(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) The first case in Hong Kong's history cited the counter -terrorism regulations on Monday (February 19) in the Hong Kong High Court, and 10 people were charged with conspiracy to detonate bombs and bombs and bombs during the 2019 anti -repair incidentMurdering police officers, the four defendants acknowledged the crime of counter -terrorism measures, and six did not plead guilty.

Comprehensive Hong Kong Cable News and Online Media "Hong Kong 01" reported that The dissolved Hong Kong Civil Rights Front (Dominarian Corps) Before the International Human Rights Day parade was held on December 10, 2019, the Hong Kong police searched for weapons such as pistols and bullets in multiple districts.A radical group members were suspected of detonating the police to kill the police during the parade demonstration, and 13 people suspected of being arrested on December 8 were arrested on December 8.

At the time of the incident, the 13 defendants were between 19 and 33, including students, engineering staff, unemployed personnel, maintenance technicians, tuition teachers, etc.

The Hong Kong Department of Justice quoted the "Conspiration of the Bid Injustice" under Article 11B of the United Nations (Anti -Terrorism Measures) Regulations, as well as the "crime of murderous murder" under the Hong Kong Criminal Law, and accused 10 of them.Suspected of murdering police officers.

The other three defendants who did not be charged with the crime of violating the counter -terrorism regulations were charged with intention to harm life and controlled their guns or ammunition, assisted in instigating to make explosives, and intended to destroy property. The three acknowledged the crime.

There is also a woman who was accused of violating the counter -terrorism regulations on Monday. She was accused of providing funds for the above operations. This accusation can be sentenced to 14 years in prison.

After the US September 1 terrorist attack and the United Nations Security Council made a series of resolutions in 2001, Hong Kong formulated the above counter -terrorism law in 2002. Before that, no one in Hong Kong was sued for this law.According to the regulations, the crime can be sentenced to up to life imprisonment.

Prosecutor's allegations that the Dragon Dragon Squad originally planned to destroy Chinese -funded shops on December 10, 2019 on December 10, 2019, on the parade route of Hennessy Poetry, and the police officers detonated small bombs after arriving.After the police, he detonated a larger bomb and then seized the police officer's gun.

In the trial of Monday, the four men and women involved in the case were conspiracy to make explosions and intention to harm life, and had five charges such as firearms and ammunition.The confession of the defendant's case will continue to be handled on Tuesday, and the case of six people who denies the crime will be held after the case of the case.