degree in China, the highest degree of monks, and Andrdquo, a well -known Xueba Temple and ANDMDASH; Andmdash; Beijing Longquan Temple, a amazing scandal.Control and sexually assaulted the disciples of the family, and the illegal establishment of a temple is 13,700 square meters, and the huge amount of funds is unknown.

It is said that Longquan Temple is indeed a temple of Xueba. The two real -name reporters are Ph.D. in the engineering of Tsinghua University. They have served as the supervisor of Longquan Temple to January this year.After the afternoon of Wednesday, the 95 -page and pages of the two of them "major situations Andrdquo; reporting documents came out and swipe the screen instantly, sensation the entire network.

In this regard, because the format of the reporting documents is like an academic paper, not only the outlines, the references, but also the five attachments including Shi Xuecheng mobile phone SMS records that are said to be obtained through legal procedures. No wonder some netizens lamented Longquan immediatelyAt that time, the temple was proud of the "doctoral -level Andrdquo; monk as a monk, and now I am afraid that I will regret it.

Secondly, the scandal of Buddhist monks can easily detonate the topic. Besides, Shi Xuecheng and Longquan Temple's status are extraordinary. Longquan Temple claims to combine the Dharma with modern technology.AI machine monk. Shi Xuecheng is the president of the Chinese Buddhist Association and served as a member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee. The administrative level belongs to the deputy ministerial level.

Under the tsunami tsunami, Shi Xuecheng and Longquan Temple publicly refuted the relevant allegations that night as fake evidence and malicious sinking, and said that the incident and the "complicated background, organizational operation, and sinister Andrdquo;.

The National Bureau of Religious Affairs of China also responded to public opinion yesterday, saying that Andrdquo; and Andrdquo; and has begun investigation and verification.This is the official response that the official has to make under pressure, otherwise it will fall into Andrdquo;

This also shows that the high degree of exposure effect caused by the Internet will help make it difficult for this.Before the results of the investigation are released, the authorities may not want the media to have more reports, but the Longquan Temple scandal shocks all parties. If you do not check the water and take out the accountability, it will be difficult to calm public opinion.

In fact, in recent years, it has been heard in the fierce controversial events involved in the Buddhist community in China.In 2015, the Shaolin Temple Fang Shi Yongxin had been accused of Andrdquo; "played with women Andrdquo; and the official investigation declared that it was confirmed by parent -child identification that the so -called" illegitimate female Andrdquo;Brother's daughter.

However, in addition to weathering, the commercialization of Buddhism and collecting money by religious names are often criticized.To this end, the 12 departments of the National Religious Bureau of China jointly issued the "Several Opinions on Further Treatment of the Commercialization of Buddhism Taoism" last November and put forward 10 governance measures.

However, it is necessary to acknowledge that religious affairs are sensitive in most countries.Religious groups often have the characteristics of strict grades, tight organizations, and relatively independent closed features. The power relationship between the guru and the disciples is highly different, and it is even more than the vast majority of society or government organizations.These objective conditions often give some people who are impure and firm in faith and have the opportunity to make not only violate the precepts of the clear rules, but even the evils of the wind and the wind and the corruption.

For the internal operation and management of religion, public power is directly involved, and the ideal practice is the difficulty of public power.The actual operating mechanism of the Buddhist temples of China has its own particularity, but in recent years, similar scandals have not only occurred in mainland China, nor are they limited to the Buddhist world.At the end of July, the Cardinal Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church McCarik resigned for scandal of sexual assault of children 45 years ago; the largest Buddhist pope in South Korea also recently revealed the corruption scandal.

These controversial issues highlight the complexity of religious issues and are difficult in national governance.Religious groups reported Andrdquo; this is not the first time, I believe it will not be the last time. The key is that when the reporter uses various evidence in real names, the official must conduct a fair and strict investigation.Do not cover up the protection, and punish it according to the results of the investigation, or if the accused, or the victim is justified, and the effect is particularly good.