The Chinese ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai published an article on the theme of the United States today in the "American News today" published on the theme of the China Trade War with neither fairness nor fair & rdquo;

According to the People's Daily report, Cui Tiankai wrote in the article that the huge trading deficit of China is the main reason for the US -kick -off trade war.Redness is the result of the allocation of market resources in the economic globalization model, and it is an objective reflection of the global value chain.At the same time, the domestic reserve rate is too low and the consumption is too high, and the function of the US dollar as the major international reserve currency will inevitably lead to the US trade deficit.The long -term export control of the United States has limited exports to China, and it has also promoted the trade deficit with China.

The article pointed out that China never deliberately pursues a trade surplus, and whether trade balances is completely determined by the market.The trade deficit does not mean that the United States is suffering.Thanks to trade with China, American families enjoy more cost -effective products for a long time. In 2015, trade with China helped the United States reduce the level of consumer prices nearly 1.5%, saving an average of $ 850 for each American household.

Regarding China's economic structural issues, Cui Tiankai believes that the relevant criticism is not fair and not objective.For example, the so -called & ldquo; theft of intellectual property & rdquo;, the Chinese government has established a relatively complete intellectual property legal protection system, promoting the establishment of intellectual property courts and special trial agencies, and continuously played the leading role of judicial judicial to protect intellectual property rights.Since joining the WTO in 2001, China ’s foreign payment of intellectual property rights has increased by 17%annually, reaching US $ 28.6 billion in 2017, of which the US payment fee reached US $ 7.13 billion, accounting for about a quarter of the total.The improvement of intellectual property protection is also the need for China's own development, especially for innovation and development.China's success is never, and it will not rely on & ldquo; steal & rdquo;

Another example is the so -called & ldquo; forced technology transfer & rdquo; Cui Tiankai pointed out that the Chinese government has never made such requirements for foreign companies.The technical cooperation between Chinese and foreign enterprises and other economic and trade cooperation is completely based on the contractual act of voluntary principles.Over the years, many foreign companies have chosen to achieve huge benefits in China through joint ventures.

Cui Tiankai also wrote in the article that China has always promoted the differences between the two sides through dialogue with the greatest sincerity and patience.However, the United States has repeatedly impermanence and outsiders, and openly abandoning the consensus of the two sides to start a trade war, and China has to be forced to counter.It is ridiculous that some officials in the United States have in turn to blame China's countermeasures without international legal basis. This is exactly the robber logic of the robbers of & ldquo; thieves shouting to catch thieves.The US 301 investigation not only violated the administrative statement made to Congress under the domestic law, but also violated its commitment in the 1998 EU claims of the United States and WTO in the 1998 EU.Who is in violation of international law, it is clear at a glance.

Cui Tiankai has reviewed the ballast stone of Sino -US relations for 40 years.He wrote that 47 years ago, when Dr. Kissinger visited China for the first time, there was almost no trade between China and the United States.At the beginning of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries in 1979, the bilateral trade volume was only 2.5 billion US dollars, and in 2017 reached 580 billion US dollars.Behind this huge development is the economic law.Following rational thinking, the two sides can continue to be beneficial and win -win.

The article pointed out that China is the world's largest automotive sales market, study education market, outbound tourism consumer countries, agricultural products and energy importers, as well as the world's second largest medical and pharmaceutical market, with 400 million secondary income groups.China Leaders' President announced at the annual meeting of the Boao Forum for Asia this year that China will continue to deepen reform and expand opening up.A series of major measures that China's active expansion of opening up have been or about to land.The tariffs of 1500 consumer goods have been reduced significantly, and imported car tariffs have been reduced from 25%to 15%.Just at the end of last month, the Chinese government released a new negative list of foreign investment access, and the market access was greatly relaxed.In November, we will also hold the first China International Import Expo in Shanghai.

Cui Tiankai proposed that the U.S. government ignored the above facts and chose to start a trade war. It is really puzzling to oppose China.They don't think that China will yield, and the United States can make a profit?As long as you look back at history, you will know that & ldquo; extreme pressure & rdquo; do not work for China, bullying blackmail will only be counterproductive.

Cui Tiankai finally wrote that it is normal to have competition with each other like China and the United States. What is important is that the two sides control competition in an effective and constructive manner.