The Taiwan United Daily published an editorial that US President Trump recently visited the United Kingdom, and his trips came, which caused controversy and demonstration everywhere.He humiliated Prime Minister Mey, treated the queen rudely, and criticized the Brexit policy of Brexit. The British media said that his visit was & ldquo;Earlier Trump attended the NATO Summit, he first angered German & ldquo; became Russia's captives & rdquo; and then extorting countries to ask for more military expenses, which is also a madman's attitude.Trump destroying the status quo and order everywhere, known as & ldquo; Trump's chaos & rdquo;, it seems that disaster has spread throughout the world.

If & ldquo; bring changes & rdquo; as a measure, Trump's actions are unprecedented.He completely changed the diverse value that American society depends on: he restricted immigration, opposed to abortion, discriminating against women, practicing rude principles, and trading protectionism, and abandoning the free trade promoted by the United States.Trump is even more unintentionally advocating & ldquo; decent & rdquo;, everything only focuses on the interests of individuals and the United States, so his style starts from contempt and scolding, and he is not kind to people and things.EssenceThe political culture of the United States has never fallen to such a vulgar and vulgar level.However, Trump's opportunities are excellent. Although the democratic countries are separated, he has great power: the two courts are controlled by the Republican Party, and Congress can only hold his nose to support his policies.

Internationally, Trump regards the enemy as an ally, but regards the allies as an enemy.At the NATO Summit, he criticized 70 % of Germany's energy to rely on Russia's supply, which was equivalent to & ldquo; Russia's captives & rdquo;.Trump also said that the United States has spent a lot of money to protect European & ldquo; Burning bill & rdquo; he asked NATO allies to immediately increase national defense funds to more than 2 % of GDP, and he could not wait until 2005.Regardless of the opposition of the allies, he will meet with Russian President Putin on Monday.

Trump's arrogance obviously makes it difficult for allies to accept, but do not know how to be right.German Chancellor Merkel spoke to refute Trump's criticism, emphasizing that all German decisions were independent, but the words were too weak.70 % of the British people do not have a good opinion of Trump and let Trump see his unpopular level.However, when British Prime Minister Mey posted a grand welcome ceremony, Trump first praised the Foreign Minister Johnson Johnson, which was expelled from Mey, would become & ldquo; great Prime Minister & rdquo;

Despite Trump's words and deeds, he hates the international community, but in the United States, he has a large votes to conservative voters.These people who are mainly living in inland states do not care about international affairs, but are Trump's loyal supporters.Trump issued a tariff trade war. These people felt that this was for their interests. They felt that the United States had been cheap by foreign countries for a long time, and job opportunities were lost. Trump was justified for them.This is the power behind Trump's chaos.

& ldquo; Trump's chaos & rdquo; There is no control, and even the mechanism of the power of the presidential power has failed.At present, the Supreme Court tends to be conservative, that is, there is no matter how much legislative power is also weak.The Senate has recently passed an unrestrained resolution asking Trump to impose tariffs on Congress & ldquo; approved & rdquo; this at least reflects that Congress finally dares to stand up with Trump.The reason is that in November this year's election, Trump has 80 % of Republican voters support. If members oppose Trump, they have no different political suicide.Therefore, the case was proposed by the Senate, which was re -elected by only one -third of the case, that the House of Representatives that needed all the re -elected was no one dared to make similar claims.

& ldquo; Trump's chaos & rdquo;Trump is alone, acts emotionally, and has a relatives with people.He took all the decisions to the White House, and the government officials of various ministries were not fully filled, and deliberately weakened the function of the administrative department.He likes to appoint obedient soldiers. Originally, the generals were still looking forward to the generals around him who could adhere to his professional loyalty, but he was forced to resign one by one.Guoan adviser, Malmster, was replaced by Bolton, and the White House Chief of Staff Kelly was shameless, leaving only the Minister of Defense Matisse.

For Trump's chaos, European countries are currently seeking risk aversion, on the one hand with the United States, and on the other hand, they actively open up new allies.EU countries emphasize unity and opponents on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean; the Indo -Pacific countries actively develop relations with mainland China and balance their dependence on the United States.At present, only Taiwan is still cater to Trump.Taiwan's security depends on the United States.Does this abandon our national character and human rights value?