Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao in the governance report last year showed that 23 legislation will be completed this year.Lin Dingguo, the director of the Hong Kong Department of Justice, said on Friday (January 26) that Article 23 will inevitably be criticized by unfriendly criticism. If the criticism is incorrect and unfair, the establishment of the establishment of the "strain refutation team" will respond.Look at it.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and letter reported that Lin Dingguo said in an exclusive interview with the radio that 23 legislation has entered the sprint straight path. I believe that the actual legislative timetable can be announced without waiting for too long.Or the length of time will take the public to have reasonable opportunities to express their opinions, and they will also take the initiative to consult in different sectors, and try to listen to other people's opinions as much as possible to achieve a wide range of benefits.

The Li family super Thursday said that Article 23 legislative explanation work is critical. The government will set up a core explanation team. He and the director of Lin Dingguo and the Security Bureau Deng Bingqiang are responsible for him. At the same timeOnline announcements from hostile forces appear.

Lin Dingguo said that 23 Article 23 will inevitably be criticized by unfriendly criticism during the legislative process. If criticism is incorrect and unfair, the rebuttal team will respond to explain 23 correct information to the citizens.

Lin Dingguo believes that there are sufficient tools to deal with future development when designing laws.As for the "sealing net" and prohibiting whether some websites are one of the means, Lin Dingguo said that it is not at present to talk about legislative content at the mature stage. He reiterated that 23 articles will balance national security and human rights freedom, including freedom of speech, but referring to freedom of speech is not absolutely not absolutely not absolutely not absolute"There are reasonable restrictions for national security."

I was asked if 23 cases did not have a jury as the National Security Law case. The designated judge was tried. Lin Dingguo said that local laws including 23 articles cannot conflict with the Hong Kong National Security Law.The status of law is overrive. Article 23 should consider connection when legislation, and the content should be compatible.