Xu Chen

Recently, in the recent war Sino -US trade war, Trump made & ldquo; he would continue to practice the evil spirits of evil spirits?We might as well change the angle to interpret its national governance with Chinese political terms, and find the answer to the question.

Centered on economic construction

If the Obama compared with Trump's national love article in 2018 in 2012, it will be found that the words such as war, threat, and Afghanistan in the previous article are not seen in the post.Wait.This shows that the focus of the US government's work has shifted from international counter -terrorism to domestic economic construction.Why does Trump be chaotic anyway and centered on economic construction?The main reason is that the industrial hollow of the economic globalization, the debt platform Gaozhu, and Yin's food in the US dollar have been difficult to follow.) Contradiction with imbalanced development.

From the perspective of Trump's governance, its economic construction is mainly divided into two aspects:

First, increase income increase in internal revenue.On the one hand, measures such as large -scale tax cuts, encouraging investment and construction factories, and increasing infrastructure construction to reshape industrialization and promote employment. With the advantages of the US dollar and related fiscal policies, the US dollar will return and maintain the stability of the stock market;On the other hand, in the government appropriation bill, the expenses of environmental protection, foreign aid, and the relevant administrative departments of the State Council were greatly reduced.As a result, it improves the structure of US fiscal revenue and expenditure and has brought long -term impacts to reduce fiscal deficit.

Second, reduce the burden on the outside.So far, Trump has withdrawn from the Cross Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP), the Paris Climate Agreement, UNESCO, Iran Nuclear Agreement, and UN Human Rights Council.In Trump's eyes, the US's economic interests are prioritized for the international responsibility and obligations it assumed. This series of & ldquo; retreat & rdquo; is a cost -effective buying and selling.At the same time, it also allows other countries to bear more obligations. For example, NATO member states are required to raise national defense expenses, South Korea bear more military expenses, North Korea ’s nuclear abandonment of & ldquo;In addition, by holding a special gold, the North Korean nuclear crisis can be eased, which is also one of the performances of the overseas reduction.

The long -term effect of Trump's economic construction is still to be observed for a long time.However, the recent US economic data, especially the unemployment rate, has fallen to 3.8%, which is the lowest point in the United States for decades.

First wealth drives the rich and precision poverty alleviation

In the United States, the difference between the gap between the rich and the poor has caused the problem of social differentiation. The financial crisis in 2008 deteriorated this social contradiction, which led to the 2011 & ldquo; Occupy Wall Street & rdquo;The phenomenon of continuously increasing the gap between the rich and the poor's income in the former Federal Reserve is called & ldquo; one of the most annoying trends in American society & rdquo;

First of all, the unblocks of the rich and the poor have & ldquo; poverty in the country, rich in foreign & rdquo; that is, with the help of economic globalization and international tax avoidance, a large number of US capital expands to overseas, while low -income people are staying in China.In response, Trump could not propose & ldquo; first to drive, then the rich & rdquo; this is a slogan of political incorrect politics in the United States.

Secondly, the unequal to the rich and the poor also manifests the problem of urban poor people caused by the development of domestic regions and the imbalance of industrial structure.Trump's campaign successfully benefited from the support of the United States & rdquo; the support of the states and the report of the United Nations & ldquo; the US 40 million poor people & rdquo;, explaining the seriousness and universality of the problem.Although the United States does not have Chinese -style & ldquo; precision poverty alleviation of one -on -one & rdquo;, it is interesting that Trump actually spent a whole paragraph in the National Real Estate Counseling to introduce an American worker (Kuri & Middot; Adams), AdamHow to change from unemployment to employment, isn't this a typical typical typical of the Chinese people often say?

Persist in & ldquo; The people are the masters & rdquo;

At the beginning of Hillary's support of Wall Street interest groups and mainstream media, it was aspiring to be sure.However, the American people used the votes & ldquo; the main & rdquo; and defeated the control of the capital and the media to the campaign, making Trump appear on the president's throne.In this regard, Trump & ldquo; do not forget the original & rdquo;, from various & ldquo; retreating group & rdquo; tax reduction, immigration control, to a trade war on China (except for the current lack of funding support walls and infrastructure construction), Almost fulfilling a campaign commitment to the American people one by one.

At the same time, in the face of CNN's mainstream media, & ldquo; besieged & rdquo; Trump opened a new chapter in Twitter governing the country and started direct and instant interaction with the American people.A news survey jointly carried out by the Wall Street Journal and the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) showed that Trump's support rate rose to 44%.If Trump's political achievements are & ldquo; self -praise & rdquo; then the support rate of continuous rising polls seems to let Trump hear the voice of & ldquo;


Coordinated development and security

On the issue of development, the Trump administration has shifted to economic construction as the center; in terms of security issues, international counter -terrorism has shifted to competing for the great power of China and Russia as its opponent.At the end of last year, the United States has passed the highest amount of national defense authorization since the Afghanistan war. This year, the government's funding bill has been added to the government's funding bill. This reflects the Trump administration centered on economic construction.The interests of military workers after counter -terrorism to economic construction can be regarded as its development and security.

At the same time, illegal immigrants have led to the increasing attention of non -traditional security issues such as squeezing jobs, chaotic social order, and population landscaper. In this regard, Trump has adopted the wall repair, & ldquo;Rong forbearance & rdquo; immigration policy, behind it substantially reflects the high concern of the United States about non -traditional security.

Reasons for the launch of a trade war in China

Corresponding to China's & ldquo; supply side & rdquo; corresponding reforms due to industrialization, the United States impose tariffs on China, the European Union, Canada and other countries to solve the problem of trade deficit.& rdquo; Reform.

Why does Trump start the trade war to solve the problem of & ldquo; consumer side & rdquo;Because the trade deficit in the United States is not just a quantity, it is more about consumer structural issues formed since World War II.Based on the consideration of election politics, Trump cannot change from domestic (such as reducing social benefits and increasing consumption tax, etc.) to change the current consumption structure and quantity, but only with the helpEssenceIn addition, Trump is eager to fulfill his commitment to voters, and the tariffs have naturally become a solution to & ldquo; how fast and good.

It is worth noting that, in addition to solving the problem of & ldquo; consumer side & rdquo;, the Sino -US trade war also attached & ldquo; national security & rdquo;.Judging from the "National Security Strategy Report" announced at the end of last year, it has revived the large space for the domestic economy, which pointed out that & ldquo; currently more than $ 200 trillion in government bonds on the long -term prosperity of the United States and national security constitute a serious threat & rdquoAt the same time, blame the unfair trade relations formed in the past, and position China and Russia as a strategic competitor & rdquo;The use of Chinese terminology has constituted non -traditional security issues for domestic economic challenges.

On the other hand, China and the United States have several times of economic and trade negotiations, China has not greatly increased agricultural products and energy imports, open finance and insurance business, and increased intellectual property protection. It still has not satisfied the United States, and the United States pays more attentionStructural issues on & rdquo; for example, the state -dominated economic model, industrial upgrade & ldquo; Made in China 2025 & rdquo; plan, etc.These all show that on the issue of trade deficit between China and the United States, there is a trend of shifting from quantity to structure. Among them, the weight of & ldquo; national security & rdquo.Reform, this is also the core of the China -US negotiations falling into the deadlock.

In short, from the perspective of Chinese political terms, Trump's idea of governance of national governance seems to be clearer. If the Sino -US trade war really started in the end, it may be a climax of anti -Trump & rdquo;Then, through the interchange, it is particularly important to treat Trump's national governance objectively.

The author is an associate professor in Wuhan University Law School

The long -term effect of Trump's economic construction is still to be observed for a long time.However, the recent US economic data, especially the unemployment rate, has fallen to 3.8%, which is the lowest point in the United States for decades.