Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao said that it is very supportive to promote different events in Hong Kong. It will definitely strive for a world -renowned singer to start a concert in Hong Kong.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and Hong Kong Radio reported that at the interactive and questioning meeting of the Hong Kong Chiefs Legislative Council on Thursday (January 25), some members believed that the Hong Kong government should add the promotion of the event.Strong and ask if you will consider formulating key performance indicators (KPI), such as requiring each large -scale event to become tourists.

Li Jiachao said that he was very supportive to promote different events in Hong Kong. He even hoped to win the Nobel Prize winners to hold lectures in Hong Kong, but successfully invited or not, depending on the time of time and place.

He described that the process of fighting for the process is like "calling people". The other party must have time and visit Hong Kong to cooperate with their deployment.

In the face of the tense geopolitical situation, Li Jiachao admits that the Hong Kong economy will inevitably be affected by the peripheral environment in the short term. He hopes to promote the event economy, attract more passengers to visit Hong Kong, and turn "popularity into wealth."