When the leaders of the Seventh Kingdom Group discussed on June 9, only Trump (second from right) was sitting, highlighting the opposition between the United States and the remaining six countries.Trump’s arms crossed his chest, Merkel (fifth from left) stood in front of the table to express his views to him, and Trudeau (first from right) stood next to Trump.(Reuters)

Turning in the Time Language

From the Summit of the Seventh -way Group in Canada in June, it started. Later, at the Brussels NATO summit, US President Trump scolded Germany and complained about almost all NATO members’ defense expenses.Criticizing Teresa andand Middot; Prime Minister Mei andand “ seemingly losing off and“ Brexit plan to meet with Russian President Putin under the worries of European allies.Deep internal crisis.

Especially in an interview with the US CBS TV network recently, Trump publicly listed the European Union as the US andand “ economic and trade enemy and“ (Foe on Trade) before China and Russia, and proposed in London to suggest Tresa andand Middot; Mei Zhuan;The European Union sued the court, and then contacted the Trump administration’s theme of NATO allies. It was military budget. It can be seen that the essence of this internal crisis of Western civilization is an economic problem.Borrowing the previous language of mainland China, the internal dispute between Western civilization lies in the liquidation of andand “ economic account and“

But we cannot ignore the andand “ political account and“I once emphasized that the three original mission of NATO organizations at that time was andand “ refusing to Russia, Nami, and virtue and“In Tington’s andquot;Conflict of Civilization and the Reconstruction of the World Orderandquot;: (the role of the United States to prevent Chinese hegemony), it is a traditional concern to continue the United States: to prevent Europe or Asia from being controlled by a unique forces.A loose Western European alliance will not threaten US security.

After the unification of the two Germans, Washington tried to promote NATO and the European Union to expand eastward. For example, the late national security adviser Bujijinski acknowledged that it continued the above -mentioned diplomatic tradition in the United States to prevent Germany from being unique.Today, the EU has become the main enemy of Trump’s eyes. The political reasons are not other, but I have analyzed the emergence of the European Union’s andand “ the fourth empire and“ it is difficult for NATO to continue the original andand “ virtue and“Therefore, the German andquot;Spiritandquot; Weekly recently quoted a report from the European Council On Foreign Relations, saying that the German and the Chinese Association were Trump’s number one enemy and“

The contradiction between the United States and Europe (also Canada) deepen the deterioration in Trump’s role in Trump, and there are quite a considerable personal factors. This is Trump andrsquo;s opportunity, and Putin secretly helps. With the support of the White People’s Credit, relying on the support of the people of the White people, relying on the support of the people of the White people.A few votes entered the White House.The important difference between populism and traditional eliteism, I used to describe andand “ A gentleman (elite) to the righteousness, villain (populist) metaphorized for and“.Here andand “ righteous and“ Especially in terms of diplomatic and international policies, in addition to the high -profile principles of universal principles, it is more focused on andand “ political account and“.The populist cares about andand “ economic account and“.Therefore, there will be a series of quarrels from the NATO summit at the Seventh National Summit to the NATO summit.

As a representative of the American political elite, Huntington has a very forward -looking analysis here. In the conclusion part of the book andquot;Conflict of Civilizationandquot;, he warns: andand “ on the decline in Western strength, in order to maintain Western civilization, the United States and Europe, the United States and EuropeThe interests of various countries are to achieve greater integration in politics, economy, and military, and coordinate their policies to prevent differences in other civilized national utilization (Western countries).and“

In the elite era of President Obama, Washington emphasized this andand “ political account and“ and tried to repair the European and American divorce in the Bush era.The Ukrainian coup and civil war were also regarded by many talks as the United States to strengthen NATO organizations and a plan to restrict Germany.The current Trump administration andand “ Yu Li and“ populist diplomacy, the big calculation andand “ economic account and“, just exactly the warning of the internal unity of Western civilization with Huntington. In the long run, it will only accelerate the decline of Western civilization.

Trump and Europe and the United States andand “ Allied countries and“ andand “ economic account and“, also reflect a social crisis facing the current Western countries.This is the contradiction between andand “ when I commented on the deficit of the US federal government a few years ago, I needed the contradiction of the cannon or medicine and“This is actually the common problem of the entire Western world: due to the decline in birth rate and the aging population, countries in Europe and the United States are facing financial stagnation and high welfare expenditures.

Washington’s wanting for welfare expenditures, European countries and Canada, which have been stretched out, have increased military expenses, which is simply a tiger.That is, Trump has encouraged Brexit Britain, and also faces a deep financial pit in the face of severe investment in medical insurance.If Trump continues to be embarrassed, the Mei government’s andand “ semi -off and“ policy will only accelerate the increasingly left -handed Labor Party and further reduce military expenditure to pay for welfare expenditures.

The author is engaged in scientific research in North America