On July 16, US President Trump and Russian President Putin met in Helsinki, Finland.This is the third meeting of the two, and for the first time, not a meeting to achieve with the help of the multilateral summit.Therefore, it is also regarded by the outside world as an important starting point for the stop loss or even warmth of the US -Russian relations that are currently trapped in the trough.

What is funny is that the senior management of the United States and Russia has invariably hinted at the same expectation that the meeting is not high.Before starting this European trip, Trump rated the US -Russian summit as the easiest task & rdquo; its subtext was: the current US -Russian relations have fallen into zero foundation, and any advancement is achievement.

As far as the current US -Russian relations are concerned, the structural contradictions that come from history are obviously difficult to reconcile.To ease the relationship, Putin will definitely ask the United States to lift sanctions against Russia, but to stop the relevant legislation on Russia's sanctions, it is by no means that President Trump can unilaterally say it, and the U.S. Congress will never be able to ease Russia to ease Russia.Legislative correction.

Of course, this meeting is indeed possible to talk about the will to continue strengthening the cooperation of strategic weapons in the future. This may be a rare cooperation point for the United States and Russia.However, it is easy to fall into the cause and effect difficulties of & ldquo; chicken & rdquo; cause and effect difficulties.

As far as regional hot issues are concerned, the United States and Russia do not have the possibility of large -scale transactions.On the Crimean issue, Trump's pressure on Russia was insufficient, and Putin would not make concessions due to domestic pressure.On the issue of NATO east expansion, although Trump's unilateral approach has caused the current internal state of NATO, it will not abandon the NATO construction process that meets the US interests because of ease with Russia.

However, Trump will set NATO and Russia as two chess pieces with each other, and this script is undoubtedly unacceptable to both NATO and Russia.In the Middle East affairs, there may be more room between the United States and Russia, and even the outside world believes that Russia does not rule out the possibility of softening on the Iran nuclear issue due to the benefits of the energy industry, but it will not completely fall to special specialties.The Trump administration's withdrawal proposition.

Interestingly, even if the effect is lacking, it is still willing to meet in the third place. The US and Russia are greater than the content of content, I am afraid that it will be seen for some key audiences.

For Putin, the Nordic single -horses that are almost outside their own doors face Trump, highlighting its strength; and if you want to get an effective space for Russia for economic development, you must start from the US -Russian relations.These strong and determination are to see the leaders of Russian people and European countries see it.

For Trump, no matter what the result is, it is another & ldquo; political achievement & rdquo; and this meeting is also aimed at the so -called & ldquo; investigation of the so -called & ldquo;Cutting back again, there is a lot of & ldquo; self -evidence innocence & rdquo;Of course, these actions are also regarded as political forces for different factions in the United States.At the same time, after participating in the NATO Summit, sitting with the current Russia of NATO's current main opponents, Russia will definitely bring huge security shadows to European countries and objectively achieve continuing pressure on Europe.

As a result, the Pitter Association & RDQUO; it became a custom drama with domestic people and leaders of European countries as the main target audience.

When asking the attitude towards Russia, Trump's answer about Russia is & ldquo; competitors & rdquo;, which is a phasedhable result that is reluctant to be acceptable.And refused to make a judgment of Russia & ldquo; is the enemy or friend & rdquo;, showing the utilitarian concept of Trump & ldquo.Such complex logic is also doomed to the mission of the easing of US -Russian relations not only & ldquo; the easiest & rdquo; but also cannot be completed.